VFES PTO Newsletter 
Issue 3:  October 4, 2013  
PTO News

Note From The President    


Hello VFES Families,


We hope you find this week's Falcon helpful to you and your families. Our school community is as busy and vibrant as ever!


Thank you to all who attended this week's PTO meeting on Wednesday night.  Your board was pleased to present updates to you, and we appreciate your participation and good ideas. Keep 'em coming.


I also send our thanks to Mrs. Wills and the Team Facilitators who joined us and shared updates on their grades, specials, and activities throughout the school: Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Janda, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Diamond, Mr. Collins, Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Swetkowski.


All the best,


Heather Bittenbender


Earn Cash for Valley Forge Elementary School with Box Tops

Next collection deadline is October 25th


Box Tops coupons are a great way to help raise money for classroom needs. Each one is worth 10� when redeemed  from Box Tops for Education. Clip the Box Tops from participating products and send them in to school. Shop online at stores through the Box Tops Marketplace�. Our school can earn eBoxTops� with every qualifying purchase you make.
Sign up at www.boxtops4education.com. See how much VFES is earning, enter promotions to win eBoxTops and other prizes, and print coupons. 
Print this flyer if you need a reminder.
The Registration Fee for the Falcon 5K Event Goes Up on Oct. 12th

Sunday, November 3rd, in Wilson Farm Park


Run/Walk registration rates go up after October 12th so sign up now for the Falcon 5k Run/Walk and 1 Mile Kids' Fun Run in Wilson Farm Park. Mr. Johnson has been preparing the kids in Recess Laps for the run and the kids are very excited. There will be music, prizes for the winners in each age category and more. To register you can download a registration form, or you can register online at brynmawrrunningco.com, under "Events" and then "Race Calendar." Help support VFES with this new, healthy, family-oriented fundraiser!

Attention Target Shoppers!

Our school is earning money! Thanks to all of you currently participating in the Target Take Charge of Education� program. By simply shopping with your Target� Visa� Credit Card and designating our school, a percentage of the amount of each purchase you make is donated back to our school.


If you're not already taking part, please consider doing so - grandparents, alumni, friends and neighbors can help, too. To participate please visit target.com/tcoe. Enroll for a Red card credit card or Debit card and you will save 5% off of every shopping trip and Target will give 1% of your total purchase to back to Valley Forge Elementary School. 

Scary Gym is Coming Soon! 

Monday, October 28th in the gym


Scary Gym is a Spooktacular, fun and safe event for students and takes place on Monday, October 28th.   Kindergarten and 1st graders get their chance during the school day on the 28th,and 2nd through 4th graders attend during the evening.  This is a highly anticipated event at VFES & it requires many volunteers.  Visit www.vfespto.org and click on the Scary Gym Form for the evening's schedule and more information.

Sponsorship Deadline for the Falcon 5K Event is October 11th     


Last chance to sponsor the Falcon 5K Run/Walk! We are offering different levels of sponsorship that will provide great exposure for your business. In addition to your company's logo on the t-shirt, our top sponsors can have a table with promotional material at the event and can include information or samples in runner race packets. To become a sponsor, please contact Donna Costin at gusylab@comcast.net. Race details can be found at www.vfespto.org.
A Special Thanks

Due to the hard work of many volunteers, clubs kicked off this week to a great start.  Thank you to all my Club Coordinators and especially those filling in
by taking on 2 clubs this session until we were able to get more volunteers.  These wonderful people are: Stacey Mignone, Shawnette Brown, Esther Lee, Janet Plastino, Nancy Marvel, Jackie Reinhart, and Michelle Wang. Thank you so much!

- Laura Wurzer, VP, Clubs.
Help Wanted

The Publishing Center Needs YOU!null 


The VFE Publishing Center allows students in 1st through 4th grades to publish stories of their creation.  The Publishing Center, which is staffed 100% by parent volunteers, published over 600 books last year.  In order to continue offering this wonderful program, we need your help!  There are several areas for which we are seeking volunteers, and many of these areas involve work that can be done from home with only quick stops into school.  In addition, volunteer hours are flexible and based on your schedule.  We are currently seeking volunteers for: Front & Back Covers; Typing/Editing; Proofreading; Titles & Laminating Covers; About the Author; and Assembling the Books.  For more information about volunteering in the Publishing Center, please contact Tarin Cataldo at vfepubcntr@tesd.net

School News
Book Fair 2013 


Our annual VFES Book Fair will be held the week of October 21st in the Large Group Room. The children always enjoy "shopping" for books and creating their wish lists during their class visits. Please visit VolunteerSpot.com to access the class schedule and sign up to help during your child's class visit. It's as easy as 1-2-3!


   1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot.

   2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)

   3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!


Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact Sarah Culbert (sarahculbert@hotmail.com)or Heather Bittenbender (hmsb@comcast.net) and we can sign you up manually.

Fall Recess Laps Program

Let's enjoy these beautiful fall days!  Please visit Sign Up Genius to volunteer for the remaining slots for the always popular Recess Laps Program.  Mr. Johnson has the program up and running again for the month of October in advance of the Falcon 5k Run/Walk and 1 Mile Kids' Fun Run.

Accessing the Library Catalog

In October, your child will be bringing home a bookmark from the library. We usually highlight a different staff member and their favorite books each month. However in October, we are highlighting the library collection. At the bottom of the bookmark there is a QR code. If you have access to a QR code reader scan the code and you will be linked to the library collection. We have some amazing books.   Interested in seeing the QR code now?  Check it out! 

The School Store Is Open!


The Valley Forge Elementary School store is open Friday mornings during snack time from 9:55 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. starting October 4th.  All proceeds go to the 4th grade class graduation party!  Thank you!  Any questions contact Tara Karbiner at Tarakarbiner@hotmail.com, Brooke Stein at brookeestein@yahoo.com or Becky Mackey at Rebeccamackey@verizon.net.

Stay Up to Date with the School Board


September School Board Committee Meeting Summaries are available on the District web site. Read more: School Board Summaries

Community Corner 
FLITE - Don't Miss This Special Performance Before it Travels to Texas! 

"If JFK Survived Dallas: Presidential Perspectives at Age 96"
Monday, October 21st, 7pm, CHS auditorium

"If JFK Survived Dallas: Presidential Perspectives at Age 96,"
written and performed by Dennis McAndrews, Esq., a local attorney, former T/E parent, Villanova Univ. political science professor and FLITE Board member. Save the date - Monday, October 21st, 7PM, CHS auditorium. The CHS FLITE Club will host this event at no charge; any donations are appreciated. The goal of FLITE Club is to introduce this organization to CHS and to provide support by identifying opportunities within the school community

FLITE Fundraiser at Landmark American Tap & Grill  
Landmark Americana Tap & Grill is Helping FLITE Help Kids....Again!
Saturday, October 12th,
beginning at 11 am with The Sofa Kings 8pm - 12am

Looking for a something fun to do on a Saturday that includes music and family-friendly food? Gather your family and friends. On October 12th, Landmark Americana is helping FLITE help kids! Food served beginning at 11AM.  The Sofa Kings, WMGK's 2012-13 award winning house band will entertain from 8PM-12AM.  Please bring this form to the restaurant and 15% of proceeds will go towards benefiting educational programs funded by FLITE.  For more information, check out the event flyer
Boys Youth Basketball Clinic (Grades 1-8)
Sunday, November 3rd, 1 - 4 p.m.
Conestoga High School gym


Registration:  Prior to event (see  flyer for form) or day of clinic if space available.  In addition, clinic information and the registration form can be found on our new booster club basketball website:  www.conestogabasketball.com


This will be a great event and the younger boys have enjoyed this clinic and working with the high school players in past years.  Thank you in advance for any promotion of this event.  Go Stoga and T/E boys!
VFMS Fundraiser at Kiwi Yogurt in Gateway
Thursday, October 10th, 4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  

On Thursday, October 10th, Kiwi Yogurt in the Gateway Shopping Center, will be hosting a fundraising event to benefit VFMS!  Kiwi will donate 15% of sales from 4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  Stop by on your way home from afternoon sports or following dinner for a sweet treat and help VFMS!  

In order to receive the 15%, guests must present this flyer  at the time of purchase. Copies of the flyer will also be distributed to students at school a few days prior.  Do you know others who love Kiwi as much as we do?  Feel free to print the flyer and give copies to your friends!
Gratitude Corner 

A big thank you to Jenni DiMaio, who chaired the Health Screening Day and Beth Stanfield, who also volunteered for Health Screening Day.


We are so grateful to our Picture Day volunteers and of course, thank them, for staying back all day to help with the kids. Thanks so much

Jenni DiMaio, Debbie Geiger, Tracy Grigoriades, Julie Kanto, Peggy McGarrity, Beth Stanfield and Natalie Sudall! You ladies are awesome!


Our Back to School Night was a huge success. We had over 300 Kona Ices distributed. This event would not have been possible without

Angel McAveney, who chaired this event. Thank you, Angel!

In This Issue
Note From the President
Box Tops Collection
Falcon 5K Registration
Attention Target Shoppers
Scary Gym is Coming
Sponsor the Falcon 5K
Special Thanks
Publishing Center Needs You!
Book Fair 2013
Fall Recess Laps
Access the Library Catalog
The School Store
Stay Up to Date with the School Board
Can't Miss FLITE Performance
FLITE Fundraiser at Landmark
Basketball Clinic
VFMS Fundraiser at Kiwi Yogurt
Gratitude Corner

The PTO Needs YOU!

Click the picture above for more information and to sign up!
Useful Links

Add/Change Email
Upcoming Events   

10/9 & 10/10 - 3rd Grade Visits Audubon Center


10/10 - Mother Goose Visits Kindergarten


10/21 -10/25 Book Fair

10/28 - Book Fair (PM Only)

10/28 Scary Gym  


10/29 - Cultural Arts Show - Magician / Illusionist


10/31 - Halloween Parades & Parties
2013-2014 Falcon Publication Dates 

Questions or Comments?

Contact the Editors:

Tracy Grigoriades

Heather Bittenbender

PTO President  


Rebecca Wills,




Valley Forge Elementary School                            

99 Walker Road, Wayne, PA 19087                       

(610) 240-1600                               

Fax (610) 240-1615                                

Absentee Calling # (610) 240-1600 ext 5