FEB 2016
More Help From Active Listening-the Essential Skill for Parents
Everyone knows that all children encounter lots of problems in their lives, some children more than others.  By problems, I mean situations in which a child is having difficulty getting his or her needs met or situations on which the child is experiencing discomfort or pain.

Most parents make the serious mistake of thinking that it is their responsibility to solve their children's problems.  So they jump right in as soon as they discover the problem, and start thinking up solutions to give the child.  I call that "taking over ownership" of the child's problem as opposed to letting the child own the problem himself.

Here are some examples...

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Check out some of our success stories right here

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Upcoming P.E.T. Workshops

Feb 19: Refresher WorkshopIrvine, CA
Feb 21: Refresher WorkshopLos Angeles (Eagle Rock), CA
Mar 18: Refresher WorkshopIrvine, CA
Mar 20: Refresher WorkshopLos Angeles (Eagle Rock), CA
Mar 21 - May 9Aurora, CO
June 6 - Aug  1Aurora, CO
Aug 8 - Oct 3Aurora, CO
Oct 17 - Dec 12Aurora, CO

New dates are always being added so be sure to check the calendar periodically. Contact us to learn about how you can have an L.E.T. Workshop delivered at your company to suit your schedule. 

You can also become a Certified P.E.T. Instructor!  Check out this short video from Peggy, and hear about her rewarding experience becoming a P.E.T. Instructor!
Call us. We're really good at listening. 
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