Hey Everyone!
Keep Growing! Lettuce, chard, arugula, kale and other greens are still thriving in this late summer sunshine. On the other hand, crops like tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes continue to struggle with this season's perfect conditions for late blight. Excessive rainfall and humidity combined with lack of sun has caused big problems for large growers and small gardeners alike. Our News section below contains info and helpful links regarding late blight, what is is, and how it's effecting local growers. Most importantly, the links offer ideas and precautions to think about for the next growing season. But wait, the seasons not over! KEEP PLANTING! Now is the perfect time to dig up any diseased plants and replace them with local seedlings for the late fall/winter harvest. Make sure if you're not growing from seed, to purchase seedlings from local growers. Blight infected plants from big box stores (bought from out of state) is thought to be one of the main culprits in the spread of late blight this season. Buying locally grown seedlings helps to insure your crop will be disease-free, having been grown by professionals you know who strive to sell the best quality plants available. After all, local growers know the varieties, and methods that work best for growing delicious vegetables in Southeastern MA., why trust anyone else? Be sure to also check out the Harvest Calendar for Southeastern MA for further ideas on vegetables to plant for late fall/winter harvest. Or start small by attending a free gardening class focusing on growing your very own salad greens, and easy methods to help extend their season well into the colder months. There are even a couple of local CSA's offering a limited quantity of late summer shares! With summer coming to a close, don't forget to Keep Growing - and Keep Buying Local!
Special thanks to our 2009 Corporate Sponsors!
 Tihonet Village Market Lees' Market Whole Foods First Pioneer Farm Credit
As always check out our Online Farm Guide for help with finding Pick-Your-Own (PYO), farmstands, and specialty products. In case you haven't noticed... local food is fantastic!
These emails are designed to help you get started on your local food odysseys and inform you about the many ways you can help local agriculture, simply by buying fresh local products.
Every two weeks or so, you can expect an email updating you on:
- Farmstand News - Westport Cheese Wins Big! & Local Oatmeal helps Fight Hunger!
- What's Growin' - Peaches, Cucumbers, Onions, and yes Tomatoes!
- How you Can Further Support Local Producers - Visit our Member Businesses!
- Local Events! - Ways to Participant in Local Ag. - Classes, Lectures, and Festivals!
mission is to help local farmers achieve economic success through
marketing and technical assistance. Now, we are also increasing our
public outreach on Why, Where and How to buy fresh, local
products. SEMAP's 'Buy Fresh Buy Local'
Campaign makes it easy for you to find the best quality products from
our terrific local farms and food businesses--look for the our new
label and taste the difference! All over Southeastern Mass., this label
will be at participating farmstands, farmers markets, restaurants and
Look for the 'Buy Fresh Buy Local' label, and taste the difference!
Farm News!
TINY CHEESE WINS BIG IN TEXAS Congratulations to Shy Brothers Farm for their win at the American Cheese Societies' Annual Competition in Austin, TX.
Karl Santos (Shy Brother/cheese maker extraordinaire) and his Shallot Hannahbells were winners of the Semi-Soft Cow Cheese
category at the American Cheese Society Judging last weekend in Austin,
Texas. Each of the 1300+ cheeses entered this year required a minimum
number of points before even being considered
into the competition. Out of the 1300+ cheeses entered, 50 were judged
winners. For a new cheesemaker to have a winner is unheard of, and
this was the first year Karl had entered the Shallot flavor.
Hannabells are a thimble-size artisanal cheese produced by Shy Brothers Farm, using only fresh cows milk from Santos Farm in Westport, MA. ShyBrothersFarm.com tells more about the award winning cheese, the family that produces it, and where you can purchase Hannahbells to enjoy year round!
Two other Massachusetts cheeses won as well including, Carlysle Farmstead Cheese (goat) and Westfield Farm (blue). In the past, Great Hill Blue in Marion has won twice, first in their 6th year, and again last year.
are extremely proud of Karl and the other Massachusetts cheese makers!
Please continue your support of local milk and cheese producers by
spreading the word to friends and family about this
award-winning experience. This is a big deal for Westport, and
especially the future of all Massachusetts' dairy farms! -----------------------------------------
RANDOM ACTS OF OATMEAL - www.madhecticfoods.com Mad Hectic Oatmeal helps the fight against Hunger
35.5 million people in the United
States live at risk of hunger. That
is one in every ten households! How can you help? A new program designed to make it easy for people to donate to local food banks makes its debut this month helping people send "Random Acts of Oatmeal" to a local food pantry in Plymouth County. Mad Hectic Foods, a specialty food producer in southeastern Massachusetts, will make its first delivery of protein oatmeal to The Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless headquartered in Kingston, Massachusetts this Thursday, August 20, thanks to the support of people in southeastern Massachusetts. Read more about this great program and how to make your order at www.madhecticfoods.com
are helpful links that explain the basics of late blight, as well as
tips for gardeners planning for next year. Why Buy Local Seedlings?
Check out the NYTimes article that explains how choices made by the
even the smallest back yard growers can affect their entire farming population.
When you're replanting for this fall's harvest, please remember if not
growing from seed, to buy seedlings from local growers only!
UMass Amherst Extension Services: - http://www.umassvegetable.org - (Including presentations at the NOFA emergency meeting (Aug. 9th, 2009))
Rodale Institute: - http://www.rodaleinstitute.org/ (Organic ideas for blight.)
Why Buy Local Seedling? Read below: New York Times, (8.8.09) "You Say Tomato, I Say Agricultural Disaster" OpEd
article by Dan Barbor, noted locavore and chef at Stone Barns, on the
larger lessons to be learned from this summer's outbreak - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/09/opinion/09barber.html
are local farms still offering shares in their CSA for late summer /
fall harvest crops! If you didn't sign up earlier this summer - now is
your chance!
Eldredge Farm - Brewster-Harwich, MA
(508) 889-1320 jse38@comcast.net
New in 2009 - late summer CSA! Call or email for more information.
Beyond fresh vegetables, share options can include eggs, cranberries
and variety of local plants and unusual perennials! Call or email Jeff
Eldredge for more information.
The Farmer's Garden -
140 Davis St., Rehoboth MA
(508) 889-7632 noons140@comcast.net /
farmersgardencsa.com Our farm sells wholesale & retail vegetables, CSA, PYO, fall
ornamentals, christmas trees and decoration. We are a three season
farm. We welcome everyone to come visit our farm and enjoy the fruits
of the land! Currently available are late summer / fall CSA shares - please call or email Tammy Noons for more information!
What's Growin'?
 The farms and businesses listed below are members of SEMAP's Buy Fresh, Buy Local Campaign and Business-to-Business Network. For complete information on these local producers and MANY MORE check out our Online Farm Guide: www.semaponline.org
Examples of products available this week: Lots more growing!! Check our ONLINE FARM GUIDE!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRUITS & VEGETABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apples, Plums Nectarines Peaches Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma. C.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Blueberries (as always, call ahead!) Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma.C.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Coyne Bog Blues, W. Wareham, Ma. (PYO) CranberriesDufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. (PYO) D. Fernandes Cranberries, Carver, Ma. Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. Eldredge Farm, Brewster, Ma. Sampson Farms, Westport, Ma. Tihonet Village Market, Wareham, Ma. sweet & dried! Tripp Farm, Westport, Ma. Cert. Organic Beets Beans (several varieties!) Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma.Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Bull Frog Acres, W. Wareham, Ma. Coonamessett Farm, Falmouth, Ma.Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma. Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable, Ma.Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. Carrots E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends) Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma.The Farmer's Garden, Rehoboth, Ma. (PYO) Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. Lucky Field Organics, Rochester, Ma.Lanzoni's, Acushnet, Ma. Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Sprout Farm, Mashpee, Ma. Cucumbers Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. Corn Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable, Ma.Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma.Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. The Farmer's Garden, Rehoboth, Ma.Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma.The Farmer's Garden, Rehoboth, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Nessralla Farm, Marshfield Sprout Farm, Mashpee, Ma.Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Garlic Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma.Salad Greens, Herbs & Lettuce Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma.Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends) PeppersLucky Field Organics, Rochester, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Hickory Knoll Farm, Lakeville, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. Sprout Farm, Mashpee, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma.Potatoes Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma.Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable, Ma. TomatoesJiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma.Maplewood Farm, Portsmouth, RI Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma.Sampson Farms, Westport, Ma. Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable, Ma.Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Summer Squash & Zucchini Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma.Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma.Bull Frog Acres, W. Wareham, Ma. Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma.Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Hickory Knoll Farm, Lakeville, Ma. Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Be sure to check our Online Farm Guide for more fresh produce and farms near you!
AQUACULTURE, MEAT & DAIRY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellfish (Oysters, Littlenecks & Lobster) Aquaponic Tilapia (advance notice required)Barnstable Seafarms, Barnstable, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma.Chatham Shellfish Company, E. Falmouth, Ma. Cuttyhunk Shellfish, Inc., Cuttyhunk, Ma. Fin Fish Fishwife, Plymouth, Ma. Dave's Cape Cod Smokehouse, Harwich, Ma.Salty Lou's, Sandwich Ma. New retail outlet! Mac's Seafood, Wellfleet, Ma.Scorton Creek Oysters, W. Barnstable, Ma. Raw MilkGrass-Fed Beef / Chicken Bettencourt Dairy Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. J.H. Beaulieu Farm, Fairhaven, Ma. LambQuittacas Farm, E. Freetown, Ma. Borderbay Junction Farm, Barnstable, Ma. Eggs Pork Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma.Greenleaf Farm, Bridgewater, Ma. Quansett Gardens, Dartmouth, Ma. Artisan Cheese Quittacas Farm, E. Freetown, Ma. (& Duck) Narragansett Creamery, Providence, RI. Prospect Hill Farm, Plympton, Ma. Shy Brothers Farm, LLC, Westport, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUE-ADDED, BAKERY & SPECIALTY ITEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honey Baked Goods (and so much more!) Alderbrook Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. The Artisan Kitchen, Rochester, Ma. Checkberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Artisan Swirls Bakery, Kingston, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. Ever So Humble Pies, E. Walpole, Ma. Greenleaf Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Flour Girl Baking Company, Dartmouth Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. Garnish Events, Newport, RI
Tinctures / Tonics Oatmeal / Flour Great Cape Herbs, Brewster, Ma. Gray's Grist Mill, Westport, Ma. Roots Remedies, Mattapoisett, Ma. Mad Hectic Foods, Inc., Dartmouth, Ma.
Non-Edible / Fibers / Balms Sauces & Spreads Golden Touch Farm, Westport, Ma.Dave's Cape Cod Smokehouse, Harwich, Ma. Summerhouse Natural Soaps, Barnstable, Ma. Great Island Trading Co., S. Dennis, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. (hand balms!) Landgdon Farms, Mattapoisett, Ma. Olio di Melli, LLC, Westport, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWERS & NURSERY ITEMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nash Nursery, Carver, Ma. Country Garden Weddings, Eastham, Ma. Nessralla's Farm, Inc., Marshfield, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma.Sandwich Agway, Sandwich, Ma. Sunrise Gardens, Plympton, Ma. Fire Wood NorthStar Farm, Westport, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. FREE Rocks! Forget-Me-Not, Norwell, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEER & WINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beer Wine Buzzards Bay Brewery, Westport, Ma. Cape Cod Winery, Falmouth, Ma.Cape Cod Beer, Hyannis, Ma. Coastal Vineyards, Dartmouth, Ma. Running Brook Vineyards, Dartmouth, Ma. Truro Vineyards, Truro, Ma. Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery, Westport, Ma.
For complete information on all these farms (and MANY others), plus MORE produce in season, check out our Online Farm Guide at www.semaponline.org
Where Else Can I Enjoy Local?
As a part of SEMAP's Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign, these markets, restaurants, farmstands, and more have made a commitment to supporting local growers and food producers. Be sure to visit them, and try their fantastic fair! Membership is growing every week, so be sure to check back!
New website! Quicks Hole - Woods Hole - www.quicksholewickedfresh.com
If you're looking for a nice dinner, lunch or local market to pick up some snacks, be sure to check out these great businesses.
Local Events!
Also, be sure to scan our Online Farm Guide to look for more ideas on local specialties and events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "GROWING FOOD EVERYWHERE" - Tuesday, August 18th - 6:30pm Special presentation by Dr. Deborah Habib, from Seeds of Solidarity Farm @ New Bedford Public Library, Downtown Branch, 613 Pleasent Street The Southcoast area has seen an explosion of interest in backyard and community gardens, organic farming, edible schoolyards, and farmers' markets. Spurred on by the threats of Climate Change and Peak Oil and inspired by Michelle Obama and othe gardening advocates, each new garden plot is a piece of the patchwork that will help us to develop community food security. This interactive presentation and discussion will cover the basics of the importance of local foods with a focus on health, justice, and the relationship between food and environmental issues. (For more information, please visit the Brix Bounty Farm blog or UMD's Sustainability Initative.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLYMOUTH FARMERS MARKET TO START NEW PICK UP PROGRAM New Online Ordering System! Monday thru Tuesday night you can
place your orders on Plymouth Farmer's Market new online ordering
system, called 'Plymouth Local Foods'. After browsing through a great
selection of locally grown fruits, vegetables, specialty items, fresh
baked goods and more, fill your online basket to be picked at the
Thursday Plymouth Market at Stephen Field, from 2:30 - 6:30pm. To
learn more about this new program and how to start ordering, head to
the Plymouth Farmers Market website: www.plymouthfarmersmarket.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LADIES NIGHT OUT @ LEES MARKET - August 20th, 6:00 - 9:00ish www.leesmarket.com Ladies Night Out! You've waited long enough... A fun-filled, food-filled, friend-filled evening for the ladies only ... right here at Lees Market. Sign up today! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MARSHFIELD FAIR - August 21 - 30th, 2009 Marshfield Fairgrounds Check out the website for a printable schedule of events, including; 4-H livestock show/demos, organic gardening presentations, pumpkin contests, dairy goat shows, and many other agricultural contests and activities. Don't miss the tractor pulls, cow flop toss, battle of the bands or figure-eight racing! www.marshfieldfair.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DARTMOUTH GRANGE FAIR - August 28 & 29th, 2009 Dartmouth Grange - 1133 Fisher Road The Dartmouth Grange in Russells Mills Village will host their annual Rural Community Fair. Visit the educational booths to learn more about local bee keeping, historic houses, local heirloom vegetables and much more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 60th ANNUAL MIDDLEBORO 4-H FAIR - Sept. 4, 5, & 6th 183 Thompson Street, Middleboro, MA Take a step back in time and enjoy a traditional 4-H fair complete with Farm Animals, Books, Food, Exhibits and Auction. Friday Sept. 4th - 5pm - 11pm (Auction) Sat. Sept. 5th - 9am - 11pm (4-H livestock; Auction, Tractor Displays, Entertainment & more!) Sunday Sept. 6th - 8am - noon. (Flea market, Horse Shoes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW BEDFORD WORKING WATERFRONT FESTIVAL - Sept. 26 & 27th, 2009 Surf & Turf: Fisherman and Farmers Finding Common Ground - State Pier, New Bedford, Ma. www.workingwaterfrontfestival.org Farming, like fishing, is a way of life. Fishermen and farmers share a
deep knowledge of, reverence for and dependence upon the natural world.
Both groups pass traditional skills and knowledge from one generation
to the next, often incorporating new technologies alongside traditional
practices. And both communities face many of the same economic,
environmental and political challenges. Check website for a schedule of events, including farmers market, cooking demos, short films on fishing/farming, and much more! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPE LAND AND SEA HARVEST FESTIVAL (CLASH) - Sept. 25-27, 2009 Mark your calendars for the CLASH - Cape Land and Sea Harvest, 9/25-9/27. The CLASH is a salute to farming, fishing and all things Cape Cod, and consists of a weekend packed with Cape-wide visits to farms, bogs, breweries, wineries and other food-related sites, as well as talks, tastings, and special meals all focused on what the Cape has to offer. www.capecodclash.org
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th ANNUAL BIONEERS BY THE BAY: Connecting For Change - Register now! October 22-25, 2009 - Downtown, New Bedford Ma. / www.connectingforchange.org Online Registration is OPEN! Early bird special thru. Sept. 18th!
Online Registration for the 5th Annual Bioneers by the Bay Conference is now Open. Register today to receive the early bird discount, saving 30% off of the regular admission price!
Connecting for Change is an internationally acclaimed annual gathering of environmental, industry and social justice innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and its inhabitants.
This year's program will once again feature an unforgettable weekend of live keynote presentations, afternoon workshops, an extensive Youth Initiative program, a downlink of the 20th Annual Bioneers Conference in California, an exhibition hall featuring sustainable businesses and organizations, films, music, art installations, a farmers' market and local & organic food. [Don't forget to visit SEMAP's booth!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BISTRO DUCROT - Every Friday & Saturday Evening @ Chez Ducrot, Plymouth MA (Reservations beginning at 6PM) Review in the Boston Sunday Globe! From
Paris to the provinces, the neighborhood bistro is the place where
friends gather for convivial atmosphere, great food and good wine at a
reasonable price. It is casual and unpretentious - a great place to
relax at the end of the busy week. Join us and enjoy the Chef's
specialties & authentic family recipes. $42 per person. ----------------------------------------------------------------------