Thanks to You...A New Record!

Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen (second from right, during recent meeting with RPCV constituents) has been a consistent signer of an important Peace Corps funding letter in the House of Representatives. 

While the House signatures on this letter have grown consistently each year, a new record in 2015 was far from guaranteed.  But thanks to the collective efforts of you and other supporters, another record was reached!  After two hard weeks of phone calling, emailing and tweeting, 158 Congressmen/women signed this letter.  Thank you!

Commemorative Design Competition

It was a little more than a year ago when - following a great effort by NPCA advocates over several years - President Obama signed legislation to authorize the establishment of a Peace Corps commemorative to mark the lasting historical significance of the founding of the Peace Corps and the ideals represented by Peace Corps service.

Since that time, the Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation (PCCF) has been hard at work to move the project into the next phases of development.  And, with a commemorative site selected, the PCCF has announced a national design competition.

Day of Action Wrap

Well...this wasn't what we expected!  While a March 5th snowstorm shut down the federal government, nearly 80 advocates persevered and participated in our 11th annual National Day of Action.  

Read the experience (below) of one Capitol Hill participant - our April Featured Advocate. 

Thanks to all who took action from near and far! Check out our Day of Action Capitol Hill photo album.
Day of Awareness Coming

Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 25th.  This day will mark our first-ever Peace Corps Health Justice Awareness Day.  

This day will be devoted to raising awareness about the challenges facing those RPCVs dealing with illness or injuries incurred during their service, and expand the conversation on what we as a community can do to better respond.  Get involved now by contacting us today.
Early Bird Passes but Registration Continues

You may have snoozed...but you don't have to lose!

While early bird registration has passed (more than 300 already registered!) for the national gathering of the Peace Corps community, there's still plenty of time to sign up.

Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet, RPCV Congressmen Sam Farr and Mike Honda, and Wofford Global Citizen Award winner Berhane Daba of Ethiopia are among the confirmed featured speakers!

International Affairs Funding Petition

With your help, supporters of the International Affairs Budget convinced the U.S. Senate to overwhelmingly reject a proposed amendment to cut funding to our international assistance programs (which includes Peace Corps) by 50% and shift those funds to the military.  97 Senators voted against this cutting amendment.  Thanks to all who took action!

Our international issue for April continues to support these programs, asking you to sign this petition being circulated by the ONE Campaign.
Featured Advocate:  Gilbert Bonsu

Among the volunteers who participated in the National Day of Action was Gilbert Bonsu (first from the left, pictured with Ohio RPCVs and Senator Sherrod Brown), who had been back for less than a month from his service in South Africa.

During one of his meetings, Gilbert shared a story from his service about being a part of a management team for a rural bakery in South Africa.  Gilbert said among other things, this development project helped him become a more active and responsible citizen.
by the Numbers

Capitol Hill participants during the National Day of Action

Confirmed congressional meetings held March 5th and 6th

Offices receiving NPCA advocacy packets

Signers of the House Peace Corps funding letter!

Advocacy Photo of the Month!

Neither snow nor sleet kept RPCVs, like Jalina Porter (Cambodia 09-11), from their appointed 
advocacy rounds!
NPCA President Glenn Blumhorst was at the launch of this White House girl's education initiative, in which the Peace Corps will play a leading role. 

Find a regional or country of service member group and join today!

There's no better way to meet RPCVs than by wearing the logo. Gear up for the spring! 
Indiana and Mississippi are the newest states to gain Advocacy Coordinators. Find out about becoming one today!  

Follow @npcaadvocacy for the most up to date advocacy news.

Read this blog post about Cully and Bridget Davis to see why they continue their service by giving to NPCA.

Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet took part in a forum to discuss updates and efforts to reduce and respond to sexual assault.

From pets to tattoos, don't forget to follow us on Facebook for all things NPCA.

We remember those within the Peace Corps community who have passed away in the last several months here.