April 2013 Newsletter



Spring is officially here and April begins our Summer schedule. (April 1 - October 31, 2013)   


Just as a friendly reminder, on non-weather permitting days, service may not be completed for that week. We will make every effort to service your property but no guarantees. If you have a special function planned, please let us know as soon as possible so we can do our best to ensure your property is in peak condition.  


In this issue, we'll discuss watering requirements for Healthy Green Lawn Care and Fertilization & Pest Control.  For those of you who took advantage of our Spring Special in last month's newsletter - your Pine Bark or Mulch should be installed within the next few weeks.  


Please let us know if there is a special topic you would like to see.  

email:  webmaster@AllisonLawn.com 

April 2013 Newsletter
Healthy Green Lawn Care
Fertilizer and Pest Control
Professional Life
Kid's Corner
Healthy Green Lawn Care

Watering Tips & Restrictions 


Although we've received rain recently, we expect this year will be another dry season - it is very important that you keep up with your watering requirements.


University of Florida scientists recently conducted a study to see what would happen if automated irrigation systems were monitored to work more in sync with nature. Homeowners whose irrigation timers were reset monthly slashed water use up to 30 percent compared with homes that just let the systems run on previous settings. That's enough to fill six swimming pools each year!


Generally, turf grasses require no more than an average 0f 0.3 inches of water per day. Under extreme summer conditions, water use can be as high as 0.4 inches of water per day.   If rainfall occurs, irrigation should be suspended according to the rainfall amount for that day.


Rule of thumb - If you notice your grass blades or plants are wilting between watering days, increase the time in 10 minute intervals each week until the issue is resolved. If you notice a small section of turf wilting, you may need an irrigation tune-up to ensure that area is getting watered properly.


To see current Water Restrictions - (Hillsborough County and City of Tampa)   

visit:  www.AllisonLawn.com/resources  


Fertilizer & Pest Control
  Neighborhood Pest Control   

We Offer

Fertilization & Pest Control !

(provided by Neighborhood Pest Control)



Spring and Summer time is the most important time to protect your investment against weeds, pests and fungus. 


We are pleased to announce that we offer fertilization and pest control from Neighborhood Pest Control. They provide Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control and General Household (Indoor) Pest Control services. Their Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control includes fertilization of St. Augustine turf, as well as, insect, disease, and weed control. For our Shrub care customers this includes fertilization, insect and disease control for a variety of shrubs and ornamentals (including palms).


Benefits include:

  • 1 invoice for both services from Allison Lawn
  • 9 times per year service focusing in the summer time when your yard needs it the most unless otherwise requested. (billed monthly)
  • Return service if we notice an issue with your turf at no charge.
  • Cancel at any time.

Email Service@AllisonLawn.com for a Quote (Please include address) or Call Us at (813) 435-3112


Professional Life


Fun stuff for the office ~~ 




Tell your boss what you really think about him and the truth shall set you free.                          

- Patrick Murray


If you think your boss is stupid - just remember; you wouldn't have a job if he was smarter.     

- Albert Grant  


I learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything, at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything. 

 - Dan Millman

Kid's Corner

Kid's Corner



       Pre-School Survival Kit:





  • The penny is to remind you that you are valuable
  • The star is to remind you to always try your best
  • The eraser is to remind you that it's okay to make mistakes
  • The life saver is to let you know that you can always talk to me
  • The tissue is for drying your tears and those of others
  • The band-aid is to let you know that together we can make things better
  • The chocolate hug is to remind you that you are cared for
  • The sticker is to remind you that we always stick together 


We hope you enjoyed our newsletter and feel free to email us ideas on topics you would like us to cover. Please feel free to forward this email with the link below.




Jeff Allison


Allison Lawn & Landscape Service, Inc.


Office:     (813) 435-3112

Website:  www.AllisonLawn.com  


 View our profile on LinkedIn 

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Gift Card


When you refer a friend or a neighbor and they sign up for our monthly premium service.


Include this coupon with your payment and referred customer's name.

Offer Expires:  August 30, 2013