Hey Everyone!
Summer is so close, you can taste it!
We're almost there! Don't let this crazy June weather bring you down, or stop you from enjoying your favorite local foods. Available right now is a variety of delicious local products sure to brighten even the coolest June afternoons! Farmstands and Farmers Markets across the state are open, and overflowing with such mouthwatering fresh produce as Rhubarb, Garlic Scapes, Salad Greens, as well as fresh Shellfish & Lobster, and a wide variety of Baked Good and other value-added products. Mmmmm! After all that shopping and sampling perhaps you'd like a refreshing drink to wet the local whistle. Try any number of the local cafes, restaurants, and small markets (listed below!) who are using local produce. One example is Rockin' K Cafe in Bridgewater, now serving a delicious smoothie made with farm fresh strawberries. What a tasty way to welcome the first days of summer! Below are more details on what's growing, and how to find it. Be sure to check out the list of available products (always changing!), vendors who sell them, along with great classes and events you can attend that support local agriculture. Whether you're cooking with your own homegrown veggies, attending a class on gardening, or stopping by the local nursery, you're helping to spread the word of BUY FRESH BUY LOCAL! Special thanks to our 2009 Corporate Sponsors!
 Tihonet Village Market Lees' Market Whole Foods First Pioneer Farm Credit
As always check out our Online Farm Guide for help with finding Pick-Your-Own (PYO), farmstands, and specialty products. In case you haven't noticed... local food is fantastic!
These emails are designed to help you get started on your local food odysseys and inform you about the many ways you can help local agriculture, simply by buying fresh local products.
Every two weeks or so, you can expect an email updating you on:
- Farm News - Perennials with a Cause!
- Where You Can Purchase Them - Local CSA shares & Farmers Markets!
- How you Can Further Support Local Producers - New SEMAP Members!
- Local Events! - Ways to Participant in Local Ag. - Fun Events w/ Food!
mission is to help local farmers achieve economic success through
marketing and technical assistance. Now, we are also increasing our
public outreach on Why, Where and How to buy fresh, local
products. SEMAP's 'Buy Fresh Buy Local'
Campaign makes it easy for you to find the best quality products from
our terrific local farms and food businesses--look for the our new
label and taste the difference! All over Southeastern Mass., this label
will be at participating farmstands, farmers markets, restaurants and
Look for the 'Buy Fresh Buy Local' label, and taste the difference!
Farm News!
Sandwich Agway Joins Forces With Children's Cove 349 Route 6A, Sandwich MA / www.sandwichagway.com
The folks at Sandwich Agway are selling a special line of perennials and donating proceeds to the Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center. For every perennial sold under the Scenic Roots label, Sandwich Agway will donate a portion of each sale to Children's Cove!
Children's Cove is a freestanding, child-friendly facility designed to ensure that victims of child sexual abuse and their non-offending family members have access to support services in a safe, respectful, and compassionate environment. Children's Cove is committed to reducing the trauma endured by child victims, promoting accountability, fostering healing, and advocating on behalf of child victims of sexual abuse and physical abuse. This is an ongoing partnership.
To read more about Childrens Cove or Sandwich Agway, check out their website at: www.sandwichagway.com
Farmer's Markets are OPEN!
All across MA and RI, farmers markets are popping open, filled with
fresh produce, prepared baked goodies, fresh fish & seafood, and LOTS
of local food energy! Be sure to check out one near you using our Farmers Market Guide. Here are just a few examples of markets currently open, or soon to be:
Dartmouth: Every Friday
2pm-6pm. Located at Rex Field, adjacent
to St. Peters Church.
The focus of this years market will be educating the public on the
importance of eating healthy locally grown fruits and vegetables. When you taste local produce, fruits, and vegetables you can taste the difference and it is healthier for you.
Hyannis/Mid Cape: Every Wednesday
Located at 232 Main St, Corner of Pleasant & Main. Come for the
atmosphere and the great selection of local items available for sale
including smoked fish, live lobsters, pates, vegetables, beeswax
candles, honey, herbs, flowers, plants, soaps, lotions, baked goods,
herbal teas, artisan bread, gourmet spreads, jellies, jams, salsas,
preserves, and magazines of local foods.
Orleans: Every Saturday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Located at
Main St & Old Colony Way. Wide variety of Cape grown produce, specialty products, and much more!
Marshfield: Every Friday
2pm-7pm. Located at 140 Main St., Marshfield
Fairgrounds. Produce, plants, lobster, crafts,
pony rides, homemade foods, baked goods, and live music! Check out their blog - http://sustainablemarshfield.blogspot.com/
Middleboro: Every Saturday, 9:00am - 1:00pm. S. Main St & Nickerson Ave. Great variety of local produce, meat, crafts, and nursery items.
Carver: Every Sunday, 12:00pm - 4:00pm at 108 Main Street, Carver. The Carver Farmers Market is a great spot to pick up fresh vegetable and herbs, cranberries, local crafts, and unique homemade gifts.
Plymouth: Every Thursday @ Stephens Field, 2:30 - 6:30 & every Saturday @ Courthouse Green, 9:30am-1:30pm. The Plymouth Farmers' Market is a truly local market; we offer products
that are grown or made in Massachusetts. Ours is the best attended
farmers' market south of Boston. People arrive looking for good food,
value and stories. The Plymouth Farmers' Market gives priority to
farmers and agricultural products but also includes handmade and
homemade products.
Provincetown: Every Saturday, 11 AM to 4 PM East of the Town Hall off of Commercial Street. Enjoy fresh herbs & vegetables, imported family farmed olive oils, baked goods, jam/jellies, eggs and more. Look forward to the heirloom tomatoes soon to come!
North Easton: Every Tuesday: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM & Saturday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. 250 Main Street, Easton, MA.
Looking For More? Check the Online Farm Guide for a Farmers Market near you! |
What's Growin'?
 The farms and businesses listed below are members of SEMAP's Buy Fresh, Buy Local Campaign and Business-to-Business Network. For complete information on these local producers and MANY MORE check out our Online Farm Guide: www.semaponline.org
Examples of products available this week: Lots more growing!! Check our ONLINE FARM GUIDE!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEGETABLES & FRUITS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cucumbers Coonamessett Farm, Falmouth Rhubarb E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Salad Greens, Herbs & Lettuce Oakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. Tripp Farm, Westport, Ma. Coonamessett Farm, Falmouth, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. (weekends) ScallionsFour Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.Jiddoos Garden, New Bedford, Ma. Johnson's Roadside Farm, Swansea, Ma. CranberriesOakdale Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. D. Fernandes Cranberries, Carver, Ma. Tomten Farm, E. Falmouth, Ma. Eldredge Farm, Brewster, Ma. PeasC.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma. Strawberries Silverbrook Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Billingsgate Farm, Plympton, Ma. C.N. Smith Farm, E. Bridgewater, Ma.Tomatoes Cape Cod Organic Farm, Barnstable, Ma.Cape Abilities Farm, Dennis, Ma. Four Town Farm, Seekonk, Ma.E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. Be sure to check our Online Farm Guide for more fresh produce and farms near you!
AQUACULTURE, MEAT & DAIRY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shellfish (Oysters, Littlenecks & Lobster) Aquaponic Tilapia (advance notice required)Barnstable Seafarms, Barnstable, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma.Chatham Shellfish Company, E. Falmouth, Ma. Cuttyhunk Shellfish, Inc., Cuttyhunk, Ma. Fin Fish (Smoked!) Salty Lou's, Sandwich Ma. (Lobsters only) Dave's Cape Cod Smokehouse, Harwich, Ma.Scorton Creek Oysters, W. Barnstable, Ma. Mac's Seafood, Wellfleet, Ma. Grass-Fed Beef / Chicken Raw Milk Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Bettencourt Dairy Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. J.H. Beaulieu Farm, Fairhaven, Ma. Quittacas Farm, E. Freetown, Ma. Pork Dufort Farm, Rehoboth, Ma. Eggs Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. (Duck) Artisan CheesesQuansett Gardens, Dartmouth, Ma. Narragansett Creamery, Providence, Ri. Quittacas Farm, E. Freetown, Ma. (& Duck) Shy Brothers Farm, LLC, Westport, Ma. Silverbrook Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Prospect Hill Farm, Plympton, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUE-ADDED, BAKERY & SPECIALTY ITEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honey Baked Goods (and so much more!) Alderbrook Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Artisan Swirls Bakery, Kingston, Ma. Checkberry Farm, Orleans, Ma. Ever So Humble Pies, E. Walpole, Ma. E.&T. Farms, W. Barnstable, Ma. Flour Girl Baking Company, Dartmouth Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma.
Jams & Jellies (made w/ local fruit!!) Oatmeal / Flour Silverbrook Farm, Dartmouth, Ma.Gray's Grist Mill, Westport, Ma. Mad Hectic Foods, Inc., Dartmouth, Ma. Tinctures / Tonics Sauces & Spreads Roots Remedies, NY/Wesport Dave's Cape Cod Smokehouse, Harwich, Ma. Great Island Trading Co., S. Dennis, Ma. Non-Edible / Fibers / Balms Landgdon Farms, Mattapoisett, Ma. Golden Touch Farm, Westport, Ma.Olio di Melli, LLC, Westport, Ma. Summerhouse Natural Soaps, Barnstable, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. (hand balms!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWERS & NURSERY ITEMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Veggie Starts / Potted Herbs & Flowers
Lanzoni's, Acushnet, Ma. Sandwich Agway, Sandwich, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Sunrise Gardens, Plympton, Ma.Nash Nursery, Carver, Ma. Tangerini's Spring St. Farm, Millis, Ma.
Groundcovers / Ornamentals Fertilizers Eldredge Farm, Brewster, Ma. Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma.Merrylegs Farm, Dartmouth, Ma. Village Farm, Dennisport, Ma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEER & WINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beer Wine Buzzards Bay Brewery, Westport, Ma. Cape Cod Winery, Falmouth, Ma.Cape Cod Beer, Hyannis, Ma. Coastal Vineyards, Dartmouth, Ma. Truro Vineyards, Truro, Ma. Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery, Westport, Ma.
For complete information on all these farms (and MANY others), plus MORE produce in season, check out our Online Farm Guide at www.semaponline.org
Local CSA's!
"Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way for you to create a
direct relationship with the farm and to secure a weekly supply of
fresh produce for the duration of the growing season. Members of a CSA
Farm Share Program purchase their food "share" from the farmer in
winter or spring, and receive a supply of freshly picked vegetables and
fruits every week from June to October." - Luckyfieldorganics.com
Check out these local CSA's still offering shares for the 2009 season! And look for many more examples on the Online Farm Guide! LUCKY FIELD ORGANICS- Rochester, MA - (508) 763-8104 Sign up online! Members of a CSA Farm Share Program purchase their food "share" from the farmer in winter or spring, and receive a supply of freshly picked vegetables and fruits every week from June to October. Our CSA is also helping us at Lucky Field Organics achieve our main mission as a farm: to provide food for local people, grown by local people.
FULL SEASON PROGRAM (6/9 - 10/24): Full Share $625 (feeds 4); Small Share: $400.00 (feeds 2 adults); Single Share: $225.00 (feeds you) SUMMER VACATION PROGRAM (6/30 - 9/4): Full Share: $375.00 ; Small Share: $250.00 ; Flower Share: $150
Pick-up: Three available pick-up days; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday between 2pm and 7pm each week from the store (How On Earth: The Store, 62 Marion Rd., Mattapoisett MA)
NEW BEDFORD CSA - New! June 8 to October 19Members of our New Bedford CSA receive a boxed CSA share, full of the seasons freshest "Certified Organic" produce each week. Your pickup site is the Brooklawn Park Farmer's Market at Ashley Blvd & Brooklawn St. The Market happens on Mondays from 2:00 PM to 7:00 P.M. and is attended by various other local vendors to shop from. Same price as Full Season Program, above.
140 Davis St., Rehoboth, Ma.
(508) 889-7632 / noons140@comcast.net Membership
in our CSA means receiving a share of the weekly garden harvest. It
also means that by supporting our farm we pledge to grow healthy,
nutritious vegetables in a way that is
environmentally responsible. Members who purchase a "Share" in our CSA
receive 18 weeks of the gardens harvest. It begins the week of June 18,
2009 and runs through October 17, 2009.
Contact: Steve & Tammy Noons Pickup:
Thursdays @ the Farm; 2:30pm to 5:30pm
Share Options: Free Range Egg Share (18 wks):
Full Share - $550.00
2 dozen @ $145.00 (extra)
Half Share - $350.00
1 dozen @ $73.00
1/2 dozen@ $36.00
ROUND THE BEND FARM - New CSA! 90 Allen's Neck Road, S. Dartmouth, MA 02748
In our CSA model, Members pay a fee in the beginning of the growing
season, in exchange for weekly pickups of produce, meat, eggs, and
goat's milk cheeses. Other items will be available for additional cost,
and occasionally may be included in Member shares through out the
season. These include Sweet Corn, Pumpkins, Bread, Goat's milk soaps,
and raw Goat's milk. We will do our very best to keep shares well
rounded and varied, as well as supply you with tips to make the most of
those bounties!
The price for our Full Service Share is $1000. Which includes a full
size share of vegetables, 1 dozen free range eggs, 3 pounds of meat,
which varies each week and can be suited to fit your planned recipes,
and ½ pound of goat cheese varying each week as well.
Contact Antone Vieira & Elen Densmore at roundthebendfarm@gmail.com ; (508) 938-5164.
Where Else Can I Enjoy Local?
As a part of SEMAP's Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign, these markets, restaurants, farmstands, and more have made a commitment to supporting local growers and food producers. Be sure to visit them, and try their fantastic fair! Membership is growing every week, so be sure to check back!
Barnstable County, Ma. Bean & Cod - 140 Main St., Falmouth - check for online listing soon! Blue Moon Bistro - Dennis Village - www.bluemoonbistro.net Bradford Natural Market - Provincetown - www.bradfordnatural.com Cape Cod Chef on Call - www.capecodchefoncall.com Crabapples Restaurant - 553 Palmer Ave., Falmouth - check for online listing soon!CupCapes of Falmouth - Falmouth - www.cupcapesfalmouth.com Dan'l Webster Inn - Sandwich - www.danlwebsterinn.comEnzo Restaurant and Guest House - Provincetown - www.enzolives.com Flying Fish Cafe - 29 Briar Lane, Wellfleet - check for online listing soon!Hatch's Produce - Wellfleet - www.hatchsfishmarket.comIsaiah Clark House -Brewster - www.isaiahclark.comIsland Merchant - Hyannis - theislandmerchant.com Long Dell Inn - Centerville - www.longdellinn.com/ Mac's Seafood / Mac's Shack - Wellfleet, Truro - www.macsseafood.com Osteria La Civetta - Falmouth - www.osterialacivetta.com
Pies a la Mode - Falmouth - www.piesalamode.com Pie in the Sky - Woods Hole - www.woodshole.com/pieQuicks Hole - Woods Hole - www.farmfresh.org/food/member.php?fn=378Roo Bar of Falmouth - Falmouth - www.theroobar.comSatucket Farm Stand - Brewster - www.satucketfarm.com Windfall Maket - Falmouth - www.windfallmarket.com
Bristol County, Ma. Alderbrook Farm - Dartmouth - www.farmfresh.org/food/member.php?fn=447 Fine Catering by Russell Morin - Attleboro - www.morins.com FoodSource - Taunton - www.buyfoodsource.com Garnish Events - Fall River - www.garnishevent.com Lees Supermarket - Westport - www.leesmarket.com Main Street Café & Bakery - Fall River - Online profile Mirasol's Café - Dartmouth - www.mirasolscafe.com Westport Community Schools - Westport - Online profile
Norfolk County, Ma. Whole Foods - Bellingham / Hingham - www.wholefoodsmarket.com/
Suffolk County, Ma. City Feed and Supply - Jamaica Plains - www.cityfeedandsupply.com
Plymouth County, Ma. Bay Club Mattapoisett - Mattapoisett - www.bayclubmatt.com Chez Ducrot - Plymouth - www.chezducrot.com Foodies Duxbury, LLC - Duxbury - www.foodies-urban-market.com/ The Fruit Center, Inc. - Milton & Hingham - fruitcentermarketplace.com How On Earth: The Store - Mattapoisett - www.howonearth.net Lindsey's Family Restaurant - Wareham - lindseysfamilyrestaurant.com The Market @ Pinehills - Plymouth - www.pinehills.com Martha's Stone Soup @ the Tavern - Plymouth - www.marthasstonesoup.com Oxford Creamery - Mattapoisett / Dartmouth - oxfordcreamery.com/Prisco's Market & Deli - Bridgewater - www.priscosmarket.comRockin' K Cafe - Bridgewater - www.farmfresh.org/food/member.php?fn=198Shipyard Galley - Mattapoisett - www.shipyardgalley.com Tihonet Village Market - Wareham - www.tihonetvillagemarket.com
If you're looking for a nice dinner, lunch or local market to pick up some snacks, be sure to check out these great businesses.
Local Events!
Also, be sure to scan our Online Farm Guide to look for more ideas on local specialties and events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A TASTE OF WESTPORT - Saturday June 20th @ Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery Westport
Rivers Vineyard & Winery will host this local wine & food
festival under one tent on our lawn at our winery in Westport, MA.
Local food, wine and beer will be the focus as we sample what wonderful
flavors Westport has to offer. Westport's finest food providers,
farmers, cheese makers, bakers, and more will be on hand to sample what
they do best as we enjoy the sights at the vineyard and the sounds of
live music. This is a rain or shine, 21+ event, under the tent and we
encourage all to dress farm casual and weather appropriate. Space is
very limited and this small intimate wine & food festival will sell
out! Local restaurants, caterers, and producers will be offering small
samples to taste, as well as an array of locally grown and produced
wines and beer. Some vendors and participants will also have items for
sale if you're interested in bringing something back home with you.
Tickets are $45 per person. Tickets can be purchased at Westport Rivers
or at their Online Store For more info please call: 508-636-3423 ext.2 or email: retail@westportrivers.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------
FALL RIVER HEALTHY DAY @ Vivieros Elementary School - Fall River, MA Sat. June 20th
To promote health, wellness, fitness, and citizenship from 9AM-1PM.
Family Walk-a-Thon (pledges
Students, families,
and staff will meet at the Lewis
Street Gate.
The group will be led along a predetermined route, looping back to the
school (approx. 45 minutes). 10:00-1:00
Fitness and Fun Activities. Cooking
Demonstrations (every hour. Group Stretching & Exercise (every hour. Dancing (DJ all day). Face Painting. Obstacle Course. Bungee Run...and more!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FATHERS'S DAY BUFFET & GRILL @ Coonamesset Farm - Sunday, June 21st
277 Hatchville Road, E. Falmouth, MA / www.coonamessettfarm.com Coonamesset Farm is a 20 acre farming and research enterprise. While enjoying the great atmosphere treat Dad to a tasty buffet while the kids plant something special for him. June 21st, 11:30AM-3PM. $15.95 Adults and $8.95 for kids. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUACULTURE WORKSHOP - University of Massachusetts Extension Water Quality and Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Saturday June 27, 9 am to 3 pm / 302 Agricultural Engineering Building, Umass Amherst The first part of the workshop will discuss basic water quality issues including temperature, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen and nitrogen. We will learn how they affect fish, how they interact with each other, how to measure them and how to manage them. The second part of the workshop will demonstrate and discuss recirculating aquaculture systems, including components, equipment, monitoring and operations. The workshop is FREE to all those registering before June 23 and $20 for those registering on the 23rd or later. To register, please provide: Name, Address, Phone number, Email address. Registration can be mailed to: Craig Hollingsworth Agricultural Engineering Building UMass Amherst MA 01003 or emailed to chollingsworth@umext.umass.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cuisine du Marche @ Chez Ducrot - Plymouth, MA Saturday June 27th, 2009
We will have a farm culinary mini-getaway using the freshest organic
produce of the season from the local farmer's market. There will be
cooking classes in the farmhouse kitchen, in a restaurant with one of
the areas top chefs, along with visits to wineries, duck farms and
local marchés. It will also feature cheeses straight from France. All
this within driving distance. Getaways will be for four days to one
week. Contact us for information: 508-747-4148 or info@chezducrot.com
More classes to be announced very soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cranberry Blossom Tour@ Tihonet Village Market - Saturday, June 27th - 10am 146 Tihonet Road, Wareham, MA / www.tihonetvillagemarket.com / 508-295-5437 The A.D. Makepeace Company invites you to tour the largest cranberry operation in the world during the height of blossom season! The tour will meet at the Tihonet Village Market at 10 a.m. An experienced cranberry grower will take the group to view the cranberry blossom, discuss all aspects of cranberry growing and answer questions. At Tihonet Village Market the group will be able to view our Cranberry Harvest Video, see pictures of the bogs through the seasons, enjoy lunch and purchase cranberry products. Pre-registration and pre-payment ($10 per person, under 7 free) is required. To sign up visit or call Tihonet Village Market, 508-295-5437. ----------------------------------------------------------------------