Turkey Dog Update
More Turkey Dogs Arriving This Month
We're bringing in 22 more Turkey Dogs later this month! Watch FB in the next few weeks - we'll post photos of who is coming.
CNN recently ran two great stories: Part 1 was shot in Turkey and Part 2 here in Atlanta. For Part 1, click on this text.
CNN story from Atlanta
Click on photo above for Part 2
With so many people from Turkey following our rescue effort, we now have a language button on the main pages of our website that translates text to Turkish.
Help us rescue more abandoned Goldens from Turkey with your donation!   

Message from the President 
Lauren's January Message
Lauren Genkinger's January Message
 Orphans of the Month
for January
Neyland and Tucker - Orphans of the Month
Neyland and Tucker

NOON - 2:00 PM 
Upcoming Events

April 16
7 to 10 p.m.

Golf and Tennis
June 6
Country Club
New FB Page for Adopters
We are launching a FB page for all AGA adopters. It is a closed group for anyone who has adopted from us - TD or American. 
The new FB page is called "Parents of AGA Goldens." If you're an adopter, go to the page and please ask to join. 








Canine Bad Breath

As humans, we brush our teeth every day and see our dentist regularly.  But what about our dogs? Your dog's bad breath isn't just a dental hygiene issue, it might indicate other health issues.
A recent survey showed that 56% of dog parents admit their pooch has bad breath, but only 6% schedule a cleaning.
The link below takes you to a WebMD article with some guidelines to keep pooch's mouth in tip-top shape.
Separation Anxiety

We've seen some Turkey Dogs experiencing separation anxiety -- exhibiting distress and behavior problems when you're not home. Now that they have a person, they don't want to lose them!   
Actually, separation anxiety can be common in any rescued dog.
The article in the link below discusses symptoms of separation anxiety. It also offers behavior modification tips to reduce your dog's dependence on you so they feel safe when you are temporarily away from home.
AGA Wins IPATA Excellence Award
The International Pet and Animal Transportation
Association (IPATA) recently presented the IPATA 2015 Excellence Award to AGA for our efforts rescuing dogs from Istanbul this year.
We were recognized "for gallant efforts locating and rescuing abandoned Golden Retrievers in Turkey" and "for outstanding compassion in nursing them back to health for transport to and rehoming in the U.S." In 2015, AGA brought 123 Golden Retrievers to Atlanta from Istanbul.


Congratulations to all of our pups who found their forever homes in December. 
Bo Duke and Daisy Mae, Candy Cane, Casper, Christmas Rose, Clarence, Comet, Cuma Jolly, Dominick, Egg Nog, Elf, Frankincense,
Frosty, Gingerbread, Glitter, Hallie, Holly Berry, Jake, Jaxon, Joy, Katie, Lily Doodle,
Maccabee, Noel, Oly, Rudy, Rufus, Rumi,
Santa, Snowflake, Sugar Cookie, Sullivan,
Tannenbaum, Theodore, Tinsel. 
The AGA App Team is looking for additional Application Coordinators. These team members serve an important role as the first line of contact for applicants who want to adopt. Work from home by phone and email. Time requirement is five hours per week.
Complete the volunteer application to apply:
Too much Golden hair? 
AGA benefits when you buy Bissell floor cleaning products.  Shop here then enter the code "ADOPT" in the coupon or redemption box and select Adopt a Golden Atlanta for a chance for us to win a $5,000 drawing per quarter.
Shop at Kroger?
Put AGA as your charity and Kroger will make a donation. 
Just register your card for free here using our NPO number 67180 and shop like usual to help support AGA.

Shop on amazon.com?

Use this link to get to Amazon and then shop like normal. AGA gets a donation from every dollar you spend while using our link.