August 2015
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In This Issue
NPCA Next Step Travel
Travel with NPCA to Cuba (NEW!), Guatemala, Thailand or The Dominican Republic. Click the photo to learn more.
Fall newsletter submission deadline:  September 7, 2015
Connect With Us
Here in the northern hemisphere, it's back to school time! The National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) offers lots of resources to help you bring a global perspective to your classroom and community. Whether you need new lesson plans, a travel program for your students or ways to support education programs around the world, you'll find it here.

Visit our website
You've developed a new lesson plan or discovered a new resource. Or you want to share your experiences or perspectives. Article submissions for the Fall Global Education News are due by Labor Day, September 7.   Email the editor, Susan Neyer, with questions or with your submissions.

Email the editor
Customize travel for your school or class

Connect with the Peace Corps community to get a "taste of the Peace Corps" in Guatemala, the Dominican Republic or Thailand through NPCA Next Step Travel.

Contact us to learn how
Host a Grilling for Girls' Education BBQ

Globally, 62 million girls are not in school. This Labor Day let's help get girls the education they deserve: Host a Grilling for Girl's Education BBQ to support Peace Corps #LetGirlsLearn.

Learn more and sign up
The summer 2015 issue of our quarterly, resource-filled Global Education News is available in the Education section of the NPCA website.  Here are some of the highlights of this issue:
  • Around the NPCA: WorldView Magazine Lesson Idea on Ukraine, Education Grants, Next Step Travel - Cuba!
  • Peace Corps Highlights: Third Goal Kits, Let Girls Learn, Poetry Contest Winners
  • Community Forum: Book recommendations and reviews
  • Global Education Resources, Professional Development and Travel Opportunities and more!
We are currently accepting articles for the Fall issue, which will include resources for World Food Day and more.  Contact the editor, Susan Neyer, at by September 7.

Download the Summer Issue
Scholarships for High School Study Abroad

The Department of State offers hundreds of scholarships each year for American high school students to study abroad for a summer or academic year (including gap year): National Security Language Initiative for Youth; Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Abroad Program; Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program. Deadlines vary.  Learn more.
Twitter Chat this Thursday

The Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning invites you to join the Twitter #globaledchat on Thursday, August 20 when global education organizations from across the country will join us to share free resources ready to be integrated into your classroom! To join, just search for #globaledchat on Twitter at 8pmET/5pmPT.
Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

U.S. K-12 teachers may be eligible to participate in a unique international professional development opportunity for 3-6 months through the Fulbright Program! By conducting educational research abroad, U.S. teachers gain new skills, learn new instructional methods and assessment methodologies and share best practices with international colleagues and students. Deadline: November 4.  Learn more.
Share your ideas and resources with us at any time! Our goal is to enable you to thrive - whether it's bringing the world back home to our classrooms and communities or working with your neighbors or students to help Let Girls Learn. Let us know what you are doing and give us feedback on what more we can do to support you.


Anne Baker
National Peace Corps Association

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