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Don't miss the Hiking Summit April 29 to May 1 in Digby!
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Hike NS Enews: April 2016
Learn about the Hike NS AGM in June, the Hiking Summit and silent auction at the end of the month, a presentation by Michael Haynes in April and upcoming courses and workshops.
Hike NS AGM & By-Law Change

The Hike NS Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 11 in Halifax (location to be announced). A light lunch will be held at noon with the AGM from 1 pm to 2:30 pm. A hike will be organized at 9 am on  The Bluff Trail in Timberlea. More details on the AGM will be available in May.
Please RSVP for the hike, lunch and AGM here by June 8. Hike NS will put forward a resolution to amend the by-laws at the AGM. View the proposed changes to the by-laws here.
Michael Haynes Speaking in Halifax April 14

From Nova Scotia to Ontario,author Michael Haynes has hiked some of the best trails Canada has to offer. Join him at the Halifax Central Library (Paul O'Regan Hall) on Thursday, April 14 at 7 pm for a presentation on "The Best of the Trans Canada Trail, Eastern Canada." 

Micheal Haynes is the author of a number of popular hiking guidebooks including Hiking Trails of Mainland Nova Scotia, Trails of Halifax Regional Municipality, and Hiking Trails of Ottawa. He is currently working on a new book about the Trans Canada Trail. Follow him on Twitter @HikerHaynes and on Pinterest.

This event is free and open to the public. Books will be available for purchase. View the event on Facebook.
Field Leader & Re-Connecting Courses

Field Leader - Hiking Courses Spring & Fall
Four Field Leader - Hiking Courses will be offered in May, June, October and November in Antigonish, Sydney, Halifax and Wolfville
. The course is offered through Hike Nova Scotia in partnership with the OCC and supported by the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage. Learn more and register here.  

Re-Connecting with Nature Workshops June 3-17
Five Re-Connecting with Nature workshops will take place as follows: June 3 in Liverpool; June 8 in Wolfville; June 11 in Halifax; June 15 in Pictou County; and June 17 in Sydney. The workshop is offered through Hike Nova Scotia in partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage with support from Acadia University. Learn more and register here.

Summit, Auction & Draw

Don't forget to register for the fifth annual Nova Scotia Hiking Summit from Friday, April 29 to Sunday, May 1 in Digby.
The deadline for registration is April 25, 2016. Learn more and register online here. A new feature of the Hiking Summit this year is the silent auction to help raise funds for Hike NS and our work. You can bid online ahead of time to get the item you want and view items available here. Consider entering the Hiking Summit 50-50 draw. You can buy tickets ahead of time or buy them at the Summit. They go for $1 each or six for $5. Contact us to find out where you can buy some near you.
Hike NS Executive Director

In March the Hike NS board approved a motion to promote current Hike NS Communications Coordinator, Janet Barlow, to the position of Executive Director effective April 1, 2016. Janet started out with Hike NS as a board member back when the organization first formed in 2007. She held the positions of member at large and Vice President. In August of 2010, Janet stepped off the board to work on a part-time basis as the Communications Coordinator - the first and only staff position so far with Hike NS. The organization has grown considerably over the last few years and the board saw a need to evolve the staff position into that of Executive Director.
2016 Walkability Grants

The way our physical space - our built environment - is designed influences the ability for Nova Scotians to make choices to be physically active. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a recognized leader in linking community planning to improved health. As part of this work, Heart&Stroke Walkabout awards grants on an annual basis to support community groups to take steps to increase walking and improve safety.
Heart&Stroke Walkabout™ is offering Walkable Communities Grants from $250 to $2000 to help organizations or groups take stepsto increase walking participation. Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 29, 2016. Download the Application and guidelines here.
MAYhem: Motivation to Get Outside in May

Once again, the Outdoor Council of Canada (OCC) will ask Canadians to go outside and enjoy the month of May during its annual MAYhem event. Last year, there were more than 800 participants! This year, it hopes to have even more, and it needs your help to do that. The OCC is not asking much, simply get a group of people together and lead them for a fun outdoor activity during the month of May. Register your event with OCC, report back and have a chance to win some prizes. This is for all ages, all activities, all places and all styles. You can choose to make it a fundraising event for the OCC as well. Half of all funds you raise will go back to an organization of your choice. Please consider making Hike NS that organization! 
Upcoming Events
Find more events listed here. 
Hiking/Trail News Hits

These are some news hits from Twitter:
  • Campgrounds have cure for Nova Scotians with cabin fever view 
  • 5 Ways to Get Kids Into Nature view
  • Do You Need a Nature Prescription? view
  • Stop destroying Nova Scotia's forests for biomass power generation petition view
  • Halifax Green Network public consultations view
  • Four hiking trails in the Halifax region to try out this spring view 
  • Trails author to speak at three events in Victoria County view
  • Stop talking about "risky play" and use "adventurous" instead view 
  • Conservation officers complete investigation into Long Lake clearcut view
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Hike Nova Scotia | PO Box 31076 Gladstone | Halifax | Nova Scotia | B3K 5T9 | Canada