SEMAP Buy Local Update #14 1/2
Hey Everyone!

The Perfect Gift is Always Local!  (Part 2)

This additional email has a brief update on winter farmers markets, and local holiday meal ideas...
Finding the finest holiday ingredients and gifts is as easy as looking locally!  Read through this newsletter for delicious gift ideas, food events, and creative ways to give back to our local farming community and beyond (including SEMAP BFBL Public Membership)! 

Plus, there are several exciting Winter Farmers Markets occurring in Southeastern MA and Rhode Island; further proving that local food can be enjoyed well past the traditional growing season!  Keep reading to learn more about winter markets, local farms, food producers, and all their wonderful holiday offerings!
Local GIft Idea...

SEMAP BUY LOCAL MEMBERSHIP - Support SEMAP and its programs!
Do you love to visit local farms and farmers markets?  bfbl circleHow about attending events focused on local food and farms?  If so, consider contributing to SEMAP today by join our Buy Fresh Buy Local Membership!
By becoming a BFBL Public Member you are directly supporting SEMAP and its Business-to-Business / Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign.  For over five years, the B2B program has successfully connected local farms and their products to local buyers throughout Southeastern MA, increasing the profits of farm families, while educating the public on the importance of supporting local agriculture.  We can't do it without your help!  Sign up today and join our public membership!

**Not to mention a sweet deal from edible South Shore when you send in your SEMAP membership receipt! 
Learn more here...
Local Food/Market Reminder!
BFBL logo

Additional Local

Meal Ideas



A portion of the proceeds to benefit SEMAP!

Green Gal Catering, Westport MA is excited to work with SEMAP and local farmers to bring you mouth-watering local meals this holiday season.  Allow us to prepare and deliver your stress-free homemade Holiday meals utilizing local vegetables and meat, raised without pesticides, hormones or antibiotics, from local family farms in Southeastern MA.

The entrees are large enough to entertain your family and guests, and can be paired with our delicious homestyle sides.  Featuring farm fresh products from Four Town Farm, Northstar Farm, Miss Scarlet's Blue Ribbon Farm, Sampsons Farm and more!  From Cape Cod roasted turkey to Bristol county butternut squash, creamy potatoes, and roasted carrots.  Each meal is lovingly prepared, and ready to deliver!

Please call Sonya at Green Gal Catering, (508)294-7087 to place your order and further questions!

Green Gal Holiday Meal Menu:

SIDES: (serves 10)                 

Chestnut stuffing
Butternut Mash
Roasted Roots (Parsnip, Carrot, Onion, Turnip)
Bacon-y Brussels Sprouts
Roasted Baby Potatoes

Roasted Turkey (serves 10-12)          
Glazed Ham (serves 18-22)              
Grill-Roasted Beef Tenderloin (serves 10-12
Herb-Crusted Prime Rib of Beef (serves 18-22)



Miss Scarlet's Blue Ribbon Farm, 555 Route 6A, Yarmouthport, Ma.
Ph: (508) 420-9748   /   Email:
As you deck your halls with boughs of holly and don your gay apparel please keep in mind that we have 25 "free Frolicking", pasture raised, hormone free, never frozen, All American White Heritage Turkeys available.

They will range in weight from 13-15lbs and are $4.00 per pound.

Please let me know by Saturday December 19th, as we are preparing for the pickup of your turkey on Monday December 21st.  Please email with questions and to reserve.  I will respond with a confirmation, the exact times for pickup and directions to Miss Scarlett's Farm.  

Thank you all - we very much appreciate your business!  - Miss Scarlet & Farmer Jim



CAPE COD WINTER FARMER'S MARKET - Forming as we speak!  More information coming soon!

Due to a misprint in the last email...
PLYMOUTH Farmers Market: Monthly Market & Movie @ Plimoth Plantation
Occuring every third Thursday December - May,  3-6:30 with music and a film. Pre-orders may be made through Plymouth Local Foods to reserve foods ahead and will be available for pick up till after the 7pm film. Please see for more info.
  • OPENING DATE: THURSDAY December 17th, 3:00pm - 6:30pm
  • PRE-ORDER ONLINE Dec. 9th - Dec. 15th!  Visit the Plymouth Farmers Market Online. Ordering page and pick your local products ahead of time - then pick up at the market!  Visit:
  • GINGERBREAD HOUSE WORKSHOP w/ The Artisan Bakeshop!  Sign up today!
  • Movie to be shown:  FRESH         


PAWTUCKET Wintertime Farmers Market - November 7 to May 29, 2010
; Saturdays 11am - 2:00pm at the Hope Artiste Village (1005 Main St.Pawtucket, RI) A collection of farmers from RI and Southeastern MA offering their wide variety of produce, seafood and prepared goods all winter long!  Click here to read more...

Local Events!

Also, be sure to scan our Online Farm Guide to look for more ideas on local specialties and events.
Featured Event
Overbrook House, 5 Old Head of the Bay Road, Buzzards Bay
Join us as we prepare for holiday feasting - Italian-style. Local Italian, that is. We'll sit down at a big table and each prepare dozens, even hundreds, of teeny tortellini in the Bolognese style familiar to generations of Plymoutheans as "toodalings". These are the pork tortellini that entire families, from patriarch to toddler, sat down together to make in preparation for Christmas. 

The event will be led by food historian, author, and North Plymouth native, Kathleen Curtin, along with edible South Shore food editor, Paula Marcoux.

To sign up: There is a fee of $30. Class-size is limited, so advance registration is required. Contact

It's time to start preparing for Christmas, and there's no better place to begin than at the Tihonet Village Market! We offer a wide variety of specialty cakes, pies, and other baked goods that will wow your guests, and help you start new holiday traditions.

Click here for our holiday menu.

We ship cranberries! E-mail us for information.
WINTER SPECIALS AT MARTHA'S STONE SOUP - Wednesdays, 5:00 - 9:00pm
Special Wednesdays in December promotion continues through this month.  Wednesdays from 5 to 9 I am preparing dishes from my opening menu at my former restaurant Martha's Galley.  View the menu at
December Hours:
Wednesday 5-9 with special menu and pricing
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11 to 2:30 and 5 to 10
Open Thursday the 24th until 9 pm.
Closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
COONAMESSET BOG CHRISTMAS FARM - Opening after Thanksgiving!
The Coonamessett Bog Christmas Tree Farm will be open for cut-your-own Christmas Tree sales from November 27th through Sunday, December 20th on weekends and the Friday after Thanksgiving, from dawn to dusk. Price is $8 per foot, and the trees are Fraser Fir. 392 Boxberry Hill Road, East Falmouth. Call 508-563-3523 for more information.
HAYRIDES @ HICKORY KNOLL FARM - September through New Years!
23 Leonard Street, Lakeville MA  /  (508) 946-5504  /
Hickory Knoll Farm is a 4th generation family farm, growing cranberries and seasonal vegetables.  Hayrides available during harvest season (Sept. - New Years), that show beautiful views of the bogs and pasture animals on this 60 acre farm. Please call for more information and reservations.

Pass It On...

If you have friends & family who would be interested in receiving these updates, please have them sign up on our website! Or you can easily forward this email to them by clicking the "Forward email" link at the bottom of the page.

Any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Remember to BUY LOCAL this Holiday Season!
Sarah Cogswell
SEMAP Buy Local Coordinator
PO Box 80625
South Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748