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Today's Headlines: July 15, 2016
Zika Virus

Assessing the Global Threat from Zika Virus (Science) There is limited information on the key factors that determine the extent of the global threat from ZIKV infection and resulting complications. Here, we review what is known about the epidemiology, natural history, and public health impact of ZIKV infection, the empirical basis for this knowledge, and the critical knowledge gaps that need to be filled. Go to article

Overnight Healthcare: Lawmakers Leave for Summer Without Approving New Zika Funds (The Hill) Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked a deal to provide $1.1 billion to combat the Zika virus for a 2nd time, cementing the fact that there will be no new Zika funding for the summer. Go to article

See also: TFAH Statement on Congress Failing to Provide Funding for the Zika Response (Trust for America's Health) Trust for America's Health is extremely disappointed that Congress was unable to reach agreement on a Zika response funding package. The following is a statement from Richard Hamburg, interim president and CEO of TFAH. Go to article

Distinct Zika Virus Lineage in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil (Emerging Infectious Diseases) Sequencing of isolates from patients in Bahia, Brazil, where most Zika virus cases in Brazil have been reported, resulted in 11 whole and partial Zika virus genomes. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a well-supported Bahia-specific Zika virus lineage, which indicates sustained Zika virus circulation in Salvador, Bahia's capital city, since mid-2014. Go to article

Specificity, Cross-Reactivity and Function of Antibodies Elicited by Zika Virus Infection (Science) Zika virus, a mosquito-borne flavivirus with homology to Dengue virus, has become a public health emergency. By characterizing memory cells from ZIKV-infected patients, we dissected ZIKV-specific and DENV-crossreactive immune responses. Go to article

Preparedness Guide on Zika and Substances of Human Origin (ECDC) Zika virus is mainly transmitted to humans through mosquitoes but can potentially also be transmitted through substances of human origin such as blood, tissue and cells. To be able to mount a rapid response, in the event of a Zika virus outbreak in Europe, this new guide offers a set of activities that should be considered in the preparation and implementation of a national preparedness plan for the safety of SoHO. Go to article

The Epidemiology and Transmissibility of Zika Virus in Girardot and San Andres Island, Colombia, September 2015 to January 2016 (Eurosurveillance) We analysed daily surveillance data of ZVD cases reported to the health authorities of San Andres and Girardot, Colombia, between September 2015 and January 2016. ZVD was laboratory-confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in the serum of acute cases within 5 days of symptom onset. Go to article

Zika Virus Infection Associated with Severe Thrombocytopenia (Clinical Infectious Diseases) We report 2 patients who developed severe thrombocytopenia after Zika virus infection. Physicians should be aware that Zika virus may be associated with immune-mediated severe thrombocytopenia. Go to article

Suspected Female-to-Male Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus--New York City, 2016 (MMWR) A routine investigation by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene identified a nonpregnant woman in her twenties who reported she had engaged in a single event of condomless vaginal intercourse with a male partner the day she returned to NYC from travel to an area with ongoing Zika virus transmission. Go to article

Biological Agents & Infectious Diseases

Yellow Fever Situation Report (WHO) A yellow fever outbreak was detected in Luanda, Angola late in December 2015. The 1st cases were confirmed by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa on 19 January 2016 and by the Institut Pasteur Dakar on 20 January. Subsequently, a rapid increase in the number of cases has been observed. Go to article

Government Affairs & National Security

FDA Issues Draft Guidances on Next Gen Sequencing (in-Pharma) As part of the Precision Medicine Initiative, the FDA's role is to create regulatory processes that encourage advances in genomic testing, while ensuring safety. Go to article

Global Health Security

FAO Calls for More Surveillance after African H5N1 Outbreaks (CIDRAP) Yesterday leaders from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said the recent spike of H5N1 avian flu outbreaks in western and central Africa demand increased vigilance. Go to article

"Under Severe Duress": Health Care in Iraq (The Lancet) The health system in Iraq has been decimated by war; health facilities have been destroyed and not rebuilt, and doctors have fled the continuing violence in the country. Paul C Webster reports. Go to article

Medicine & Public Health

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility Surveillance-The Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project, 27 Sites, United States, 2014 (MMWR) The Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project was established in 1986 as a sentinel surveillance system to monitor trends in antimicrobial susceptibilities of N. gonorrhoeae strains in the US. Go to article

Healthcare Coverage for HIV Provider Visits Before and After Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Clinical Infectious Diseases) Multivariate multinomial logistic models were used to assess changes in RWHAP/Uncomp, Medicaid, and private insurance coverage, using Medicare as a referent. Go to article

Implementation of the Nationwide Real-Time Whole-Genome Sequencing to Enhance Listeriosis Outbreak Detection and Investigation (Clinical Infectious Diseases) Listeria monocytogenes causes severe foodborne illness. Previous molecular subtyping methods, such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, were critical in detecting outbreaks that led to food safety improvements and declining incidence, but PFGE provides limited genetic resolution. Go to article

Extensive Viable Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus Contamination in Air and Surrounding Environment in MERS Isolation Wards (Clinical Infectious Diseases) We explored the possible contribution of contaminated hospital air and surfaces to MERS transmission by collecting air and swabbing environmental surfaces in 2 hospitals treating MERS-CoV patients. Go to article

Use of Postexposure Prophylaxis after Occupational Exposure to Zaire ebolavirus (Clinical Infectious Diseases) From September 2014 to April 2015, 6 persons who had occupational exposures to Zaire ebolavirus in West Africa received investigational agent rVSV-ZEBOV or TKM-100802 for postexposure prophylaxis and were monitored in the US. Go to article

Changing Patterson in Enteric Fever Incidence and Increasing Antibiotic Resistance of Enteric Fever Isolates in the United States, 2008-2012 (Clinical Infectious Diseases) We reviewed data on laboratory-confirmed cases reported to NTPFS, and related antimicrobial susceptibility results of Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi A isolates sent for testing by participating public health laboratories to the CDC's National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System laboratory. Go to article

Science & Technology

Undiscovered Bat Hosts of Filoviruses (PLOS: Neglected Tropical Diseases) Ebola and other filoviruses pose significant public health and conservation threats by causing high mortality in primates, including humans. Preventing future outbreaks of ebolavirus depends on identifying wildlife reservoirs. Go to article

Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents in Organic Liquid Samples with Magnetic Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (Science Direct) A simple, sensitive and low temperature sample preparation method is developed for detection and identification of Chemical Warfare Agents and scheduled esters in organic liquid using magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Go to article

Global Trends in Satellite-Based Emergency Mapping (Science) We present an outlook on the future use of Earth observation technology for disaster response and mitigation by putting past and current developments into context and perspective. Go to article

Crisis Informatics-New Data for Extraordinary Times (Science) Crisis informatics is a multidisciplinary field combining computing and social science knowledge of disasters; its central tenet is that people use personal information and communication technology to respond to disaster in creative ways to cope with uncertainty. Go to article

Plant That Won't Glow Shows DIY Biohacking is Overhyped (Technology Review) In any discussion of biohacking, Exhibit A is likely to be the "glowing plant," the wildly successful 2013 Kickstarter campaign that raised $484,013 to create bioluminescent plants visible at night. Go to article

SARS and MERS: Recent Insights into Emerging Coronaviruses (Nature) The emergence of MERS-CoV in 2012 marked the 2nd introduction of a highly pathogenic coronavirus into the human population in the 21st century. Go to article

Other 21st Century Threats

Death Toll from Terrorist Attack in Nice, France, Rises to 84 (New York Times) The death toll from the terrorist attack on a Bastille Day fireworks celebration in the southern French city of Nice rose to 84 on Friday, as the government raced to establish the attacker's identity, extended a national state of emergency and absorbed the shock of a 3rd major terrorist attack in 19 months. Go to article

Taking First-Use of Nukes off the Table: Good for the United States and the World (War on the Rocks) The US 1st used nuclear weapons more than 70 years ago on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Fearing the threat from massive Soviet conventional forces and possible large-scale use of chemical and biological weapons, US military and political leaders decided to keep the option to use nuclear weapons 1st in a conflict. Go to article

Thinking the Unthinkable (Science) Rare cataclysms are hard to study and plan for, but they may be too dangerous to ignore. Go to article

Doomsday Machines (Science) Disaster simulators that whoosh, gush, and rumble can do things supercomputers (so far) can't match. Go to article

Hazards Without Disasters (Science) A natural hazard need not become a human disaster if society learns and applies lessons in preparation and resilience. Go to article

US Suffered At Least $8 Billion Climate-Related Disasters so Far This Year (Homeland Security News Wire) We are only halfway through 2016 and the US has already seen 8 weather and climate-related disasters that have each met or exceeded $1 billion in damages. Go to article

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