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April 8, 2013                                                                                                            



The President releases his Fiscal Year 2014 Peace Corps funding request later this week. Meanwhile, your actions over the last two weeks helped to build a record show of support in the House of Representatives.


NPCA's Advocacy Director is about to embark on an eleven state tour to connect with advocates and other members of the Peace Corps community. 


April is off to a busy start and it's all here in our monthly update.  No fooling!


Maine Cross-Country
Set to Begin

At the end of this week, National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) Advocacy Director Jonathan Pearson will begin a cross-country trip. Starting in Portland Oregon and moving from west to east, he'll be connecting with members of the Peace Corps community over a three week period.  

If we're coming your way, we hope to see you!


(Photo: Our advocacy travels in 2012 included a stop to connect with members of the Peace Corps community in Brunswick, Maine)

McCollum and Krause Peace Corps Letter Yields Record Signatures 

You did it again!  In just two short weeks, the five Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in the House of Representatives, led by California Congressman and Colombia RPCV Sam Farr, have secured a record 135 signatures on their Dear Colleague letter urging a return to $400 million to support the Peace Corps. As those signatures are being collected, a few last minute signatures will likely increase the total even more!

President Obama is expected to release his Fiscal Year 2014 budget to Congress this week.  While a return to $400 million is not expected in the President's budget, the strong numbers on the Dear Colleague letter will provide an opportunity to press forward.

Thanks to all who took action and be sure to thank your Congressman/woman if s/he signed this year's letter.    

(Photo: Congresswoman Betty McCollum (l), with Minnesota Advocacy Coordinator Andrea Kruse during the National Day of Action.  Congresswoman McCollum is among those lawmakers who signed the Peace Corps funding letter.)

Guatemala van Oct 2012 Serve Guatemala with NPCA

Join NPCA Advocacy Director Jonathan Pearson and other members of the Peace Corps community for our upcoming service/travel/advocacy trip to Guatemala.  It's a fantastic way to see another part of the world with a small group of like-minded individuals who share your Peace Corps background and ideals.

Learn more and sign up for the Guatemala trip scheduled for August 24 - September 6.  Last-minute discounts currently available! 

Annual Gathering Boston And... 

Let's Connect in Boston This June 

Harris WoffordDr. Mohamud Sheikh Nurein Said of Kenya, Oxfam America, sessions on global issues advocacy, and planning district advocacy meetings with a whole lot of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from across the nation.

These are just a few of the things you can expect from this year's Annual Gathering in Boston, home of The Freedom Trail, New England "Chow-dah," and the Kennedy Library.

You don't want to miss Peace Corps Connect - Boston 2013! 

Earth Day: Be a Face of Climate Change 

Earth Day is approaching on April 22nd and Earth Day Network is looking for environmental advocates. 

From rising sea levels to extraordinary drought and wildfires, our planet and all of its inhabitants are feeling the change. The Face of Climate Change challenges citizens worldwide to send in photos of people, animals, or places that have been affected by climate change. Take action and be a face for change. 
Hill Video The Latest NPCA Advocacy  Videos 

Ever wonder what it's like on Capitol Hill during the National Day of Action? See our video from this year's gathering.

Are you a Minnesota resident or know someone who is? Are you ready to take on the Minnesota challenge? Let's go to the video!

Rothfus and Thomas Featured Advocate:
Jay Thomas

So many of you have taken action over the past few weeks, either by participating in the National Day of Action or helping to secure signatures on the Peace Corps funding letter in the House of Representatives.

Our April featured advocate is among those who took action.  After Jay Thomas met with his Peace Corps recruiter, he went to meet with his Congressman.
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Here We Come! Cross-Country Trip

House Letter Supports Peace Corps Funding

Go to Guatemala with Next Step Travel

Peace Corps Connect Boston 2013

Earth Day 2013

NPCA Advocacy Caught on Video!

April Featured Advocate: Jay Thomas

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You still want to make a difference. Be a member to continue serving, connect with others, and support the legacy of the Peace Corps.

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This Month's Featured Advocate...        



 Jay Thomas



1973 - 1975



1997 - 2001 


Beaver, PA  


Read More Below 

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NPCA Submits Testimony 

Follow this link to read the NPCA testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee for State/Foreign Operations, urging $400 million for the Peace Corps in Fiscal Year 2014.

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Peace Corps Fast Facts


NPCA State Resources


White House 


United States Senate  


Contact Information for Senators


United States House


E-Mail Your Congressman/woman


Congressional Legislation






  Congressional Record








State Department






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A Great Way to Carry All Your Advocacy Materials  
PC Logo Tote Bag


 Visit our  online store and keep the importance of the Peace Corps front and center!  A portion of your purchase supports the efforts of the National Peace Corps Association.  Thank you! 



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 Charity Navigator


The National Peace Corps Association is recognized by Charity Navigator as a Four Star Charity, the highest rating given by this independent evaluator which analyses the financial health and efficiencies of non-profit organizations.


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Boston Area Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

Earth Day Network

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