Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania
Orthodox Church in America
Parish Development Ministry
Joseph Kormos,
Ministry Leader
513 - 683-1911
Does Your Parish Experience these Issues?
--Declining worship attendance? -- Falling membership?
-- Members in name only?
-- An aging parish? Lost youth?
-- Minimalism in stewardship and discipleship?
--Many "clubs" -- but few real Christian ministries?
--Visitors come once - but do not return?
--New members rarely become active?Take stock of parish practices, attitudes and behaviors -- and start building a framework for taking action.
Who Should Attend
This free webinar is open to clergy and laity from any Orthodox jurisdiction interested in breathing new life into their parish. If your parish is in numerical or spiritual decline, in a rut or stuck on a plateau - and you are looking for approaches and ideas that have been tried by others - please join us for this important session.
Parish Priests... desiring to lead revitalization and outreach efforts within their parishes Parish Council Members... desiring to collaborate with the priest to envision and enliven a brighter future for the parish Lay Leaders... willing to put time, effort and love into invigorating their parish to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, good deeds and a welcoming atmosphere. Join Us on June 12 Convene a group at your parish. You need an internet connection, LCD projector, speakers --and definitely popcorn. You must register to attend. To Register Click Here
Thursday June 12, 2014 8:00 PM EDT
In the words of Fr. Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary, "There is no good reason why an Orthodox Christian parish in North America cannot be Christ's Holy Church if its members, beginning with its leaders, firmly resolve to have it so."
Heritage parishes can learn to face forward for a brighter future.
Please Join Us..
Please join us for a webinar at 8:00 PM EDT on Thursday June 12 2014 to hear how three Orthodox parishes had the resolve to rethink and reinvigorate their parish in order to face forward and become a parish of possibilities not nostalgia.
"Profiles in Orthodox Parish Revitalization", will share stories of renewal and revitalization in three "century old" parishes told from the perspective of the pastors who led the parishes to find a new life in Christ.
Click here to register for this webinar.
Webinar Speakers and Session Content
Our speakers will be:
Fr. Jonathan Proctor
Father Jonathan Proctor, Rector, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, St Paul, MN (Parish founded 1916) - Father Tom Soroka, Rector, St Nicholas Orthodox Church, McKees Rocks, PA (Parish founded 1914)
- Father Marc Vranes, Rector, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Willimantic, CT (Parish founded 1916)
The webinar agenda will include reflections by each speaker on their revitalization journey - sharing what worked and what didn't in their parish situation.
Fr Tom Soroka.
The session will be moderated by Joseph Kormos, Parish Development Ministry leader from the OCA's Archdiocese of Western PA, who will provide a brief introduction and help to summarize what we have learned.
Audience members will be able to ask questions of our speaker panel. The session will be recorded for future viewing by others from your parish.
What You Will Learn
Fr. Marc Vranes
Commonalities and differences between the revitalization efforts undertaken in thee OCA heritage parishes. - What worked, what didn't and why in applying different approaches to different geographic and demographic situations.
- Obtain a new understanding that, while change happens slowly, parishes and their parishioners can learn new ways to live a life in Christ.
Empty pews, aging parish demographics and minimalism in far too many aspects of parish life are just some of the characteristics of parish decline.
This Webinar Previews Themes from Small Parish Forum The Small Parish Forum is an Orthodox conference created to share helpful, hope ful ideas and tools for stabilizing and strengthening parish life in small parishes of fifty or fewer members. Sponsored by the OCA's Diocese of the Midwest and the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania, the Small Parish Forum will be held from 3:00 PM July 10 until noon July 12 in Byesville OH. This webinar is designed to preview some of the important topics that will be covered at the Forum. For more information on the Small Parish Forum click here. To register for the Small Parish Forum click here .
Parish Development Ministry
The mission of the Parish Development Ministry is to help parishes to become healthy, hopeful, vibrant Orthodox communities that grow in their commitment to living a life in Christ, share the Gospel with all in their own locale and are prepared to do the work of Christ in the world.
To fulfill this mission this ministry seeks to:
- Stimulate dialogue about life in good Orthodox Christian parishes in America
- Connect parishes to establish supportive relationships, share strengths, good ideas, practices and resources and offer mutual encouragement.
- Build assessment, planning and administrative tools to address common parish needs.
More info.