Hey Everyone!
Sunnyside of Summer Rays of this strange thing called sunlight have filtered through to Southeastern MA. Puddles are drying, and refilling, but at least they are drying for a moment. The heat is bringing with it more fresh fruits and vegetables, all available at your local farmstands, farmers market, restaurants, and small neighborhood markets. Local food tastes great all the time, but especially when it's sunny! While it's here, take advantage of the heat by visiting a local beach, or planning a fun picnic outing. Lunches packed with fresh local peaches, blueberries, cucumbers, and tomatoes are a quick and easy way to enjoy the many local tastes and sights of Southeastern MA. Check out our Online Farm Guide to see what farmstands are conveniently on your way, whether to work or to play! Throw a cooler in the car, roam through the markets or farmstands, and enjoy your summer outings with local! Special thanks to our 2009 Corporate Sponsors!
 Tihonet Village Market Lees' Market Whole Foods First Pioneer Farm Credit
As always check out our Online Farm Guide for help with finding Pick-Your-Own (PYO), farmstands, and specialty products. In case you haven't noticed... local food is fantastic!
These emails are designed to help you get started on your local food odysseys and inform you about the many ways you can help local agriculture, simply by buying fresh local products.
Every two weeks or so, you can expect an email updating you on:
- Farmstand Spotlight - Head to your Local Farmstand!
- Farmstand News - Lobsters & Plymouth Pick-ups!
- How you Can Further Support Local Producers - Visit our Member Businesses!
- Local Events! - Ways to Participant in Local Ag. - Movies, Classes, and Dinners!
mission is to help local farmers achieve economic success through
marketing and technical assistance. Now, we are also increasing our
public outreach on Why, Where and How to buy fresh, local
products. SEMAP's 'Buy Fresh Buy Local'
Campaign makes it easy for you to find the best quality products from
our terrific local farms and food businesses--look for the our new
label and taste the difference! All over Southeastern Mass., this label
will be at participating farmstands, farmers markets, restaurants and
Look for the 'Buy Fresh Buy Local' label, and taste the difference!
Farm News!
NEW RETAIL LOBSTER OUTLET Lobsterman Rob Martin and Lori Caron of Salty Lou's are excited to announce their new retail outlet in E. Sandwich MA. Freshly harvested from Cape Cod waters, Salty Lou's Lobsters can now be bought Thursday through Sunday from their Sandwich business location. Buying fresh local lobsters has never been easier, and you can even have them shipped! Catch Salty Lou's at local farmers markets in Cape Cod as well, including Sandwich, Falmouth and Orleans.
Salty Lou's Lobsters
Lori Caron or Rob Martin
392 Route 6A
East Sandwich, MA 02537
508-888-4148 OPEN: Thurs - Sunday, 10am - 7pm
PLYMOUTH FARMERS MARKET TO START NEW PICK UP PROGRAM Starting Monday Aug. 3rd! Now Monday thru Tuesday night you can
place your orders on Plymouth Farmer's Market new online ordering system, called 'Plymouth Local Foods'. After browsing through a great selection of locally grown fruits, vegetables, specialty items, fresh baked goods and more, fill your online basket to be picked at the Thursday Plymouth Market at Stephen Field, from 2:30 - 6:30pm. To learn more about this new program and how to start ordering, head to the Plymouth Farmers Market website: www.plymouthfarmersmarket.org
Farmstand SPOTLIGHT!
all love farmstands! Below are some great examples of farm stands in
SEMAP's Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign. The examples below are just a
peek at the wide variety of farms in Southeastern MA. Explore a farmstand near you! Check out many more on our Online Farm Guide: www.semaponline.org, and be sure to look for more Farmstand Spotlights in future emails.
BULL FROG ACRES 195 Blackmore Pond Rd., W. Wareham, MA 774-553-5032 Bull
Frog Acres is a small farm located in West Wareham, MA.
Known as such since 2004, it is operated by husband and wife team Jeff
and Denise Pavao. The farm itself has been in Denise's family since
1969, and has been in existence approximately 85 years. In the very
beginning it was a small dairy and chicken farm that also had
cranberries, blueberries, and vegetables. The Pavao's has since further
diversified their production, now offering their own certified
naturally grown produce, herbs, and fresh baked goods. Native sweet
corn and other local items are available at the farmstand as well,
including local blueberries starting July 30th. www.bullfrogacres.com 
DUFORT FARM 55 Reservoir Ave., Rehoboth MA 508-252-6323
down a gravel driveway off Reservoir Ave, Dufort Farm is a serene 32
acre farm and home to John and Carolyn Dufort. The Duforts raise their
own meat including pastured beef and pork using their own hay and
fields. Beef cows are bred, born and raised at the Dufort's farm, and
are great examples of how meat should taste, in a variety of cuts
utilizing the whole animal. Available at the farmstand now (all frozen
and vacuumed packed) are natural beef hamburger (and patties), a
variety of steak cuts by the pound, and their natural pork items.
(Bacon, ground pork, sausages, spare ribs and more!) Even if you're
not a meat-eater, there are plenty of reasons to stop by including
their pick-you-own blueberries. Over 1,000 blueberry bushes are
waiting to be picked June through Sept., and can easily be complimented
by the Dufort's own honey, jellies and jams, all available at the
farmstand. Dufort Farms proves that living sustainably and in harmony
with the seasons offers many healthy, well-balanced and delicious
rewards. www.dufortfarms.com
OAKDALE FARM 59 Wheaton Ave, Rehoboth, MA (508) 336-7681 Oakdale
Farm is owned and operated by Richards and Marie Pray, Jr. with the
help from their daughter Laura Pray. Growing on the property since
1972, before starting his own business, Richard was the 4th generation
to work his family's farm. On the farm's 150+ acres and ten
greenhouses, the Prays raise a large variety of vegetables,annuals,
perennials, and herbs. Open year-round Oakdale Farm's Country Barn is
a pleasure to stroll through offering the Pray's seasonal produce and
plenty of interesting county wares like linens, pottery, candles,
baskets, and more. Check out the farm's website for more information
on events, and classes happening on the farm including hayrides,
basking weaving, and even herb garden how-to. www.oakdalefarms.com
NOQUOCHOKE ORCHARDS, INC. 594 Drift Road, Westport MA 508 636-2237 For
over 100 years, the beautiful fields at Noquochoke Orchards have been
farmed by the Smith family of Westport, Ma. This tradition is carried
on today by George Smith and his family, who are experts in the field
of tree fruit and heirloom vegetable production. Some say it's the
winter time pruning, or maybe the Southeastern Ma. soil, but the fruit
from Noquochoke's fields is one of kind delicious! Stop by their
seasonal farm stand and experience their fresh picked peaches, early
apples, blueberries, heirloom tomatoes and sweet corn. Come this
September stop by and enjoy a gallon or two of George's fresh pressed apple cider. Be sure to look for their colorful van at farmers markets
in the Boston area, Fairhaven, and Provincetown, Ma. To read more
about Noquochoke Orchards and its interesting history, check out their
website at: www.noqorchards.com
What's Growin'?
 The farms and businesses listed below are members of SEMAP's Buy Fresh, Buy Local Campaign and Business-to-Business Network. For complete information on these local producers and MANY MORE check out our Online Farm Guide: www.semaponline.org
Examples of products available this week: Lots more growing!! Check our ONLINE FARM GUIDE!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRUITS & VEGETABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apples Peaches Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma. C.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Blueberries (as always, call ahead!) CranberriesC.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. D. Fernandes Cranberries, Carver, Ma. Coonamessett Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Eldredge Farm, Brewster, Ma. Coyne Bog Blues, W. Wareham, Ma. (PYO) Tihonet Village Market, Wareham, Ma. sweet & dried! Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. (PYO) Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. Raspberries Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma. Coonamessett Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Sampson Farms, Westport, Ma. Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. (PYO)Tripp Farm, Westport, Ma. Cert. Organic Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. Beans Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Carrots Bull Frog Acres, W. Wareham, Ma. Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma.Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma.Lanzoni's, Acushnet, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. CornTangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. (fava!) Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Cabbage Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma. Lanzoni's, Acushnet, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Sunrise Gardens, Plympton, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Garlic Cucumbers Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends) Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma.Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends)Salad Greens, Herbs & Lettuce Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma.Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. Onions Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. C.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma.Coonamessett Farm, Falmouth, Ma. Paradise Hill Farm, Westport, Ma.E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends) Sampson Farms, Westport, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma. Summer Squash & ZucchiniJohnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma.Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Bull Frog Acres, W. Wareham, Ma. Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. C.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Sprout Farm, Mashpee, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. Hickory Knoll Farm, Lakeville, Ma. Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma.Tomatoes Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma.Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Cervelli Farm, Rochester, Ma. Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends) Sprout Farm, Mashpee, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Sunrise Gardens, Plympton, Ma. Noquochoke Orchards, Inc., Westport, Ma. Tangerini's Spring Street Farm, Millis, Ma. Be sure to check our Online Farm Guide for more fresh produce and farms near you!
AQUACULTURE, MEAT & DAIRY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellfish (Oysters, Littlenecks & Lobster) Aquaponic Tilapia (advance notice required)Barnstable Seafarms, Barnstable, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma.Chatham Shellfish Company, E. Falmouth, Ma. Cuttyhunk Shellfish, Inc., Cuttyhunk, Ma. Fin Fish Fishwife, Plymouth, Ma. Dave's Cape Cod Smokehouse, Harwich, Ma.Salty Lou's, Sandwich Ma. New retail outlet! Mac's Seafood, Wellfleet, Ma.Scorton Creek Oysters, W. Barnstable, Ma. Raw MilkGrass-Fed Beef / Chicken Bettencourt Dairy Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. J.H. Beaulieu Farm, Fairhaven, Ma. LambQuittacas Farm, E. Freetown, Ma. Borderbay Junction Farm, Barnstable, Ma. Eggs Pork Checkerberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma.Greenleaf Farm, Bridgewater, Ma. Quansett Gardens, Dartmouth, Ma. Artisan Cheese Quittacas Farm, E. Freetown, Ma. (& Duck) Narragansett Creamery, Providence, RI. Prospect Hill Farm, Plympton, Ma. Shy Brothers Farm, LLC, Westport, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUE-ADDED, BAKERY & SPECIALTY ITEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honey Baked Goods (and so much more!) Alderbrook Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. The Artisan Kitchen, Rochester, Ma. Checkberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Artisan Swirls Bakery, Kingston, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. Ever So Humble Pies, E. Walpole, Ma. Greenleaf Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Flour Girl Baking Company, Dartmouth Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. Garnish Events, Newport, RI
Tinctures / Tonics Oatmeal / Flour Great Cape Herbs, Brewster, Ma. Gray's Grist Mill, Westport, Ma. Roots Remedies, Mattapoisett, Ma. Mad Hectic Foods, Inc., Dartmouth, Ma.
Non-Edible / Fibers / Balms Sauces & Spreads Golden Touch Farm, Westport, Ma.Dave's Cape Cod Smokehouse, Harwich, Ma. Summerhouse Natural Soaps, Barnstable, Ma. Great Island Trading Co., S. Dennis, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. (hand balms!) Landgdon Farms, Mattapoisett, Ma. Olio di Melli, LLC, Westport, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWERS & NURSERY ITEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandwich Agway, Sandwich, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. Sunrise Gardens, Plympton, Ma. FREE Rocks!Groundcovers / Ornamentals Forget-Me-Not, Norwell, Ma. Eldredge Farm, Brewster, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEER & WINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beer Wine Buzzards Bay Brewery, Westport, Ma. Cape Cod Winery, Falmouth, Ma.Cape Cod Beer, Hyannis, Ma. Coastal Vineyards, Dartmouth, Ma. Truro Vineyards, Truro, Ma. Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery, Westport, Ma.
For complete information on all these farms (and MANY others), plus MORE produce in season, check out our Online Farm Guide at www.semaponline.org
Where Else Can I Enjoy Local?
As a part of SEMAP's Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign, these markets, restaurants, farmstands, and more have made a commitment to supporting local growers and food producers. Be sure to visit them, and try their fantastic fair! Membership is growing every week, so be sure to check back!
New website! Quicks Hole - Woods Hole - www.quicksholewickedfresh.com
If you're looking for a nice dinner, lunch or local market to pick up some snacks, be sure to check out these great businesses.
Local Events!
Also, be sure to scan our Online Farm Guide to look for more ideas on local specialties and events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, INC. SHOWING @ PLIMOTH PLANTATION - Sat. 8/1 & Wed. 8/5
Plimoth Plantation,
137 Warren Avenue,
Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 746 1622 The Plimoth Plantation Cinema is delighted to offer two opportunities to watch Food, Inc. and learn more about the food you and your family are eating. SAT., AUGUST 1: Showings at 4:30 7 pm. Evening sponsored by Equal Exchange. Free samples of fair trade local goodies from 6 - 7pm. Panel Q with leaders from the local food community following the 7 pm show. WED., AUGUST 5: Showing at 4:30 7 pm. Evening sponsored by edible South Shore. Free samples of fair trade local goodies from 6 - 7pm. Panel Q with leaders from the local food community following the 7 pm show. Please join us for either show (or both!)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- RI LOCAL FOOD FEST 2009 - @ Castle Hill in Newport Aug. 4th 5-8pm Buy Your Tickets Online! - $45 online; $100 Preview Hour 4-5pm Purchase in advance as tickets will sell out! The annual benefit for Farm Fresh Rhode Island at Castle Hill. An evening celebrating Rhode Island farmers, fishermen and food artisans. Over twenty farms, pairing with a dozen chefs, silent auction, with local beer and wine. To purchase tickets and see photos from last year's event, check out Farm Fresh's website: www.farmfreshri.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LADIES NIGHT OUT @ LEES MARKET - August 20th, 6:00 - 9:00ish www.leesmarket.com Ladies Night Out! You've waited long enough... A fun-filled, food-filled, friend-filled evening for the ladies only ... right here at Lees Market. Sign up today! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th ANNUAL BIONEERS BY THE BAY: Connecting For Change - Register now! October 22-25, 2009 - Downtown, New Bedford Ma. / www.connectingforchange.org Online Registration is OPEN! Early bird special thru. Sept. 18th!
Online Registration for the 5th Annual Bioneers by the Bay Conference is now Open. Register today to receive the early bird discount, saving 30% off of the regular admission price!
Connecting for Change is an internationally acclaimed annual gathering of environmental, industry and social justice innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and its inhabitants.
This year's program will once again feature an unforgettable weekend of live keynote presentations, afternoon workshops, an extensive Youth Initiative program, a downlink of the 20th Annual Bioneers Conference in California, an exhibition hall featuring sustainable businesses and organizations, films, music, art installations, a farmers' market and local & organic food. [Don't forget to visit SEMAP's booth!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BISTRO DUCROT - Every Friday & Saturday Evening @ Chez Ducrot, Plymouth MA (Reservations beginning at 6PM) Review in the Boston Sunday Globe! From
Paris to the provinces, the neighborhood bistro is the place where
friends gather for convivial atmosphere, great food and good wine at a
reasonable price. It is casual and unpretentious - a great place to
relax at the end of the busy week. Join us and enjoy the Chef's
specialties & authentic family recipes. $42 per person. ----------------------------------------------------------------------