What's Growin'?
Springs bounty is upon us, so lets get a head start to enjoying the season. Listed below are items fresh from the fields, as well as products available all season long. Pairing the two makes for a mouth-watering Local Meal that your vacationing friends, and especially Mothers (hint hint), won't soon forget. Treat the ones you love with a special Spring time bouquet, just search for Flowers on our ONLINE FARM GUIDE, and make him/her smile with Local.
The farms and businesses listed below are members of SEMAP's Buy Fresh, Buy Local Campaign and Business-to-Business Network. For complete information on these local producers and MANY MORE check out our Online Farm Guide: www.semaponline.org
Examples of products available this week: (Lots more growing!! Check ONLINE FARM GUIDE!)
Asparagus Cranberries Four Town Farm Tihonet Village Market Willows Cranberries Seekonk, Ma. Wareham, Ma. Wareham, Ma. www.fourtownfarm.com www.admakepeace.com www.willowscranberries.com Early Greens & Lettuce Eva's Garden (Cert. Organic) Cape Abilities Farm Coonamessett Farm S. Dartmouth, Ma. Dennis, Ma. E. Falmouth, Ma. www.capeabilities.org www.coonamessettfarm.com
Honey Dufort Farm E.&T. Farms Hana's Honey Rehoboth, Ma. West Barnstable, Ma. Westport, Ma. www.dufortfarms.com www.eandtfarmsinc.com lucytabit@charter.net
Potatoes Aquaponic Tilapia Maplewood Farm Sampson Farms E.&T. Farms Portsmouth, RI Westport, Ma. West Barnstable, Ma. www.eandtfarmsinc.com
Shellfish (Oysters & Clams) Smoked Fish, Dips & Pates! Barnstable Seafarms Nantucket Wild Gourmet & Smokehouse Barnstable, Ma. Chatham, Ma. www.barnstableseafarms.com www.nantucketwildgourmet.com
Pork & Beef Eggs Artisanal Cheeses Dufort Farms Quansett Gardens Shy Brothers Farm Rehoboth, Ma. Dartmouth, Ma. Westport, Ma. www.dufortfarms.com www.shybrothersfarm.com
Raw Milk Bettencourt Dairy Oake Knoll Ayrshires Paskamansett Dairy Rehoboth, Ma. Foxborough, Ma. Dartmouth, Ma. terri_lawton@yahoo.com
Baked Goods (and so much more!) The Artisan Bakery, LLC Ever So Humble Pies Rochester, Ma. E. Walpole, Ma. theartisanbakery.com www.eversohumble.com Specialty Trail Mixes, Vinegars & More! Gourmet Cookies (Mmmm!) Willows Cranberries Kayak Cookies Wareham, Ma. Cummaquid, Ma. www.willowscranberries.com www.kayakcookies.com
Flowers, Plants & Nursery Items Avant Gardens C.N. Smith Farm In the Weeds Flower Farm Dartmouth, Ma. East Bridgewater, Ma. Brewster, Ma. www.avantgardensne.com www.cnsmithfarminc.com
Flowers (cont'd) Lanzoni's Nessralla's Oakdale Farm Acushnet, Ma. Marshfield, Ma. Rehoboth, Ma. www.oakdalefarms.com
Flowers (cont'd) Tranquil Lake Nursery Ward's Berry Farm Rehoboth, Ma. Sharon, Ma. www.tranquil-lake.com Jams & Jellies (made w/ local fruit!!) The Chatham Jam & Jelly Shop Tripp Farm (Cert. Organic) Chatham, Ma. Westport, Ma. www.thechathamjamandjellyshop.com
Beer Buzzards Bay Brewery Cape Cod Beer Westport, Ma. Hyannis, Ma. www.buzzardsbrew.com www.capecodbeer.com
Wine Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery Running Brook Vineyards Westport, Ma. North Dartmouth, Ma. www.westportrivers.com www.runningbrookwine.com
Non-Edible Earth Friendly Products: Earth Sisters Herbal Products Great to Be Green, Inc. Rochester, Ma. Swansea, Ma. www.earthsistersherbals.com www.greattobegreen.com
Please Remember....
For complete information on all these farms (and MANY others), plus MORE produce in season, check out our Online Farm Guide at www.semaponline.org
CSAs 101: Community Supported Agriculture
class, want a great way to enjoy fresh produce this season? Beyond
farmstands, and markets who support local growers, you can also join
CSAs. What is a CSA? Commuity
Supported Agriculture is a practice where members of the community pay
an annual membership fee to help cover the production costs of a farm.
In turn, members receive a wide variety of in-season foods harvested at
their peak of maturity. Why Join? (or, Why Buy Local Food?) - Fresh vegetables are at their peak of maturity = high nutrient value - Usually picked that day; nutrients are not lost in transportation (usually 3-5 days via truck) - Buying direct from farm eliminates huge amounts of fuel & other resources used to ship food - Helps sustain agriculture on local farmland - Preserves the environment for now and future generations How Does it Work? CSA
members pay in advance at the beginning of the season for a share of
the farm's harvest. The members also take on the same risk and rewards
the farmer faces regarding crop failure (disease, drought, freak
freeze). Products varies with each farm and growing season,
and usually includes other items (honey, bread, eggs) when available. Pick-Up Options: Most
CSAs have a Pick-Up day where you come to the farm or drop off location
and pick up your share of produce. Others may offer delivery or
alternative means of distibution. Each farm is different, so please
check with your grower.
out the CSAs below who are currently still looking for members - but
act fast - as shares are quickly filling up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Farmer's Garden - 140 Davis St., Rehoboth, Ma. Steve & Tammy Noons ph: 508-889-7632 / 774-930-2422 email: noons140@comcast.net
General Info: The
Farmer's Garden is a 35 acre farm located in the beautiful country
setting of Rehoboth, Ma. It is owned and operated by Steve and Tammy
Noons. The Noons family has been farming in Rehoboth for generations.
Prior to starting our own farm Steve managed his father's farm for many
years. Steve continues the Noons family tradition and passion for
farming. He has dedicated himself to producing the highest quality and
best tasting vegetables in our community. We welcome everyone to visit
our farm.
Share Options: Starting June 19 and ending late October Family Share Membership $495 Half Share Membership $295 (Non-refundable Deposit of $100 is required.)
Pick-up Options: Pick
up at Farm in Rehoboth (day TBA); OR at a drop off spot near
Barrington, Rumford, Providence (TBA depending on geography of members). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lucky Field Organics - Rochester, Ma.
Eileen and Weston Lant ph:
508-763-8104 http://www.localharvest.org/csa/M20451 www.luckyfieldorganics.com
General Info: With very few exceptions, shareholders choose what they want of the
weeks offerings from the farm. You can select from three pick up days
at "The Store" in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts. We also offer a "Summer
share" for seasonal residents.
Share Options: June through October Full Season Shares (June 17 - October 24)
$550 Large " " $350 Small Share " " $225 Single Share Summer Season Shares (July 1 - August 29)
Full Share $300 " " Small Share $200 Pick-Up Options:
Members pick up their shares in our own CSA room and can explore "The Store" at the same time. How On Earth: The Store
62 Marion Road
Mattapoisett, MA 02739 508-758-1341 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silverbrook Farm - 592 Chase Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Andy Pollock ph: 508-991-5185 email: FarmSilverbrook@aol.com www.silverbrookdartmouth.com
General Info: 4 share options
Our products are organically grown, which means that we do not use
herbicides or pesticides on our crops as many conventional farmers do.
We follow these practices because they are the right thing to do -
for those who work with us, the environment and for the consumer. We
sell some certified organic
vegetables, organically grown vegetables, honey, eggs, poultry, jams,
jellies, pies and some organic fruits. Our farm strives for quality
products, valued employees,
sustainable agriculture and education. We are one of the oldest
operating farms in the Commonwealth and we hope to continue that
longstanding tradition.
Share Options: 4 CSA Locations June through October Seven farm collaborative providing 20 weeks of produce, fruit, vegetables, breads and other farm products. 1.) Dartmouth Pick-Up Time/Location: Family Share - - - - $565 Wednesdays from 1 to 6 PM at Silverbrook Farm Half Share - - - - - -$335 Starts June 18th with the last pickup day on October 29th.
2.) Provincetown Pick-Up Time/Location: Family Share - - - - $350 Wednesdays after 12PM from June 18th till Oct. 29th Half Share - - - - - -$580 at the Bradford Natural Market.
3.) Chatham Pick-Up Time/Location: Family Share - - - - $325 Wednesdays, from 10 AM til 5PM at The Nantucket Wild Half Share - - - - - -$550 Gourmet & Smokehouse, Chatham, Ma. June 18th-Oct. 29th.
4.) Cambridge Pick-Up Time/Location: Family Share - - - - $475* Mondays from June 16th till October 27th. Half Share - - - - - -$700* Your share is delivered to your door by the (*$150 delivery charge included) New Amsterdam Projects Tricycle Trucks
A family share will feed 3 to 4 people and a half share will feed 1 to 2.
SIgn up: Please go on Silverbrook Farm's website for membership forms or Online Payment.
Quittacas Farm - 200 Middleboro Rd., East Freetown, Ma. Gail Camara-Marks ph: 508-916-1089; 508-763-3365
General Info: Our CSA program begins 6/15/08 for 20 weeks. Full Share $400.00, Half
Share $200.00 Shares should be paid in full by 6/1/2008. Discounted
shares $90.00 in advance for $100.00 worth of vegetable at Farm Stand
market price, or $45.00 in advance for $50.00 worth of vegetables at
Farm Stand market price. Pick up days are Wednesdays 1-7PM and
Thursdays 4-7PM. The Freezer Beef Program runs separately. We will
partner 4 families to purchase fresh,hormone free beef. The Beef
Program is $20.00 per week for 25 weeks once we get 4 members willing
to participate. Call for our brochure for additional information.
Share Options: Pick-up Info: Begins June 15th, 2008 - for 20 weeks. Full Share - - - - - - - - $400 Wednesdays 1-7PM and Thursdays 4-7pm @ farm Half Share - - - - - - - -$200 Freezer Beef Program $20 per week (25 weeks) - limit 4 families Discounted Share - - - $90 (in advance for $100 worth of veggies @ Farm Stand market price) Discounted Share - - - $45 (in advance for $50 worth of veggies @ Farm Stand market price)
*Shares should be paid by June 1st, 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Clover Path Garden - 191 Quaker Lane, Acushnet, Ma. Cynda Williams ph:
(508) 763-5901
General Info: Producer of certified organic poultry & poultry products. Eggs
available at the Rochester Farmers Market, Plumb Corner Market Place,
Rt. 105, Rochester Center, MA. Market hours are
Saturdays 8 AM- 12 Noon. Duck eggs, Muscovy ducklings and freshly
slaughtered duckling available on a seasonal basis and must be
pre-ordered. Occasional stewing hens available. Eggs sold on the farm
by pre-arrangement. Farm tours by pre-arrangement. Please call before
stopping at the farm.
Share Options: Meat CSA Approx. $12 upfront per bird + price per pound of bird (depending on grain prices). Please call after dark for more information regarding the Meat CSA. Please sign up by May 15th if interested. Limit: 50 birds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Special thanks to Tammy Noons @ The Farmers Garden for her great CSA pamphlet.
Remember... there are MANY more local growers to visit this Spring - Find them ONLINE! |
Local Events!
Upcoming events in our area that benefit local farms and help increase awareness of local food and agriculture. Check them out and bring a friend!
2008 Coastal Wine Trail Kick-Off
Call ahead for tickets at 508.636.3423 ext 2 or buy
them online at www.westportrivers.com
Tickets are selling out fast - so reserve your spot today! Westport Rivers Vineyard hosts the kick-off event for the 2008 Coastal Wine
Trail season. All 7 wineries of the Coastal
Wine Trail of Southeastern New England will be together under one tent on
the lawn at Westport Rivers Winery along with local Artisanal Cheese makers,
farmers & food producers. Live music will also be provided.
The Coastal
Wine Trail wineries are: Truro Vineyards of Cape Cod, N. Truro, MA Running Brook Vineyards, N. Dartmouth, MA Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery, Westport, MA Sakonnet Vineyards, Little Compton, RI Greenvale Vineyards, Portsmouth, RI Newport Vineyards, Middletown, RI Langworthy Farm Winery, Westerly, RI
Sample local artisanal cheeses
produced by Shy Brothers Farm of Westport,
Great Hill Dairy of Marion, and Westfield Farm of Hubbardstown. Wicked Good
Foods of Bristol, RI will be here as well as Michele Deluca-Verely of La Maison
de Coco of Newport with her gourmet confections and Mike Melo of M&C
Restaurant of New Bedford. Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farms will provide a cash Raw
Bar and Paradise Hill Farm will have fresh herbs and herb gardens for sale. And
of course, we'll have Buzzards Bay Brewing with their farm fresh Pilsner and
more. SEMAP will be at the event as well! Come visit us, and learn more about local food and products. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earth Day / Sheep Day @ Soule Homestead - Middleboro, MA.
Saturday, May
3rd from 10am - 3pm.
Sheep dog demos at 10:30 & 1:30, children's
activities, bake sale, plant sale, yard sale (would you like to rent a table?)
and of course Andy Rice will be shearing and explaining his work. Join us for
some fun!
We are now
selling Summer Concert Series - Season Passes!
This year's
concerts will run from July 12th to August
The $40 Season
Pass is good for admission to all 7 concerts.
This is a
savings of $9 off the weekly price of $7. The music committee will have Season
Passes at Sheep Day or you can mail your check to:
46 Soule
St. Middleboro, MA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where ELSE Can I Find Local Products?
SEMAP's Buyer Members in our Business-to-Business Network are local restaurants, schools, and markets. Listed here are 2007 members; they are a group interested in supporting local producers and educating their customers on the many benefits of buying fresh, local products.
Barnstable County, Ma.
If you're looking for a nice dinner, lunch or local market to pick up some snacks, be sure to check out these great businesses.
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