White Working Class Roundtable Newsletter is an online publication
that provides information and discussion about the white working
class--a critical group in American politics and society. The Newsletter is a
project of the Democratic Strategist. Its goal is to assist Democrats to
reach out and regain the support of this once Democratic constituency. Each issue of the
newsletter will highlight new and significant articles, polls and other
sources of information regarding the white working class, focusing
particularly on materials that discuss and evaluate strategies Democrats
can employ to gain greater support from this still-critical electoral
force. In the coming months the
Newsletter will also plan an ongoing series of original roundtable
discussions among leading Democratic strategists and thinkers. These
discussions will follow on the June 6th Roundtable on Progressives and
the White Working Class that was organized in coordination with the
Washington Monthly and the Democratic Strategist. That online roundtable
gathered the largest group of top experts since the Reagan era to share
ideas in this area. We look forward to your interest and active participation in our work. You can subscribe to the Newsletter below.