MidAtlantic Cleaners and Launderers Association
The Messenger -- Online!
October 9, 2013 |
Greetings! |
Thank you for your membership! The MidAtlantic Association of Cleaners (MAC) is striving to provide its members with quality programs and services designed to help make our members stronger. This is a first step in the re-vamping of MAC's communication vehicles. These updates will be sent to all members electronically at least monthly and more often as warranted. Look for other changes coming soon including a greater online presence, new educational programs, and a revamped Newsletter. Give us a call (800-235-8360) or e-mail us at: midatlanticassociation@comcast.net and let us know how we can work to make you stronger! |
WANTED: DRYCLEANING VIDEOS -- $5,000 Reward for Best! |
The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) is offering big money for videos that demonstrate or promote the use of DLI member services. The contest is open to all cleaners working in the industry, as well as all consumers and organizations. The Institute will award $5,000 for the video judged to be "best" by the staff and Board of Directors. The purpose of the video project is to accumulate ideas on how DLI professional drycleaners can promote their serves more effectively.
"We think we know why a consumer should bring a pair of pants they can clean at home to us, but we're certain to get a great many ideas from this project," offered Dave Beatty, owner of Murrysville Cleaners and DLI District 2 Director. "It's easy to list convenience, quality and things like that, but those things are too general. We thought we'd go to the source and get consumers to tell us their reasons for using professional services."
All videos must demonstrate the advantage of using professional drycleaning services, run no longer than two minutes, and may not be a promotion for a specific cleaning company. To submit a video, post it to YouTube and share a private link with DLINews@DLIonline.org. All video submissions become Drycleaning & Laundry Institute property. . |
 Industry Expert and MAC's new Executive Director, Peter Blake will be traveling to Staunton, VA to host MAC's new marketing workshop.
This session is a perfect opportunity to learn proven, low-cost, effective ways to market and promote your business. More and more small businesses need to take advantage of the new marketing and communications vehicles now available. DLI/MAC have developed specialized tools to help you increase your marketshare!
Attend this Workshop and learn:
- Three Steps to developing a marketing plan
- How to use Social Media effectively
- 10 things you can do immediately to increase sales
- Effective ways to communicate with your customers
- How to use ALL the tools available
The program will be Saturday, November 2 from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. The cost for MAC/DLI members is $39/members and $59/non-members.
Easy to Do Ideas That Work -- Equipment Maintenance! |
Keep Stills Going!
To keep your still working as it should, drain out all the residue at least once a week and scrape the sides and bottom clean. Still residue will build up rapidly and slow down distillation. Dirty stills also trap solvent in the residue, increasing your waste removal cost and solvent purchases.
-- Brian Johnson, Director of Training and Technical Services, DLI
Have an idea? A helpful Suggestion? Send them to us and we may publish them in an upcoming The Messenger: Online or on our website. This is a new regular feature of both this e-mail update. The idea was first published in a DLI publication of the same title. |
I am very excited to be working with the MidAtlantic Association of Cleaners!  I have been involved with the North East Fabricare Association for over 25 years, and I am excited to bring some of that experience and knowledge to other parts of the East. We are currently reviewing our programs and services to see what we can improve, strengthen and add. I have been a featured speaker on marketing, social media, customer service and OSHA training. We are planning a workshop in November to be held in conjunction with the MAC Board of Directors Meeting. Keep watch over your emails for the official announcement. All members are encouraged to call or contact me at anytime. I want to hear from you! If there are ways we can better serve you, or things you thing the association needs to be involved in, let us know: (800-235-8360) or e-mail me at peteblke@aol.com.