Spring 2014                             HEALTHY URBAN LIVING

Prakash Ellenhorn is a private psychiatric treatment program in the Cambridge/Arlington, MA, area offering an effective treatment alternative to clients 18+ with mild to acute psychiatric symptoms.  We are community-based with a residential option. Using the best-practice PACT model, our multidisciplinary mobile teams offer a highly individualized and holistic range of services to each client. Read below to learn how clients who stay at our Residence incorporate healthy urban living.
The Residence:
Healthy Living in an Urban Setting

Located in Arlington, Mass., our beautiful nine-bed Residence offers 24/7 staffing with a high 4:9 staff-to-client ratio. Unique among residential settings, it offers clients a powerful combination of personalized clinical services delivered by a multidisciplinary team, as well as a robust array of resources for achieving physical health and well-being. From day one, we help clients transition to independent living.
Meet Deirdre Calvert,  
Director of Residential Services
Deirdre has a graduate degree from Boston University, is trained in integrated dual-disorders treatment (IDDT) and is a licensed addictions counselor.


Q: How is the Residence special?

A:  For clients new to the Boston area, it can be helpful to enter our community-based psychiatric and psychosocial treatment program by receiving intensive clinical services while initially living at the Residence, where they can make friends and have a home base. The calm, non-institutional setting, personal autonomy, and genuine relationships formed with staff, help dispel the disabling self-image of "patient," and support a return to dreams and belief in a future -- critical ingredients in recovery.



Q: Why the focus on physical health?

A:  People with psychiatric issues are at risk medically. This is partly due to medication, but also to a loss of hope, which leads to not taking care of yourself. There is also vast evidence that psychiatric well-being is linked to physical well-being. To help our clients move forward in life by taking charge of their physical wellness, the Residence offers a broad menu of activities, including exploration of Boston on foot, team sports, kayaking, yoga, working out with personal trainers, dance, and our QUEST program of experiential activities, from hiking to museum trips. Our two chefs cook healthy, delicious food. And we help clients establish natural sleep schedules.


Q: Why is care personalized?

A: We believe that each client's psychiatric experience is unique. To label a group of people with the same diagnosis is both inaccurate and demoralizing. Not only are they injured by being sequestered from those going to work or school, they are also robbed of individuality by being told they have the same problem as others.  Just as our clinical services are personalized, so each client at the Residence structures their day as they like and need it to be, with outings, activities and meetings with their clinical team.  

MEET Our Awesome Residence Chefs, 
Nick Peters and Matt Murray.


The Residence's homelike, non-institutional atmosphere promotes our clients' recovery from the psychosocial trauma of multiple losses -- identity, social standing, belief in a future. A big part of home is food, and our chefs cook up healthy food that's outrageously


Chefs Nick and Matt help clients move toward independent living by teaching healthy cooking that's doable. Says Matt, "This is great food clients want to -- and can -- make on their own."



Says Nick, "Clients build friendships as they cook and eat together." Matt sees new cooking skills build self-esteem. "That confidence they learn in the kitchen carries over into other areas."
Our Beautiful
Call 800-515-1930 to find out about availability or schedule a tour.
Residence Chef
Matt Murray
"Good Food Makes You Feel Good" -- Chef Nick

Nick was a restaurant chef for seven years. Matt has a BA in Culinary Nutrition and worked as a nutritionist.
Residence Chef
Nick Peters

Matt and Nick often teach clients at the Residence how to cook. They also create recipe cards for clients to use once they are living on their own. It's all about giving people tools for a lifetime of healthy eating.


Happy Spring from Ed Levin

I hope you have enjoyed learning about Prakash Ellenhorns residential component. Please visit our website for more info at www.prakashellenhorn.com or feel free to give me a call at 802-922-3048. I welcome any questions and look forward to talking with you soon. All the Best, Ed

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