What's Growin'?
CORN! It's starting to pop out in the fields, and soon will be filling every farmers market and roadside stand from here to Boston. The early varieties are said to be the sweetest, so get a bag or a bushel as soon as you can! Also exciting on the grill, Summer Squash & Zucchini! Marinated, grilled or steamed, you can't beat a good slice of summer squash.
The farms and businesses listed below are members of SEMAP's Buy Fresh, Buy Local Campaign and Business-to-Business Network. For complete information on these local producers and MANY MORE check out our Online Farm Guide: www.semaponline.org
Examples of products available this week: (Lots more growing!! Check ONLINE FARM GUIDE!) Blueberries Sauchuk Farms Tripp Farm (Cert. Organic) Ward's Berry Farm Plympton, MA Westport, MA Sharon, Ma. www.sauchukfarms.net www.trippfarm.com
Corn Billingsgate Farm Sauchuk Farm Tony Andrews Farm Plympton, Ma. Plympton, Ma. E. Falmouth, Ma. www.sauchukfarms.net www.tonyandrewsfarmstand.com
Beets Broccoli CN Smith Farm, Inc. Ward's Berry Farm Four Town Farm E. Bridgewater, Ma. Sharon, Ma. Seekonk, Ma. www.cnsmithfarm www.fourtownfarm.com
Cucumbers The Farmer's Garden Quittacus Farm Wishing Stone Farm (Cert. Organic) Rehoboth, Ma. E. Freetown, Ma. Little Compton, RI www.wishingstonefarm.com
Green Beans Billingsgate Farm Cook's Valley Farm The Farmer's Garden Plympton, Ma. Wrentham, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. www.cooksvalleyfarm.com
Garlic Scapes Pleasant Lake Farm (Cert. Organic) Quansett Gardens Ward's Berry Farm Harwich, Ma. Dartmouth, Ma. Sharon, Ma. www.pleasantlakefarm.com
Early Greens, Herbs & Lettuce Great Cape Herbs Lucky Field Organics (Cert. Organic) Merrylegs Farm Brewster, Ma. Rochester, Ma. Dartmouth, Ma. www.greatcape.com www.luckyfieldorganics.com
Early Greens, Herbs & Lettuce (cont'd) Oakdale Farm Quittacas Farm Tripp Farm (Cert. Organic) Rehoboth, Ma. East Freetown, Ma. Westport, Ma. www.oakdalefarms.com www.trippfarm.com
Peas (Shell, Sugar Snap & Snow) Quansett Gardens Ward's Berry Farm Wishing Stone Farm (Cert. Organic) Dartmouth, Ma. Sharon, Ma. Little Compton, RI www.wisthingstonefarm.com Potatoes Rhubarb Cook's Valley Farm Sampson Farms Oakdale Farm Tony Andrews Farm Wrentham, Ma. Westport, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. Falmouth, Ma.
Summer Squash & Zucchini Billingsgate Farm Four Town Farm Oakdale Farm Quittacus Farm Plympton, Ma. Seekonk, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. E. Freetown, Ma. www.fourtownfarm.com www.oakdalefarms.com
Aquaponic Tilapia Honey E.&T. Farms Hana's Honey Wishing Stone Farm (Cert. Organic) West Barnstable, Ma. Westport, Ma. Little Compton, RI www.eandtfarmsinc.com lucytabit@aol.com www.wisthingstonefarm.com
Shellfish (Oysters & Clams) Smoked Fish, Dips & Pates! Barnstable Seafarms Nantucket Wild Gourmet & Smokehouse Barnstable, Ma. Chatham, Ma. www.barnstableseafarms.com www.nantucketwildgourmet.com
Eggs Merrylegs Farm (Duck Eggs!) Prospect Hill Farm (Cert. Organic) Quansett Gardens Dartmouth, Ma. Plympton, Ma. Dartmouth, Ma. Eggs (cont'd) Artisanal Cheeses Silverbrook Farm Wishing Stone Farm (Cert. Organic) Shy Brothers Farm Dartmouth, Ma. Little Compton, RI Westport, Ma. www.silverbrookdartmouth.com www.wishingstonefarm.com www.shybrothersfarm.com Grass-Fed Beef Raw Milk Dufort Farms Bettencourt Dairy Oake Knoll Ayrshires Paskamansett Dairy Rehoboth, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. Foxborough, Ma. Dartmouth, Ma. www.dufortfarms.com terri_lawton@yahoo.com
Baked Goods (and so much more!) The Artisan Bakery, LLC Ever So Humble Pies Rochester, Ma. E. Walpole, Ma. www.theartisankitchen.com www.eversohumble.com
Flowers, Vegetable Plants & Nursery Items Avant Gardens In the Weeds Flower Farm Lanzoni's Dartmouth, Ma. Brewster, Ma. Acushnet, Ma. www.avantgardensne.com
Flowers & Plants (cont'd) Lazy Daze Lavender Fields Nessralla's Rehoboth Nurseries, Inc. Middleboro, Ma. Marshfield, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. www.lazydazelavenderfields.com
Flowers & Plants (cont'd) Seven Arrows Farm Sprouts Farm Tranquil Lake Nursery Attleboro, Ma. Mashpee, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. www.sevenarrowsfarm.com www.tranquil-lake.com
Jams & Jellies (made w/ local fruit!!) The Chatham Jam & Jelly Shop Tripp Farm (Cert. Organic) Chatham, Ma. Westport, Ma. www.chathamjamandjellyshop.com www.trippfarm.com
Ice Cream Beer Cafe Arpeggio Buzzards Bay Brewery Cape Cod Beer New Bedford/Fall River, Ma. Westport, Ma. Hyannis, Ma. www.cafearpeggio.com www.buzzardsbrew.com www.capecodbeer.com
Wine Newport Vineyards & Winery Sakonnet Vineyards Middletown, RI Little Compton, RI www.newportvineyards.com www.sakonnetwine.com
Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery Running Brook Vineyards Westport, Ma. North Dartmouth, Ma. www.westportrivers.com www.runningbrookwine.com
Non-Edible Earth Friendly Products: Earth Sisters Herbal Products Great to Be Green, Inc. Great Cape Herbs Rochester, Ma. Swansea, Ma. Brewster, Ma. www.earthsistersherbals.com www.greattobegreen.com www.greatcape.com
Soil, Compost, etc. Avant Gardens CN Smith Farm, Inc. Rehoboth Nurseries, Inc. Dartmouth, Ma. East Bridgewater, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. www.avantgardensne.com www.cnsmithfarminc.com
Please Remember....
For complete information on all these farms (and MANY others), plus MORE produce in season, check out our Online Farm Guide at www.semaponline.org
the Pilgrims arrived in 1620, the abundance of wild blueberries growing
near Plymouth rock helped nourish them. Today the same Massachusetts
soil is still producing the plumpest, bluest, sweetest berries in the
country. Native blueberries are available at roadside stands, farmers'
markets and selected food stores. There are also many locations across
the state where you can pick your own berries. The season for fresh
local blueberries begins early July and ends at the beginning of
![Dufort blueberries](http://img.constantcontact.com/letters/images/deleted_image.gif) Types
- Varieties of blueberries that are more commonly grown in Massachusetts
are Berkley, Bluecrop, Coville and Earliblue. These varieties yield berries
of good size, color and flavor. They are also ideal for freezing.
- When picking or buying blueberries, your best indicating of quality is
a dark blue color with a silvery bloom, which is natural protective waxy
Storage Photo: Dufort Farms, Rehoboth, MA
Store berries covered and
unwashed in the refrigerator. Wash berries just before using and use
within one week.
- Courtesy of MDAR website at : www.mass.gov/agr
Pick-Your-Own Blueberries!
Below are a couple suggestions of places around Southeastern MA who offer PYO. But wait...there are many more! Check out our ONLINE FARM GUIDE for the one nearest you.
C. N. Smith Farm, Inc. - Open: Mid July - August 325 South Street, E. Bridgewater ph:(508) 378-2270 www.cnsmithfarminc.com
Times: Open 7 days a week, 9am-4pm
Harvest dates and crop condition change each season, please call before you come for updated times and conditions!
Coyne Bog Blues - Opening Date: July 18th! 34 N. Carver Rd., W. Wareham, MA ph: (508) 295-3254 www.coynebogblues.com
Times: Open 7 days a week, 8am - 5pm (closed on rainy days)
Looking for something to do on a lazy afternoon?
Coyne Bog Blues is the place to go. Nestled in
beautiful country side amidst lush trees awaits the ultimate blueberry
patch....Coyne Bog Blues. Children and adults of all ages will
enjoy picking plump berries fresh off the bush while taking in nature's
beauty. Come visit us for the ultimate blueberry experience!
Dufort Farm - Open Now! 55 Resevoir Ave., Rehoboth, MA ph: (508) 252-6323 www.dufortfarms.com
Times: Wed. 8am - 4pm & Sat. 8am - 4pm
Please call the Farm @ 508-252-6323 to check on picking conditions. If picking conditions are good, hours may be extended, please call to check!
Our Pick Your Own Operation is open from July thru September with 6 varieties of high bush blueberries to choose from. Also, a limited supply of PYO Raspberries - Don't miss them!
E&T Farms - Opening: Last week of July 85 Lombard Ave., West Barnstable, MA ph: (508) 362-8370 www.eandtfarmsinc.com
Times: Call to check on opening dates and times!
Ward's Berry Farm - Open Now!
614 South Main Street Sharon, MA ph:
(781) 784-3600
Times: Open 7 days a week, 9am-5pm.
Fantastic crop this year! Join us for some great picking!
Cookin' Local!
Just how Yankee are you? Test yourself with this old New England blueberry pudding, and enjoy the juicy, tangy sweetness of summer in a truly traditional way.
2 cups blueberries, washed 1 cup flour, sifted 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk
"Stew berries, sugar and water. Mix and sift flour, baking powder and salt; add milk, stirring quickly to make a dumpling dough that will drop from the end of a spoon. Drop into the boiling sauce. Cook 10 minutes with the cover off and 10 minutes with cover on. Serve with plain or whipped cream. Serves 4. On Cape Cod they call this pudding Blueberry Grunt. A steamed berry pudding is also known as a Grunt. Apple Slump is made in the same way, substituting apples for blueberries. Stew 6 well-flavored apples with 1/4 cup molasses, 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water and proceed as above."
- Found in The Yankee Cook Book, by Imogene Wolcott (1939).
Local Events!
Be sure to scan our Online Farm Guide to look for other great farms and their upcoming activities.
Annual Taste of Chatham
Elementary School, 5:30-8:00pm. Sponsored by the Monomoy
Community Services to benefit local families. For more
information call (508) 945-1501.
DATE: Monday, July 28, 2008
TIME: 5:30PM - 8:00PM
WHERE: Chatham Elementary School,
Depot Road
Kettle Pond Farm Classes - 181 Bayview Ave., Berkley, Ma. www.kettlepondfarm.com
Call for registration 508-824-4814
Upcoming classes: Art at the Farm (for Adults) Date: July 15, 22, 29 [Tuesdays] Time: TBA Cost: TBA Art classes for adults, led by Michelle Graca, a local artist and teacher.
Saturday Night Farm Events Date: Saturday evenings beginning July 12, 2008 Time:
TBA Cost: Free-will donations accepted We
will have an outdoor "cooking show," preparing various vegetables from
our garden in various styles. Do you have a favorite recipe and an
interested in sharing how to prepare it? Along with the cooking we will
have a variety of presentations, music, and activities, including
Priority Habitat with Nancy Durfee, puppet shows with Katia Hagerman,
music with Andrew Greenwood and friends, and presentations concerning
"green" detergents, materials, and living, fibers, and raw food
cuisine. All ages; Registration requested to plan for food
and supplies Note: Good Weather only River Exploration Day Date: July 21, 2008 Time: TBA Cost: TBA
join Dr. David Taylor from Roger Williams University for a day of river
exploration, using beach seines to collect and identify fish and other
river organisms. Attendees of Water Week activities are strongly
encouraged to attend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Westport River Vineyards & Winery - Sunset Music Series 2008!
Friday evenings Friday July 11th thru August 29th - 6pm-8pm.
General Admission open to the Public, weather permitting. This will be a picnic style event; attendees will bring their own baskets, blankets, lawn chairs, bug spray, glasses, corkscrews, etc...
The Company Store will be open during the event. Glasses and openers can be provided for a fee.
Absolutely no brought in alcohol. Please call The Company Store for more information: 508-636-3423 |
Where ELSE Can I Find Local Products?
SEMAP's Buyer Members in our Business-to-Business/Buy Fresh Buy Local Network are local restaurants, schools, and markets. Listed here are 2008 members; they are a group interested in supporting local producers and educating their customers on the many benefits of buying fresh, local products.
Barnstable County, Ma.
If you're looking for a nice dinner, lunch or local market to pick up some snacks, be sure to check out these great businesses.
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