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Oregon Trails

An Occasional Newsletter


The Association of Oregon Counties

Month, Year - Vol 1, Issue 1

Counties as Conveners       

Inspiring leaders, building good policy      

June 3, 2014

In This Issue
Forum Meeting
Revenue Forecast In
Property Tax Study
Justice Reinvestment
Public Safety Notes
Mental Health & Justice
Highway Trust Fund
The Road Ahead
Transportation Commission
Ocean Management
Juniper & Sage Grouse
Fed Forest Management
Breidenthal Elected
Enhanced 911
Onsite Septic
AOC Spring Conference
AOC Golf Tourney
New Marion County Commissioner
Meet Stacy Michaelson
NACo Annual Conference
NACo Drug Discount Program
NACo Discount Programs
WW II Memorial
Places to Go, Things to Do, Great Opportunities
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Salem - AOC staff is gearing up for Spring Conference, which will be held in Hood River County June 8, 9, 10. Information on the conference is in this edition of Oregon Trails along with a host of interesting notes on various activities that occurred during recent Interim Legislative Days at the Capitol. We also have some information about NACo that you won't want to miss.


One AOC note of note: Stacy Michaelson has agreed to take on the human services policy manager portfolio. She starts officially on June 30 but she'll spend a few hours with us in Hood River. There's a brief profile of Stacy in this edition of Oregon Trails.  


When Stacy comes on board, AOC staff will be complete for the first time in a long time. Mary Stern took over the Transportation and Economic Development portfolio a week ago, just in time for the interim days at the Capitol. AOC is going to be a force to be reckoned with in the coming months and definitely during the 2015 legislative session. Now if we could only find someone who could write a newsletter without messing up.  


Governance Forum to meet

The next meeting of the Governance Forum is taking place on:


Date:     Friday, June 13

Time:    10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Place:    Local Government Center, Room 306


The Forum will be hearing from The Future of Public Health Task Force. The Task Force was created by House Bill 2348 in the 2013 Legislature to study the regionalization and consolidation of public health services, the future of public health services in Oregon, and to make recommendations for legislation.


County Commissioners and Judges - It is very important to have a strong county showing at this meeting! You will want to bring your public health administrator with you.


The Governance Forum was established in 2010 to provide an opportunity for county commissioners, judges and DHS/OHA executive staff to meet and communicate strategic, high-level policy and budget issues impacting human services.


The AOC Human Services Steering Committee (HSSC) will meet at 12:30 p.m.

that day. Lunch will be provided for those who are attending both meetings. If you plan to attend the HSSC meeting please let us know so we can adjust the lunch order accordingly.  Contact Mckenzie Farrell at AOC if you plan to attend.  


Revenue Forecast

Good news in state revenue forecast. The June State Revenue Forecast was presented Wednesday, May 28th at a joint hearing of the Senate Finance & Revenue Committee and the House Revenue Committee. It provided some positive news about expected resources for public services. 


The projected combined net general fund and lottery resources are up $54.5 million from the March forecast. State economists added that their optimism is growing for 2015 and beyond, with a trend medium-term of 10 percent growth rate per biennium. This is less than the boom of the 1990s, but it is in a soundly positive direction. Lurking in the background, however, is the possibility of a 2 percent surplus kicker refund. Peculiar to Oregon, the law provides that if actual collections in either corporate or personal income taxes at the end of the biennium are more than 2 percent higher than was forecast at the close of the regular session, then all the money collected in excess of the close-of-session forecast, including the 2 percent, is returned to taxpayers. 


AOC Policy Director Gil Riddell handles finance issues.   


Property Tax Study

The League of Oregon Cities retained the Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) to investigate the magnitude of property tax capitalization. That is, if two houses are similar in all ways except for their property tax payments, do their sale prices differ as a result. NERC presented its findings to the joint meeting of the House Revenue and Senate Finance & Revenue Committees on Wednesday, May 28th. Because of the operation of Oregon's exceedingly complex property tax system that resulted from Measures 5 (1990) and 50 (1997), the study found capitalization of $33.33 for every dollar decrease in property taxes. 


AOC Policy Director Gil Riddell handles tax issues.  


Justice Reinvestment

In 2013, Governor Kitzhaber set a goal of capping growth in prison population. Through a series of negotiations with key stakeholders, including the Oregon District Attorneys Association (ODAA), House Bill 3194 was enacted into law. In addition to sentencing reform for certain non-violent offenses, HB 3194 also reinvested some of the savings into evidence-based programs and practices designed to reduce prison intakes and increase public safety. Initial grants were awarded to each county last year, with a more formal grant process and evaluation scheduled to begin in 2015.


On Wednesday the 28th, the Justice Reinvestment Grant Review Committee, chaired by Representative Jennifer Williamson, heard testimony from Collette Peters, director of the Department of Corrections, indicating that HB 3194 is already working. For the first time in decades, prison population forecasts are now flat, well into the future.


The Committee also heard testimony from non-profit crime victim service providers, who were hard hit by the recession. They are slated to receive at least ten percent of the next round of Justice Reinvestment Program funding for vital and lifesaving services to crime victims.


Finally, the Committee began its review of the first draft of rules for the next round of justice reinvestment grant funding. Crafted by AOC Legal Counsel Rob Bovett, the first draft rules (see attached) are designed to provide metrics to measure and incentivize success, as required by HB 3194, but also leave each county with the maximum amount of flexibility to design the best 3194 program for each community's needs.


AOC Legal Counsel Rob Bovett handles law enforcement issues among others.  


Public Safety

During the House & Senate Joint Judiciary Committee meeting Friday, May 30, panelists from the Criminal Justice Commission and Center for Addiction Management provided an update on evidence-based practices for driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII). Michael Schmidt from the Criminal Justice Commission said 97-percent of DUII convictions with a fatality were for offenders with no prior DUII. Court data also shows most DUII cases with injury or death have no prior DUII convictions. 


"I hope you fashion some legislation that focuses not on sentencing, despite the curb appeal of that issue, but on data collection," said Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Edward Jones.  "We don't have the answers we need; we don't know what works and what doesn't."


Dr. John Fitzgerald from the Center for Addiction Management also provided data on DUII reduction, urging diversion for first time offenders be extended to six months. He also suggested a one-year minimum treatment for those convicted of a second DUII.


AOC Policy Manager Patrick Sieng handles public safety issues.


Mental Illness & the Justice System

On Thursday, May 29th, the Oregon House Human Services and Housing Committee heard from two panels of experts regarding the ongoing struggles with the mental health system in Oregon, one focusing on the Oregon State Hospital, and the other on "aid and assist" issues in the criminal justice system.


Cherryl Ramirez, Executive Director of the Association of County Mental Health Programs (AOCMHP), provided an update for the Committee regarding the .370 Pilot Project in Lane, Marion, Multnomah, and Douglas counties, which is designed to divert potential "aid and assist" defendants out of the criminal justice system, away from the Oregon State Hospital, and into community-based mental health programs. A significant impediment to the pilot project is the lack of adequate funding for local evidence-based programs.


On Friday, May 30th, the Joint Judiciary Committees heard from a panel of experts regarding the increasing rate of "aid and assist" referrals to the Oregon State Hospital. Similar themes were discussed, including the .370 Pilot Project and the need for more community-based resources. 


These themes are consistent with some of the findings made during the AOC Public Safety Summit process, which highlighted the need to divert the mentally ill from the criminal justice system, local jails, and the state hospital, and the barriers to doing so, as posed by lack of adequate funding and resources for community-based mental health diversion programs.


Cherryl Ramirez is Executive Director of AOCMHP.


Transportation Discussion 

AOC Executive Director Mike McArthur and Transportation Policy Manager Mary Stern were invitees to a federal transportation discussion hosted by U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) at ODOT Region 1 offices in Portland on May 30. The meeting, which focused on the impending insolvency of the federal highway trust fund, included about 40 local and state political and business leaders including Multnomah County Chair-Elect Deborah Kafoury, in her first official appearance in her new capacity; OTC Chair Catherine Mater, in her first official appearance following confirmation by the Oregon State Senate the day before; along with new OTC Commissioner Alando Simpson.


Senator Wyden led off with the goal of finding sustainable solutions for transportation funding (other than just an increase in the gas tax) and the use of public/private partnerships. Senator Merkley stressed the importance of investing in infrastructure and reported on the six-year transportation bill that recently passed out of the Environment & Public Works Committee, on which he serves. The bill now heads to the full Senate before moving to the House and then (hopefully) a conference committee. Senator Wyden asked attendees to comment on the idea of more public/private partnerships, alternative transportation revenue mechanisms like VMT (vehicle miles traveled), and any other innovative concepts.


A great deal of support was expressed for more involvement by the private sector in transportation project funding. Director McArthur suggested the senators remind their colleagues that while improvement projects are important, we are losing ground on the existing system due to the shortage of funding for operations and maintenance. This is especially true for counties that have relied on federal forest payments. Director McArthur also suggested that in the case of transit, accessing other revenues like those committed by human service agencies for rides for clients could improve service. AOC is currently conducting some pilot projects with ODOT Public Transit to study how better to coordinate current expenditures for human service clients with transit providers.  


The group agreed that allowing the trust fund to go broke was not an option. Failure to fund maintenance of the current system would squander the resources we already have and threaten the future viability of our economy. Interestingly, most private sector leaders, including those from the Oregon Truckers Association and AAA, supported an increase in the federal gas tax as a temporary band-aid to the problem.


The senators were optimistic that the highway trust fund would be sustained in the short term but stressed that there was a need for new approaches to transportation finance due to the diminished capacity of the gas tax.


You can see a KATU television news story of the meeting here.  


 AOC Policy Manager Mary Stern handles transportation issues. 


The Road Ahead

NACo has produced a research document that is an analysis of county transportation (roads and bridges) funding sources, challenges and solutions across the lower 48 states. Three states are highlighted in the report and Oregon is one of the three states (see page 13). It is must reading for county officials about a very important topic.  


More Transportation 

On May 28, two new members were appointed to the Oregon Transportation Commission; Catherine Mater and Alando Simpson were confirmed by the Oregon Senate after being nominated by Governor Kitzhaber.


Catherine Mater, who will serve as OTC chair, is a civil engineer, business owner and active contributor to statewide health, economic development and sustainability efforts. Principal of Mater Engineering in Corvallis, Mater is a past commissioner of the Oregon Economic Development Department, a past member of the Oregon Health Council, and a current member of the Oregon Global Warming Commission. Mater earned a B.S. in Political Science and an M.S. in civil engineering at Oregon State University. She'll join the OTC in Bend in June, filling the position left vacant when Pat Egan moved to Nevada.


Alando Simpson is the owner of City of Roses Disposal & Recycling in Portland and is actively involved in supporting Oregon small businesses. He served as a board member for the National Association of Minority Contractors of Oregon and of the Oregon Sustainability Board. A certified LEED Green Associate, Simpson graduated from Portland State University. He will join the OTC at its July meeting in Salem, filling the position held by Mark Frohnmayer, whose term expired last year.


The OTC is comprised of five commissioners from different geographic regions of the state.  One member must live east of the Cascade Range; no more than three can belong to one political party. The two newest Commissioners will join David Lohman and two of our very own County Commissioners; Tammy Baney of Deschutes County, who was appointed in 2011, and Susan Morgan of Douglas County, who was appointed this past March. Commissioner Morgan's appointment marked the first time two county commissioners will serve together on the OTC.  We look forward to a great working relationship with the OTC!


 AOC Policy Manager Mary Stern handles transportation issues. 


Ocean Management

Thursday, May 29th, the Oregon House Committee on Rural Communities heard an update from Jack Barth and Alejandra Sanchez from Oregon State University regarding the ongoing ocean research by OSU's College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. Using research vessels, OSU continues to gather and study data on changing ocean conditions, including ocean warming and acidification. As further highlighted through questioning by Rep. Caddy McKeown, D-Coos Bay, there are many practical applications of this research, including better understanding the impacts of these changing conditions on vital industries, such as fisheries, and adapting practices to reduce harm to local economies.


On Friday the 30th, the Senate Committee on Rural Communities and Economic Development, chaired by Sen. Arnie Roblan, D-Coos Bay, heard an update from Paul Klarin from the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on marine spatial planning and the making of the Territorial Sea Plan (TSP). A multi-year in-depth process, the collaborative results have been groundbreaking in terms of planning for competing conservation and uses of the state territorial sea, which extends from the shore to three miles out to sea.


Senator Roblan and Mr. Klarin also discussed the ongoing efforts to implement a similar process in federal waters, which lie beyond the state territorial sea, commonly known as the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Unfortunately, there is no framework in federal law similar to the TSP. No federal agency is tasked with spatial planning of the OCS. Therefore, key stakeholders are working with federal agencies, most notably the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), to utilize spatial planning data gathered as part of the TSP process.


The Committee also heard from a panel of experts regarding the current status of tsunami planning along the coast.


AOC Legal Counsel Rob Bovett handles ocean issues.  


Juniper Utilization & Sage Grouse
May 29, 2:00 p.m., was the bewitching hour with two exciting hearings occurring at the same time. Rumors were swirling at the Capitol after an alleged sighting of actor Sam Elliot, spokesman for the "Beef, It's What's for Dinner" campaign. Was he headed into Hearing Room E to testify on behalf of the National Cattlemen's Association before the Interim House Committee on Transportation and Economic Development about the economic benefits of beef? Alas, it was a false alarm. It was Harney County Commissioner Dan Nichols, who made the long trek to Salem to testify about economic development opportunities associated with the utilization of Western Juniper. Commissioner Nichols and Gerad LeBrecque, owner of Joseph's Juniper Inc. (JJI), testified along with several experts about the economic, environmental, and social benefits of harvesting and milling juniper. 


Harney County's recent investment in this new enterprise has already paid big dividends; the 12 jobs Mr. LeBrecque recently created in the county equate to more than 2,400 jobs in the Portland metro area! All Eastern Oregon counties have great economic potential from the harvest and milling perspective, and the product is being marketed and used in value added products in other areas of the state and beyond. It was evident from the questions and comments that the committee was quite impressed with Mr. LeBrecque's entrepreneurial accomplishments and the county's support of JJI.


The Eastern Oregon delegation shuttled between this committee and the House Interim Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources in Hearing Room D, where the issues of Western Juniper Utilization and the Sage Grouse Conservation Partnership were also discussed. Commissioner Nichols and Wheeler County Judge Chris Perry both testified on these issues. 


Wheeler County Judge Chris Perry and Harney County Commissioner Dan Nichols prepare to testify before Oregon Legislative Committee

Judge Perry testified in front of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Both Judge Perry and Commissioner Nichols highlighted the socioeconomic impact on harvesting and the sale of juniper. Others pointed out that juniper is now covering over five times its historical range, they push out sage grouse, and consume up to 30 gallons of water a day per tree. Judge Perry testified that the Western Juniper Utilization Group (WJUG) needs funding for the certification for the juniper. If certified, the juniper could be used by ODOT for sign posts and rail guard posts which would be a large economic boost for Eastern Oregon.


Committee Chair Representative Brad Witt, D-Clatskanie, stated that as soon as the WJUG determines what they need legislatively, they should contact the committee to promote a bill. Other members of the committee asked a number of questions and gave very positive feedback to the commissioners.


Federal Forest Management

A report on state efforts to increase the pace and scale of federal forest management has been presented to a legislative committee


The workgroup formed under Senate Bill 357 (2013) reported to the Senate Rural Communities & Economic Development Committee on Friday, May 30th on its suggestions for actions Oregon can take at the state-level that are relatively within its ability to control and will have long-term, pragmatic effects of advancing the pace and scale of federal forest management. The workgroup was represented by the Governor's natural resources advisor Brett Brownscombe, State Forester Doug Decker, Board of Forestry member and Boise Cascade executive Tom Insko, and John Audley of Sustainable Northwest. AOC is a member of the workgroup.


The panel noted the federal actions stirred by the state's investment of $2.885 million in the current biennium, including opening of mills, availability of more dry side national forest acreage for treatment, and returns to the state by the beginning of increased employment and renewing economic conditions in the rural east. Continuing this momentum is a priority to the Governor, but it needs new revenues sources - state, federal, and local - to increase. A major barrier to improvements has been the federal government's prohibition against the US Forest Service repayment of loans offered by a county or state. Notwithstanding that barrier, Oregon can still see returns to the economy of its investments.


The report suggests several potential state revenue sources to consider for this purpose: (1) state bonding authority, but there would be a need to pay for the bonds; (2) municipal bonds targeted at fuel reduction of forests at water sources, citing Flagstaff, Arizona, as an example; (3) residential water bill assessment, with its direct connection to protecting water sources; (4) fire-related insurance assessment, to help prevent business interruption and loss caused by wildfires; (5) retail tax on outdoor gear and related products, to help protect recreational values and address the rural-urban divide; (6) philanthropic investments; (7) capture the savings of fire-suppression costs, but this would require a quantification of savings and federal action; (8) stewardship authority with the state as the general contractor, but since the state or federal government cannot reimburse the state, this idea would need federal action; and (9) increasing the value of small diameter wood, which would require creation of state tax credits.


The Western Governors Association and State Foresters Association have taken notice of actions in Oregon and plan to tour the State and its projects.

The next step for the work group is to determine where the focus should be for legislation and appropriations in the 2015 legislative session. We will keep you informed.  

AOC Policy Director Gil Riddell handles public lands issues.  


WIR Elects Breidenthal

Oregon's leadership tradition continues at the NACo Western Interstate Region. The Western Interstate Region (WIR) of the National Association of Counties (NACo) held its annual conference May 21-23 in Anchorage, Alaska, and once again Oregon counties made our presence felt. Several Oregon Commissioners joined a full turnout of western county governing body members to discuss improvements to the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), economic revitalization, the history of federal land ownership, "waters of the U.S." rulemaking by the Environmental Protection Agency, and federal-county revenue sharing.


The highlight of the conference was the election to WIR 2nd vice president of Jackson County Commissioner Doug Breidenthal, who over the next two years will ascend to president. Doug will join a distinguished list of WIR presidents from Oregon: Harney County Judge Dale White, Linn County Commissioner Dave Schmidt, Union County Commissioner John Howard, and Tillamook County Commissioner Tim Josi.


2014 WIR Officers, left to right, Immediate Past President John Martin, CO, President Lesley Robinson, MT, 1st VP Gordon Cruikshank, ID, 2nd VP Doug Breidenthal, OR


The WIR Board of Directors appointed a subcommittee to study the legislative concept of combining all federal county payment programs into one to be funded out of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The subcommittee is charged with researching the LWCF, identifying allies and potential allies, becoming familiar with the federal appropriations and budgeting processes, exploring how to shift priorities of the LWCF from merely land acquisition and payment of the national debt to becoming a permanent funding source for county payments, and identifying obstacles to success.


WIR President John Martin, Garfield County, Colorado, facilitated the first of a planned series of informal discussions on the ESA, which as expected was civil but inconclusive. Representatives of the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service explained the country's history of retention of lands by the federal government. During the conference sessions there was no discussion of the Utah legislation to force the federal government to transfer much of federally held land in Utah to the state.


WIR will now be staffed by Tom Wolf, who was introduced at the conference as the new NACo associate legislative director for public lands. Tom replaces the talented Ryan Yates, who moved to the National Farm Bureau.


For Oregon commissioners and judges curious about WIR, the next annual meeting will be held in the County of Kaua'i, Hawaii.



Dave Stuckey, Director of Emergency Management at the Oregon Military Department, reported to the Joint Ways & Means Subcommittee on Education Wednesday, May 28th about the progress of the Enhanced 9-1-1 system to Next Generation 9-1-1 technology. Oregon is one of the first states to begin moving toward Next Generation technology.


Pre-implementation planning is one of the significant issues at this time, according to Stuckey.  Not only is the statewide system complex, implementation among local jurisdictions is critical. 


The initial cost of Next Generation technology is estimated to be $50 million in one-time and ongoing costs over three years. However, once implemented, the project is anticipated to reduce ongoing statewide 9-1-1 program maintenance and equipment costs.


The project still requires approval from the state chief information office. 


AOC Policy Manager Patrick Sieng handles communications issues.


Onsite Septic

AOC Policy Manager Mark Nystrom presented the findings of the DEQ Onsite Budget Note workgroup report to the House Energy and Environment Committee. Mark was joined by Palmer Mason from DEQ. The report was well received and the committee seemed interested in proposals to request state general fund for onsite compliance work, education, and low income assistance. AOC and DEQ have committed to working together to develop legislation for the 2015 legislative session.


AOC Policy Manager Mark Nystrom handles energy and environment issues.  


Land Use Subcommittee 

Save the Date


The first meeting of the AOC Energy, Environment and Land Use steering committee's land use subcommittee will be held on July 14 from 10 am until noon at the Local Government Center in Salem (there will be a call in option as well.) More details on the agenda to follow. Contact AOC Policy Manager Mark Nystrom with any questions.


Counties As Conveners

Inspiring leaders, building good policy


June 8 - 10, Hood River County


The AOC Spring Conference is just around corner and it's packed full of useful stuff. Many people bemoan the lack of elected officials who possess true leadership skills and the ability to get things done. AOC President Earl Fisher wants to change that. The Association of Oregon Counties has found success in the role of convener, but will this approach work for you in your county? Join us in Hood River June 8 - 10 for a full program.   


It's too late to pre-register for the Spring Conference, but you can register at the Conference which is being held at the Best Western Hood River Inn.  


If you have any questions, please call the AOC office at 503-585-8351.  


AOC Golf Tournament

AOC Spring Conference begins Sunday, June 8 with the New Version of the 1st Annual AOC Spring Conference Two Person Golf Scramble which starts with a golf lesson from PGA pro Bill Rosholt (who also serves as a Union County Commissioner) at 11:00 am at the Indian Creek golf course located at 3605 Brookside Drive in Hood River. Contact Bill at to sign up. He needs to set up teams so make sure you let him know you want to play.  


Marion County's New Commissioner

Kevin Cameron is now officially a former state representative. Monday, June 2nd, he was sworn in as Marion County's newest commissioner. Commissioner Cameron was sworn in by Marion County Judge Thomas Hart as his wife Judy looked on. Commissioner Cameron joins Commissioners Janet Carlson and Sam Brentano on the Marion County board. Commissioners Carlson and Brentano appointed Commissioner Cameron to replace Patti Milne who resigned to run for the State Senate.  


Welcome Commissioner Cameron.  We look forward to working with you in your new capacity.   

Marion County Board of Commissioners
Kevin Cameron, Sam Brentano, Janet Carlson
Meet Stacy Michaelson

As we noted earlier, Stacy Michaelson will be joining the AOC staff as the human services policy manager at the end of June.


Stacy has worked in Oregon politics for the past five years. She got her start as legislative staff to Sen. Rick Metsger in 2009, before working in communications for the education policy nonprofit Chalkboard Project. Building upon her passion for education and kids' issues, Stacy moved to Children First for Oregon, where she returned to the Capitol to lobby for improvements to children's health care, the child welfare system, and programs to support low-income families. After two legislative sessions with Children First, Stacy joined Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 503 for the 2013 session, representing employees at the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority; at SEIU, she added labor relations, mental health programs, and services for seniors and people with disabilities to her list of policy experience. Most recently, she has been employed as a Government Relations Representative for Knowledge Universe, the parent company of KinderCare Learning Centers, tracking early childhood education policy in the 39 states where KU operates. 


In addition to her time lobbying in the Capitol, Stacy has sat on the following statewide committees for the Department of Human Services: Family Support and Connections Steering Committee, Family Support and Connections RFP Evaluation Committee, TANF Structure Work Group, Office of Self-Sufficiency Programs Rules Advisory Committee, and the Childhood Care and Education Coordinating Council. She is also a former Treasurer of the Human Services Coalition of Oregon (HSCO).


A native of Klamath County, Stacy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from Willamette University, where her research focused on American Politics with an emphasis on rural communities and women in politics. 


Please say hello and welcome to Stacy.  


NACo Annual Conference
Registration is now open for the 2014 NACo Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA. Complete details can be found at the NACo website.  

NACo Drug Discount Program 

Does your county participate in the NACo Prescription Discount Card Program? If so, NACo, Caremark, and AOC can take specific action to get discount cards into the hands of residents. Tailored assistance is provided at the direction of the participating county and can include direct mailings, bill inserts, brochure stands, press releases, announcements, planning, and much more. This assistance program is easy to start, and requires very little support from the participating county. 


Expanding your marketing helps more people to discover and access this excellent, cost saving program. To start your marketing initiative, or to learn more, please contact AOC at (503) 585-8351.   


NACo Discount Drug Program


NACo Discount Programs

Interested in helping your county save money on their dental costs? The NACo Dental Discount Program offers a simple discount card that helps county residents save 5% to 50% on dental care, and 20% on orthodontics. The card is for people who are uninsured but can also complement health insurance plans or work with health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts and health reimbursement arrangements. Want to learn more? View this webinar to learn about the benefits.




Have you looked at the new NACo Health Discount Program?  Counties benefit from the program by being able to offer their residents an affordable alternative to paying full price for health care. If you haven't already signed up for this free program enhancement, here is the link to the information and the simple sign up form: 


Oregon's WW II Memorial Dedication
Oregon's World War II Memorial will be dedicated in Salem this week. The new monument's long awaited dedication is Friday, June 6th at 1:30 pm, on the State Capital grounds, at the corner of Cottage and Court Streets. The dedication coincides with the 70th anniversary of the Allied Invasion - D-Day. Guest speakers: Gov. John Kitzhaber and B-17 pilot Bill Markham. Oregon National Guard brass band, military honors, and vintage aircraft flyovers to salute WWII Veterans.


Contact: Lou Jaffe, 503-310-7904  


Andy Smith handles veteran's issues for AOC.  


Places To Go, Things To Do, Great Opportunities

NACo has launched a significant upgrade to the NACo Grants Clearinghouse which offers almost ten times as many grant opportunities for counties. For information on the upgrade and what it can mean for your county, please see this NACo release


The Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Program (TGM) is a partnership between ODOT and the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). They want county governments to be aware that TGM planning grants will soon be available. For more information please see this release.   


See you in Hood River!

Laura Cleland & Eric Schmidt

Association of Oregon Counties




Have a great week.