A Note of Encouragement

from Ciloa




On a darkened, grey morning, a hand holds a lens through which a beautiful rising sun can be seen
When darkness comes, we hardly see
As days are filled with troubled skies.
I'll trust His call to "Follow me"
And see life through His loving eyes.
May we see and do

Volume XVI, Issue 32 

August 8, 2016 

May we see and do...by Ed Potts

Recently our pastor said that one of his daily prayers to God was that He help me "see as You see and do as You say". Nine words, none of which is over three letters. Imagine how things would look if we prayed this prayer and it came true? That would be a game changer.
First, "see". God sees everything from everlasting to everlasting. There is no beginning or end. Then "do". If we did what God tells us to do, what would our lives look like?

A lonely woman, sitting in a hallway, weighed down by burdens  Shadow of a man staring into the night sky filled with swirling stars  Shadow of a man against a morning sky, reaching out for help
Even if things are going great in your life, there are always struggles. I once heard it said that we are getting ready to enter a struggle, we are in a struggle, or we are just coming out of a struggle.
And a struggle can be associated with anything---work, home, family, friends, money, people, places or things. Your struggle could be nothing compared to someone else's struggle but it still might be enormous to you.
As I write this I have a list of my own struggles: doctor appointments for my mom, unexpected bills to pay, an appliance to replace, a birthday present to buy, loss of a client, decisions both personal and business, arthritis to deal with, a friend going into cancer surgery, a family member in hospice, a sick dog, thinking about selling my home, preparing to serve in Tres Dias1, two cars that are paid for but need various repairs, and more.
In india, a man giving rice to a hungry woman  In Egypt, Christians protecting Muslims as they pray.  In USA, a man washing another's feet.

Some of this may seem trivial, some even laughable, some difficult, some sad, some tragic. But God knows all about our struggles. He sees them before they ever happen. He knows how it all ends. And He knows our every thought, concern, feeling, heartache, as well as our joys and disappointments.
We will never see everything as God sees it and, as much as we might want, we will never do everything as He says. But if we pray and give it our best, we will discover something special.

A runner helping a fallen competitor reach the finish line.   Shadow of a man walking through a dark forest  In Brazil, a man giving his shoes to a homeless girl.
For by just making the effort and having the desire, we will draw closer to God and better "see as You see and do as You say".

Serving Him,


Ed Potts is a media specialist in Ciloa, overseeing Twitter site design, follower development, and posts. Ed is also a full time Technology Consultant. He and his wife, Cindy, have two married sons, a beautiful granddaughter, and live in Buford, Georgia, USA.

1. Tres Dias is an interdenominational Christian three-day movement. It is a global ministry that focuses on reigniting Christians' passions for serving in their local churches and communities. The experience can be one of enlightenment, encouragement, rededication and even salvation for some.

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