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November 2012                                                                            


November Resources from NPCA Global Education    


November is generally a busy month for global education and this year is/was no exception!
  • Intl Alley 2012 - Concern Intl NCSS International Alley:  I hear the International Alley was the place to be at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference in Seattle earlier this month!  Were you there?  Let us know and share a tidbit (photo, comment, favorite resource, etc.) for us to include in our next newsletter. 
  • Global Education Conference:   This totally-online conference just celebrated its third year.  Lots of information is still available online.  Of course, that also corresponded with International Education Week!  What did you do to honor these events?  Let us know
  • Newsletter:  Editor Susan Neyer is already planning for the winter issue, coming out by mid-December.  See below for more on how to send materials for that newsletter.  Want to receive it as soon as it comes out?  You guessed it!  Join now!  

Read below to learn about new online resources and free professional development webinars.  And, if it works into your vacation schedule, check out NPCA's new Next Step Travel program.  Book a trip for 2013 by December 31 and a companion travels at a huge discount.  See the right sidebar for dates for our Dominican Republic and Guatemala trips, then link to our website to learn more.


Thank you for all that you do to bring the world into classrooms and communities.  Please share your stories, lesson plans and resources with us so that we can share them with all of you! 



    Anne's signature

Anne Baker
Acting President
National Peace Corps Association

ps - The work of NPCA Global Education is dedicated to you, but also could not happen without you.  Please support this monthly e-newsletter and other global education resources with a donation today.


NPCA Global Education
Global Education News
Winter 2012-2013

Have you used a resource lately that you just thought, "Wow!  Everyone should know about this!"  Or perhaps you were inspired by a program at the NCSS conference or the online Global Education Conference. 

Sometimes items in the news will spark a classroom discussion - or leave you struggling to figure out how to approach a topic. 

Whatever the approach, this network of educators in NPCA Global Education is here to help.

We welcome writers for our next newsletter, Winter 2012-2013, be they classroom teachers, students, Peace Corps Volunteers, parents, etc. 

Any and all topics welcomed, but in case you are looking for some ideas, we've received requests for the following:
  • Did Hurricane Sandy or other extreme weather (re)start any conversation around climate change?
  • How are you connecting your students/kids to people in the rest of the world?  We are looking for some innovative connections, particularly those that go beyond linking through Peace Corps Volunteers. 
Thank you for bringing the world into our classrooms and communities!  Please share your ideas with others in this network through our quarterly newsletter!  Submit your articles (or just let us know they are coming) by December 3 to Susan Neyer, editor, at

Global Workforce Curriculum Website

> Posted by request:

The SUNY Levin Institute announces the new Global Workforce Curriculum website ( ). This new website features the Global Workforce Curriculum, a new and exciting curriculum to internationalize classrooms and help teach students to think holistically, communicate across cultures and use technology in a professional capacity. The Curriculum is the culmination of a three year, U.S. Department of Education grant to internationalize general education across SUNY. The curriculum free and has hundreds of activities to teach about international issues and global skills in the classroom. 
Free Webinars from Green Teacher


Green Teacher, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping educators, both inside and outside of schools, promote environmental awareness among young people aged 6-19, offers free professional development webinars. For those unable to participate in the live events, their webinars are archived and freely viewable for a month. Beyond a month, access to these archives is limited to current Green Teacher subscribers.


Upcoming webinars include:

  • Water: Thinking Globally and Acting Locally
  • Multi-Culturalism & Environmental Learning
>> Register for upcoming webinars or access the archives 
World Savvy: 2012 Global Competency Survey  

> From their website:

World Savvy's Global Competency Survey was designed to cover knowledge, skills, values and behaviors - and demonstrate the degree of global competency we could expect the average American high school graduate to possess. The results highlight the gap in this critical area in the US education system: we are not preparing today's graduates for the reality of a global economy and workforce.

Global Learning for Educators Webinar Series
> From their website:

Take part in Asia Society's free year-long webinar series, Global Learning for Educators. Get started with our back-to-school series designed to help you plan for the year ahead with the goal of preparing students for college and the interconnected world beyond. Use the webinars as a basis for whole-school or districtwide conversations about what matters in 21st century global education.


Sustainable Library Development Training Package

 >  Forwarded from Peace Corps' Information Collection and  Exchange:

We have just completed a set of resources for training Peace Corps Volunteers in sustainable library development. We are pleased that we are able to publicly release these materials and share them with the larger library community. Please feel free to use and share these materials widely. As we will continue to develop additional training resources, we welcome your feedback on this training package.


Below is a brief description and links to the resources on the Peace Corps public website:


Sustainable Library Development Training Package

The purpose of the Sustainable Library Development Training Package is to support and provide guidance to Peace Corps Volunteers engaged in library projects as both primary work assignments and secondary project activities. Training packages are used at Peace Corps posts worldwide to train and prepare Volunteers for their work in the field. The Sustainable Library Development Training Package can also be used by Volunteers to facilitate workshops on library development in their host country communities. Each session plan is stand-alone and includes all relevant handouts; some handouts are repeated from session to session. Listed below are links to the training package with session plans, PowerPoint materials, and all referenced publications.


Global Education News

Global Workforce Curriculum Website

Green Teacher Webinars

Global Competency Survey

Global Learning for Educators Webinars

Sustainability Library Development

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 Green Teacher Webinars 



Global Learning for Educators Webinars   



NPCA has earned a coveted four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the nation's largest independent evaluator of charities. A 4-star rating assures potential donors that NPCA continues to excel in managing its finances and donations.



Next Step Travel

Guatemala van Oct 2012
Small group travel, educational programs and a close-up view of volunteer service for NPCA members.  Travel dates:

Dominican Republic:
Dec. 27, 2012 - Jan. 5, 2013
* Feb. 16 - Mar. 1, 2013
* May 18 - 31, 2013

* Mar. 9 - 22, 2013
* Jun 1 - 14, 2013
* Aug. 24 - Sep. 6, 2013

* 10-day versions also available

Reserve your spot by December 31, 2012 for a 2013 departure and a companion travels at a huge discount!  Learn more.

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Please note: The materials and information included in this email are provided as a service to you and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by the National Peace Corps Association.

SHARE THE INFO  We encourage subscribers to pass the information along to colleagues and other interested parties. Please credit this email as the source and include subscription information.

SUBMIT ANNOUNCEMENTS  If you would like to submit an item to be included in an upcoming posting, please send it to globaled@  Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and should include follow-up details for those interested in learning more.

NPCA Global Education is the global education network of the
National Peace Corps Association and ASCD.

Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, DC, the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nation's leading 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization connecting and championing Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and the Peace Corps community. It provides service and education opportunities that build on the Peace Corps experience, and is also the longest-standing advocate for an independent and robust Peace Corps. To become a member or get more information, visit
Copyright (c) 2012 NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION, All rights reserved.