July 2014 Newsletter                                                      follow us on  Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn  View our videos on YouTube 
Help Lead District Advocacy Meetings

NPCA advocacy leaders are starting to sign up to organize district advocacy meetings during August and September.

And...our district meetings are already underway!

As part of Peace Corps Connect-Nashville, several Tennessee advocates participated in a joint district office meeting with staff of Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.  And, they are starting to organize similar meetings with their Tennessee House members too!

About twenty such meetings are in the planning stages as of today.  Follow this link to see what's currently in the works.  Contact us today if you can help organize a district office meeting (or two) in your area.  No previous experience is required.  We will provide you the tools and guidance to be a successful advocate!

Passage of Peace Corps Equity Act Now Possible

There are still several steps to go, but approval of language related to the Peace Corps Equity Act (PCEA) has shifted from unlikely to a real possibility.

Language to provide a fix that brings Peace Corps Volunteers in line with others in regards to reproductive health options is now included in both the Senate and House State/Foreign Operations (S/FOPS) appropriations bills. The key step came last week before the House Appropriations Committee.

Votes in the full Senate and House will need to sustain the PCEA language fix.  Then, both chambers will need to reach final agreements on the S/FOPS bill.  The NPCA will provide you with updates on developments as warranted.
Peace Corps
     Status Quo Funding
The Senate and House Appropriations Committees are in agreement on another Peace Corps front.  Both are recommending stable funding for the Peace Corps - $380 million - for Fiscal Year 2015, which is scheduled to begin in October. This meets the President's funding request, but remains $20 million below the high water mark for Peace Corps funding.  And, the agency remains far short of President Obama's 2008 pledge to double the size of the Peace Corps.
Thailand to Capitol Hill 

Dr. Surin Pitsuwan proudly notes he is "a product of the Peace Corps."  His work as a scholar, diplomat and political leader began with his Peace Corps teachers who taught English and helped him secure an American Field Service (AFS) educational scholarship.  After appearing in Nashville, the winner of this year's Harris Wofford Global Citizen Award joined NPCA leadership in Washington for meetings on Capitol Hill with key members of Congress, including RPCV Congressman Sam Farr, above. 
NPCA Advocacy for Lunch!

Peace Corps Connect - Nashville was packed with activities, workshops, inspiring speakers and great music.  A handful of key advocacy leaders also came together for a lunch meeting to discuss upcoming district meetings, the status of pending legislation and how NPCA advocacy can better serve you.
One Campaign in Nashville

Among those with a presence in Nashville was the ONE Campaign, whose representatives provided information on efforts to address severe global poverty.  A focus right now is to build Senate support for the Energize Africa Act.  Not in Nashville?  Not a problem.  Learn more and take action today!
July Featured Advocate - Mike Tidwell

One of Mike Tidwell's most important reflections on his Peace Corps service in the former nation of Zaire is the importance of connections to people.  

"I know that people do matter", said the resident of Takoma Park, Maryland.  

Speaking at the recently concluded NPCA gathering in Nashville, our July featured advocate - a leader in the climate change movement - posed a question in his plenary address: When it comes to combating climate change, "Does our country act on the world stage as if people really mattered?"

As for his fellow RPCV's, Mike says he is often asked by people in our busy society to tell them the one thing they can do to help his efforts to address the climate crisis.  In Nashville, he gave his answer.

 Midwest Meetings 
NPCA Advocacy Director Jonathan Pearson will be in Iowa City, IA on July 6th and St. Paul, MN on July 7th.  Click here for more information.

Next Stop San Francisco! 
Start pre-planning your trip to the west coast for Peace Corps Connect - 2015 in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Peace Corps Fast Facts
Follow this link and discover important facts about the Peace Corps' history and current status.
 State Resources
The State Resource page has been fully updated! See what impact your Representatives and Senators have made on the Peace Corps.

Congrats Carrie!
We delivered our congratulations booklet to the new Peace Corps Director during her appearance in Nashville.  Thanks to the several hundred people who signed.

NPCA Store
Find your favorite Peace Corps apparel and merchandise through our Online Store.
Who Represents You?
Find out who your Senators and Representatives are so you can contact them about Peace Corps issues. 

Peace Corps Commemorative
What's the latest with the proposed Peace Corps Commemorative in Washington DC? Read More.

In Memoriam
Peace Corps Volunteers who have passed are remembered here and listed by their country of service.
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