In This Issue
Counselor's Corner
Attendance Office
Driver Education
Health Matters
Character Education
Food Drive
Spirit Central
MHS Rubik's Cube Club
A Christmas Carol
Reading Seminar
Friday Football Highlights
Good News from the MHS Eagle Nest
Fall Sports Report
Shop at TARGET for MHS
Important Dates


26 - 28 No School, K-12 Thanksgiving Break

 Maize High School


Office hours:

6:30am - 3:30pm


School hours:

7:40am - 2:45pm M, T, TH, F

7:40am - 2:10pm Wednesday 



MHS Administration

Chris Botts



Beth Schmidt

Associate Principal


Sophomores O - Z


Craig Broadbent

Assistant Principal


Sophomores F - N


Sonya Tice

Assistant Principal

Sophomores A - E



Eric Wolgast

MHS Building Athletic/Activities Director

MHS Counseling Department

Lyn Brown,

Director of Guidance

Students A - B


Geri Hickerson,


Students C - J


Paula Bette,


Students K - Ra


Ron Buhrman,


Students Re - Z


Lori Brown,

Counseling Office Secretary


Lori Rankin,


(316) 350-2121


Carly Stamper,

Assistant Registrar

(316) 350-2078


Glenda Kruse

School Community Liaison

(316) 350-2113


Should you need to get in touch with your student's counselor, please call his/her office at (316) 350-2122.

 MHS Athletics/Activities Department
Marc Haught
District Athletic/Activities Director

Carol Hayes
District Athletic/Activities Secretary

Eric Wolgast
MHS Building Athletic/Activities Director

If you have any questions or need to contact the Athletic Department, please call (316) 350-2147.

Click here to see the Athletic/Activities

Follow Maize Athletics on Twitter.

MHS Alumni Spotlight ...

You'll always be an Eagle!

This month, we are celebrating Maize High graduates that have returned to "The Nest" and work with our students:

  • Danae Buoy - special education co-op paraprofessional

  • Tyler Cassity - asst. wrestling coach

  • Jessica Fisher - Science teacher, Scholars' Bowl and Science Olympiad coach

  • Taylor Fisher - special education co-op paraprofessional

  • Chris Fluter - asst. football coach

  • Sara Gilchrist - special education co-op paraprofessional

  • Rocky Helm - Business teacher, asst. football coach, head baseball coach

  • Zach Hentzen - asst. wrestling coach

  • Ian Hett - technology

  • Rachel Keith - English teacher

  • Craig Lungwitz - PE teacher, asst. baseball and basketball coach

  • Betsy Manning - Math teacher, head volleyball coach

  • Zach Manuel - special education co-op paraprofessional

  • Jenny Meirowsky - Math teacher, head softball coach

  • JJ Milanovich - asst. football coach

  • Domi O'Nelio - asst. softball coach

  • Andre' Parker - school resource officer

  • Fred Rosas - asst. football coach

  • Lara Wolgast - Social Science teacher

We are fortunate to have these dedicated professionals supporting our school and students!


Eagle Honor Roll


Reed Adams

Melissa Afsharpour

Anna Aguilar

Tania Allen

Aiden Allenbach

Austin Anders

Megan Anderson

Jansyn Andreas

Idanely Arellano-Parga

Monserrat Arellano-Parga

Breanna Armes

Taylor Armes

Lauren Arnett

Alexis Arnold

Madison Arnold

James Auchterlonie

Carson Avery

Sundus Awadi

Jasmine Baczkiewicz

Samuel Baker

Marcus Ballenger

Jaishivani Balram

Preston Barley

Sawyer Barragan

Grace Bartlett

Toby Bartlett

Elizabeth Bell

Tanna Benefiel

Brooklyn Bert

Aaron Bingham

Nathan Birkes

Rylee Birkes

Darian Bishop

Hana Bishop

Damien Bissell

Brendon Blase

Conner Blase

Cale Bontrager

Carley Boren

Jenna Bosgraaf

Spencer Bosley

Miranda Boswell

Rachel Brand

Emily Brecht

Holly Broberg

Joshua Brown

Taylor Brown

Grant Bugbee

Jon Butler

John Cammon V

Alexis Cannizzo

Tyler Cantrell

Hailee Case

Levi Case

Brittani Casement

Haleigh Casey

Emily Casteel

Lacey Castillo

Ashley Chansombath

Gabriel Chavez

Elizabeth Christensen

Joshua Christian

Verity Clark

Christopher Clemons

Kaci Clinton

Adam Clothier

Chloe Cloud

Cory Cloud

Chase Clynch

Will Cocking

Emily Conner

Haylie Converse

Kayla Crockett

Adrian Cruz

Arynn Dalal

Cassidy Darrah

Morgan Davis

Megan Dean

Cheyenne DeBerry-Twist

Madison DeVore

Amelia Doyle

Willow Eaton

Kiara Ehrmann

Alexa Eisenbart

Roxana El Sayed

Stevan Ellington

Macy Ellis

Benjamin Emerson

Sean Engler

William Englert

Cheyenne Esser

Grant Evans

Noah Farney

Evelyn Farrell

Taylor Fiola

Meredith Fisher

Stratton Forsythe

Harley Franzone

Garrett Frey

Andrea Fuhrman

Taylor Galbraith

Joseph Garrison

Matthias Gildemeister

Maura Glatczak

Nicole Goebel

Jordan Goetzinger

Alexia Gonzalez

Arianna Granados

Nicole Grimes

Alexander Gubitz

Elizabeth Gubitz

Justin Haggard

Drew Hallaux

Jordan Hallberg

Chase Hampton

Autumn Hanna

Jason Hanna II

Madeline Hardesty

Nicholas Harris

Aidan Harrod

Sarah Harrod

Avri Hawkins

Austin Hedges

Trent Heimerman

Hannah Henricks

Elizabeth Henry

Bryce Herndon

Tate Hettinger

Alex Hill

Cheyenne Hillman

Chelina Hoening

Tristan Hogan

Skylar Holman

Taylor Holmes

Brock Horning

Blythe Houchen

McKenna Howe

Jace Hubin

Cameron Hughbanks

Caleb Hunt

Breana Hutchinson

Alex Hydock

Kaden Jobe

Brianna Johnson

Makenna Jones

Nicholas Jones

Allison Jurgensen

Hannah Jurgensen

Dustin Kanae

Garrett Karp

Jacob Karst

Jonathan Karstensen

Amethyst Keib

Carl Kelley

Chandler Kelley

Shanel Kern

Andrew Kerr

Matthew Klotz

Zoey Knapp

George Knudtson

Laura Koerner

Ariana Kopycinski

Ryan Kuhl

Kevin Lam

Hunter LaMunyon

Sadie Landwehr

Tanner Lane

Dean Lang JR

Kevin Lawrence

Alexis Lawrence-Brown

Cuong Le

Sang Le

Matthew LeBegue

Alex Lee

Teagan LeJuerrne

Victoria Lemon

Danette Lenk

David Leung

Xandalia Lies

Alyssa Lister

Alexander Liu

Aspen Loe

Madison Loudermilk

Brett Loving

Simond Luc

Connor Lungwitz

Madison Majors

Madeline Mann

Jack Martin

Cohen Martinez

Trent Marzan

Lauren Matson

Brenton Mauldin

Brittney Maute

Calissa McCarty

Lillian McClaren

Katie McClure

Allyson McDaniel

Sydney McGrown

Kendal McGuire

Jonathan McIntyre

Lauryn McIntyre

Katie McLachlan

Destiny Meeks

Antonio Melchor

Matthew Melchor

Isabella Mendoza

Maite Menendez

Conner Merrill

Braxton Miller

Madysn Mitchell

Aaron Morace

Makenzie Moran

Rosie Mosate

Cole Moses

Madison Mullen

Thomas Nance

Ryan Narongvate

Sarah Nash

Tatum Nevins

Joseph Nguyen

Jacob Nichols

Lauren Nichols

Austin Nickell

Caroline Noble

Justin Noble

Joel Norris

Erin Oelze

Austin Ohnmeis

Madalyn Oliver

Jeffrey Oller

Noah Osborne

Courtney Panzer

Alyssa Pappan

Maica Parga

Logan Paterson

Riley Patton

Lauren Paul

Kyley Peirce

Duncan Pepper

Travis Perkins

Victoria Peterson

Delanie Pierce

Brady Potter

Matthew Prater

Peyton Quandt

Brittney Quinn

Juan Quiroz Ramirez

Christian Raftopoulos

Krsna Ramachandran

Nazih Raychouni

Maryssa Recio

Kaylee Reitmayer

Tyler Reyes

Kale Reynolds

Melissa Reynolds

Jonah Rich

Skyler Roath

Stylan Roberts

Brecken Roe

Arden Rogers

Heather Romero

Korina Rowley

Melody Rozner

Jacob Ruder

Rooslana Rusk

Kaley Russell

Katherine Saavedra

Emilie Salongridaysa

Alan Sanchez

Brennen Sanders

Katie Sanders

Brittany Schaub

Caleigh Schneider

Nolan Schoenhofer

Kyle Schreiber

Abagail Schweikert

Lakin Sebastian

Sidney Shank

Naussica Shinkle

Spencer Shively

Emma Shoemaker

Ethan Siebert

Aminah Simms

Madison Sites

Sarah Slack

Colton Slusser

Amanda Smith

Mackenzie Smith

Madeleine Smith

Mason Smith

Tanner Smith

Lauryn Snyder

Nicholas Sprowls

Ethan St John

Lauren Stallard

Tyler Stedman

Caitlyn Stegman

Mikaela Stevenson

Tristan Storlie

Kaylea Stuart

Tyler Stuart

Jonathan Stucky

Jonathan Super

Konner Swenson

Loren Syakhasone

Christian Taylor

Jacob Taylor

Katherine Taylor

Mia Taylor

Brandon Teter

Sage Thrasher

Tylin Thrasher

Alexis Tinkham

MaKayla Toth

Anthony Tran

Linh Truong

Kaylee Turner

Hayley Utter

Mathew Vasilescu

Marianna Vazquez

Ashley Villarreal

Hoang-Anh Vo

Tanner Vogel

Paige Wade

Tara Wade

Olivia Wagner

Rhiley Wall

Jacey Wallace

Peyton Wardell

Matthew Warner

Jet Warren

Kassidy Watkins

Zoe Wedman

Bailey Weese

Addison Wegerle

Scott Wells II

Elijah West

Allison Wheeler

Hannah Wheeler

Reed Wheeler

Broc White

Jeremiah White

Lauren White

Shalene White

Angelina Wiglesworth

Makayla Wiles

Brian Wilson

Jesse Wilson

Gabryelle Winegarner

Taven Wohlford

Reed Wohlgemuth

Sydney Wolgast

Kylie Wood

Daniel Woodward

Taylor Worden

Molly Worm

Mikaela Wright

Quentin Yates

David Yoder

Robyn Zebedee-Iceton

Jenna Znamenak


Principal's Honor Roll

Reid Abbott

Cody Adams

Karsen Adams

Adam Akins

Caitlin Allan

Adrienne Allen

Brendan Allen

Alia Anees

Karyme Antuna

Ashley Arnold

Brooke Arnold

Haleigh Avila

Taylor Axtell

Kaitlin Ayres

Saige Baalman

Tien Bach

Ryan Baker

Alanis Balza

Kyle Bannon

Julio Banuelos

Emisha Barnard

Haley Barnes

Austin Barr

Corrigan Bartlett

Victoria Bartlett

Madeline Baumer

Samuel Bayliff

Emily Beaver

Shelby Bedard

Brandon Benavides

Savannah Bender

Kalee Betzen

Danielle Bever

Sydney Blair

Kaitlyn Blume

Braeland Booth

Cole Bosley

Nolan Brackin

William Branom

Nikola Braynov

Courtney Britton

Bailey Brown

Kaley Bruun

Madison Bruun

Elise Bunting

Shania Burkhead

Kira Busker

Karsyn Buzard

Evangelyn Byall

Elizabeth Caley

Edgar Cardenas

Sandra Carlo

Brandon Carp

Ashley Carpenter

Haylee Carpenter

Shelby Carpenter

Jaelyn Carter

Jack Carver

Scott Carver

Zailey Chaffin

Samantha Chesser

Andrew Clark

Emma Claybrook

Ashton Cole

Aubrey Cole

Brett Combs

Alexander Coon

Amanda Copp

Tanner Coryea

Hannah Costello

Kendra Cunningham

Andrew Dickgrafe

Jalen Diec

Logan Dillon

Taylor Doan

Emma Donahue

Amber Donker

Tyler Downs

Bailey Dreher

Amanda Duke

Samuel Emerson

Austin Engler

Caroline Erickson

Allison Evans

Margaret Ferb

Sydney Finney

Megan Fischer

Madison Fitzmier

Tyanna Fitzmier

Eric Flett

Patrick Flett

Braden Fountain

Matthew Freese

Trent Gaddie

Madison Gallagher

Sandra Garcia

Kristen Geiger

Cassie George

Danielle Gerety

Samuel Gilchrist

Madeleine Gillispie

Ricardo Gonzalez JR

Kelsey Graber

Miranda Grier

Meghan Grimes

Cleona Guthrie-Craig

Ellie Hahn

Emma Hahn

Daley Handy

Jacey Handy

Elizabeth Hardesty

Luke Harpenau

Kelsey Harris

James Hedge-Dye

Lea Helm

Scott Hershberger

Ellasyn Heuer

Clayton Hicks

Holly Hill

Brandon Ho

Jasmin Holguin

Tiffani Holman

Jarod Honas

Savannah Hughes

Ruben Hunt

Luke Hunter

Christian Hurst

Katherine Inman

Kelsey Isaacson

Sydney Jackson

Thomas Jacobson

Riley Jay

Abigail Jennings

Sarah Jensen

Sammir Jibril

Brooke Johanson

Alexandra Johnson

Anthonio Johnson

Josi Johnson

Loan-Anh Johnson

Trenton Johnson

Dylan Jones

Justin Jones

Ryan Jones

Vienna Jones

Shayla Jordan

Stephanie Kakathymis

Callie Kanngiesser

Meet Kapadia

Dylan Kelley

Gage Kennedy

Justin Khounsombath

Ethan Kingrey

Addison Klein

Halle Kloefkorn

Justin Koegeboehn

Elleann Kohl

Jonathon Kohl

Kara Kolar

Audra Koop

Bryn Kovacic

Ashley Krase

Sydney Kraus

Kyrsa Krier

Roungruj Kumgool

Ashlyn Lakin

Jasmine LaMarche

Jadyn Landreth

Brian Lang

Courtney Lang

Mesa Lashbrook

Julianna Ledbetter

Briley Lewis

Sydney Logan

Brody Lumpkins

Shelby Mabie

Taylor Mabie

Mia Magby

Avery Malloy

Justin Marcotte

Payden Marshall

Nicklaus Mathias

Kirby McCandless

Gabriel McCarthy

Jennifer McIntyre

Nadia McLean

Madison Mead

William Mercer

Caden Middlebrooks

Paige Moellinger

Alexis Montana

Crosbie Moody

Brett Moon

Aaren Morrell

Carter Mullen

James Myers

Kevin Nguyen

Tiffany Nold

Nur Farhanah Norashid

Jack Norris

Dalton Ochs

Logan Ochsner

Sally Olmstead

Ryce Olson

Katelynn Olsten

Madison Orton

Benjamin Ortstadt

Katarina Ortstadt

Elizabeth Palmer

Matthew Pastor

Ryan Pastor

John Patton

Megan Paul

Brayden Payne

Bethany Perry

Morgan Pfeifer

Conor Phillips

Jordan Phipps

Carson Pierce

Allison Pieschl

Bailey Plume

Jenna Porterfield

Christopher Provost

Michael Prue

Brandon Pugh

Kelsey Quick

Muirgheal Radford

Alex Recio JR

Katherine Reimer

Kaitlin Reko

Mariah Rey

Madeleine Rice

Bethany Rich

Akim Richards

Amanda Rippel

Austyn Ritchie

Christopher Roberts

Kirsten Roberts

Ryan Rodriguez-Flores

HaLee Roland

Nora Rollins

April Romaine

Dalton Rupp

Kristin Russell

Austin Schaeffer

Eric Schartz

Regan Schenck

Emily Scheuffele

Jaeyd Schoonover

Gabrielle Schreiner

Jacob Schultz

Logan Schultz

Amber Schumacher

Cody Seiwert

Sophia Shaar

Jakob Shields

John Shively

Elizabeth Shoemaker

Haley Smalley

Breanne Smith

Hailey Smith

Sarah Smith

Miah Sober

Jaiden Soupene

Nicholas Springer

Brenna Stamper

Bailey Stedman

Taylor Stevenson

Aiden Stilwell

Garrett Stover

Maya Stucky

Kyle Stutzman

Paige Swanson

Lauren Swedberg

Keiryn Swenson

Spencer Tammany

Madison Tannahill

Jake Tatge

Kersten Taylor

Matthew Taylor

Jason Tejano

Isabella Terrill

Hayden Thurman

Hannah Tice

Hayley Tice

Ashley Tran

Bailey Tredway

Faith Tucker

Kathryn Tucker

Kate Utech

Michael VanDeest

Steven Vick

Kathryn Vickers

Vanessa Vital

Lauren Voigt

Lori Wagner

Sophia Wagner

Abigail Walker

Deidra Walker

Lyndi Walker

Khea Mae Ward

Keelah Warden

Taylin Wells

Tasha Wentling

Christopher White

Kamden White

Miranda White

Andrew Wilcox

Brooke Wilcox

Karlie Will

Chloe Willems

Alyssa Williams

Corey Wilson

Austin Winter

Madeline Wituk

Kieran Wohlford

Madison Worm

Madison Wright

Marissa Wright




We would like to remind everyone that MHS  CANNOT accept deliveries of flowers, balloons, candy, cookies etc.   


This is per

USD 266 District Policy. 




your cooperation!

Eagle Connection

MHS Parent Newsletter

November 2014          Volume  122  Issue  3

 Botts' Babbles

Last week, I was fortunate to attend the Kansas State Department of Education annual conference. One of the highlights of the session was being able to listen to the 2013 National Teacher of the Year, Jeff Charbonneau. Charbonneau is a high school science and technology teacher who is able to provide college credit for his classes due to the rigorous approach by which he teaches.

In his message, Charbonneau talked about the smartest student he ever taught. This particular student was such a good student that she never missed one point or one problem in his classes. In fact, the student was so smart that she never missed a problem in any other class! Charbonneau went on to explain that despite this student's successes, he failed her as a teacher. You may be wondering, as I was, how in the world did a teacher fail to meet a student's needs who never missed a problem in any class?

At the end of the year, when students were taking their final exams, Advanced Placement tests, and finals for college credit, this student was working on a Calculus 3 final through a local university. During the final, the student came across a problem that she did not know how to answer. As a result, the student had a mental breakdown and literally passed out. Charbonneau explained that despite this student's amazing ability as a student, he failed to meet her needs by not teaching her how to struggle, give her permission to fail, or provide strategies on how to handle adversity.

As parents and educators, we are the protectors of our children and want to shield them at all costs. Know that it is okay for our students to struggle! It is hard for us to watch and we want to step in and help solve their problems for them. However, before we know it, our children will be leaving us for life beyond high school. If we have not taught them how to handle adversity or let them work through their struggles, we are not helping prepare them for what may be in store for them in the future. Oftentimes, it is these struggles and failures that are the greatest teacher of all.

News and Notes from Maize High School:

  • We recently celebrated our Homecoming Week. I want to thank all of the students and teachers for helping make it an unforgettable week! One of the best events of the week was watching the Coachella music festival, where our students were able to show off their musical abilities. We have some amazingly talented students!

  • In this newsletter, students will be recognized for the Maize High School honor roll. During my tenure at MHS, we have never had this recognition. It is my privilege to recognize our students for their hard work and achievement in the classroom. The honor roll will be on a term-by-term basis and is not cumulative. There are two tiers of the honor roll: 1) Eagle Honor Roll for those students with a weighted grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99, and 2) Principal's Honor Roll for those students with a weighted grade point average of 4.0 or above.

  • In early October, Maize High School hosted a student-led tour of our Farm to School and culinary programs. Special thanks to Mr. Super, Mrs. Poole, and all of the students who helped host the many dignitaries in attendance.

Thank you for all of your continued support to make Maize High School a great place for everyone!


With Eagle Pride,

Chris Botts

 Counselors' Corner


Greetings from the Counseling Department at Maize High School!


The counselor staff breakdown is as follows:

  • Lyn Brown, Director of Guidance

(316) 350-2114 or email Lyn Brown

Students whose last name begins with A through B 

  • Geri Hickerson, Counselor

(316) 350-2118 or email Geri Hickerson

Students whose last name begins with C through J

  • Paula Bette, Counselor

(316) 350-2119 or email Paula Bette

 Students whose last name begins with K through Ra

  • Ron Buhrman, Counselor

(316) 350-2066 or email Ron Buhrman

Students whose last name begins with Re through Z

  • Lori Brown, Counseling Secretary

(316) 350-2122 or email Lori Brown 


October has been exciting at Maize High! The halls were full of spirit during Homecoming Week, and a parade was enjoyed by the MHS students and staff.   The staff has also been doing a lot of testing this month. This month we:

  • Transported 250 students to the Futures Fair at Koch Arena on October 8th. Students were able to visit with more than 100 college representatives and learn about those schools.
  • Gave the PSAT or Pre SAT and National Merit Qualifying exam to nearly 80 sophomores and juniors on October 15th.
  • Gave the ASVAB assessment to our students on October 29th.
  • The counselors have completed their senior appointments. Each senior has visited one-on-one with his/her counselor to be certain that they are on target for graduation and to visit about plans after high school. 

We have the following activities scheduled for Term 2:

  • November 5th and 7th - Balfour will be at MHS to take senior announcement orders during both EnCor and lunch.
  • Thursday, November 6th is the Middle School Showcase at Maize High School from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Friday, November 7th is the ACT Registration deadline for the December 13th test.
  • December 3rd and 5th - Balfour will be at MHS to take senior cap and gown orders during both EnCor and lunch.
  • Saturday, December 13th is the ACT test at MHS.
  • Tuesday, December 16th is the Senior Farwell during EnCor.
  • Friday, December 19th is the last day of the term. 

Colleges visiting Maize High School during November are:

  • Baker University - EnCor                                                               11/03/14

  • Butler Community College - EnCor                                             11/04/14

  • Kansas State University - EnCor                                                 11/04/14

  • Xenon - EnCor                                                                                11/07/14

  • Fort Hays State University - EnCor                                              11/10/14

  • Ottawa University - EnCor                                                             11/11/14

  • Truman State University - EnCor                                                 11/21/14



We will begin a new ACT Prep Workshop in January to prepare for the February test, and begin one in April to prep for the April test. Carolyn Devane, from Manhattan, Kansas will teach the class. Classes will consist of two sessions at a cost of $50 per student. Please check the "Counselor's Corner" for additional information.


KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS: New Guidelines for College Entrance!!!!


Changes beginning with the class of 2015 (or this year's juniors) ....

  • You must have at least a 2.0 GPA on the pre-college curriculum or Kansas Scholars curriculum AND have a 21 composite score on your ACT/ SAT score of 980 of higher OR graduate in the top third of your class. AND, if applicable, achieve a 2.0 GPA or higher on any college credit taken in high school.


  • In addition to the 21 composite score on your ACT, you must score a 22 sub-score on the math section of the test. If you do not score a 22 in math, you will need to take an additional math class during your senior year with a pre-requisite of Algebra II.  

Changes beginning with the class of 2016 (or this year's sophomores) who plan to attend the University of Kansas...

  • You must have at least a 3.0 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale and a 24+ ACT/1090+ SAT OR

  • A 3.25 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale and a 21+ ACT/980+ SAT

SENIOR SCENES will be published in November. A complete scholarship listing is available in the counseling office or online at the USD 266 website.   Please note that the scholarship link on the website is updated each time we receive a new scholarship listing. Both Senior Scenes and the scholarship link are located under the "Counselor's Corner" on the Maize High School website.  

From the MHS Attendance Office



When calling your student out for an appointment, please allow ample time. This allows us to deliver the pass without interrupting the teacher during class time.  You may also leave a voice mail at any time prior to an appointment.  This will allow sufficient time to deliver the message to your student and ensures they will be able to leave on time.


Future appointments- You may call in an appointment for your student several days in advance and do not have to wait for the day of the appointment to have your student excused. 


Medical notes- If your student has visited the doctor, you have the option of emailing the note directly to the attendance office, or if you wish, you can ask the doctor's office to email or fax the note for you.


Attendance Office

Pat Bobetsky, Tel. 350-2148, 

Kristi Olinger, Tel. 350-2110, 


Maize High School Fax, 722-6214

 Homecoming 2014

Homecoming was celebrated during the week of October 20-26th. Festivities included: an All-Club Capture the Flag competition, the Junior-Senior Powder Puff Game, the MHS Coachella and Bonfire, the 2nd Annual MHS Homecoming Parade, and the crowning of this year's Fall Homecoming King and Queen - Matthew Prater and Crosbie Moody.


The English Department made sure they represented the faculty well on each of the Spirit Week dress-up days:


Driver Education

Maize USD 266 offers driver education year-round. Online Driver Education is offered during the school year (Term 1; Term 2; Term 3; Term 4) and Face-to-Face Driver Education is offered in the summer. The driver education programs strive to prepare students to become knowledgeable and respectful of the law; to learn basic driving skills; and to develop a responsible attitude toward driving.

The instructors will provide critical experience to students; involve parents in the process, and foster cooperative interaction with others in the driving environment. More detailed information on driver education can be found on the high school website under the "Counselors Corner" link.


Online Driver Education: 2014-2015 Enrollment Nights (Enrollment packets may be picked up in the Counselors' Office or online under the Counselors Corner. Please click here to be directed to the Driver's Education webpage.)


Term 3:December 10, 2014; 6:00pm; Maize High School Lecture Hall

Term 4:February 25, 2015; 6:00pm; Maize High School Lecture Hall


**Please bring your enrollment packet, a writing pen, and any type of Kansas Permit or License you already have to the Enrollment Meeting.**

MHS Health Matters
by: Nurse Dana Desjardins


New Bully In Town

"Health Matters" by Dana Desjardins, RN


There is a new bully in town and it has contributed to the increase of students missing school, strained peer relationships, depression, anxiety, suicide attempts, and deaths in our teenagers. In an effort to bring attention to bullying, particularly cyberbullying, the MHS SADD organization has invited Sgt. Thomas Rich with and STOPIT! to talk to our students and parents. Students will attend an assembly at MHS with Sgt. Thomas Rich as the guest speaker and will learn what it takes to stop cyberbullying. There will also be an assembly for parents and patrons at the MSHS Auditorium on Thursday, November 13th at 7:30pm. Admission is free and the information will be INVALUABLE! The Maize High SADD club hopes to see you there!



If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse at 350-2123 or email Dana Desjardins.

  Character Ed in Action




Food Drive


Each nine weeks, the Psychology and Sociology classes, led by teacher, Diane Moser, engage in a community service project that helps local families. These classes welcome donations of the following items: peanut butter, small boxes of variety cereals, pasta, Chef Boyardee, canned fruit and vegetables, macaroni and cheese, and soup. Ramen noodles cannot be accepted.


Thanks to all students, families, and staff that have helped with this project so far!  

Spirit Central
Spirit Central, the school store operated by the MHS Business Professionals of America organization, is located in Maize High School. A lot of new apparel is available this year at great prices: V-neck shirts, t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, spirit jerseys, crewnecks, windbreakers, and more! Spirit Central is open before school, during EnCor, and every day during lunch. Currently, cash and checks are accepted. All the profits made from Spirit Central support the students involved in MHS BPA. Come shop today!
MHS Rubik's Cube Club

The Maize High School Rubik's Cube club has recently completed a Rubik's Cube mosaic to demonstrate their school spirit and to take part in the Homecoming Week festivities.


Club sponsor, Leigh Johnson, Expanded Learning teacher, arranged for the club to borrow 225 cubes through a lending library program offered by the Rubik's: You Can Do the Cube organization. The cubes arrived in late September and members have been meeting weekly to put together the patterns required to make the Maize High School Eagle logo in cubes.


Club organizer, Scott Hershberger, used a mosaic pattern generator he found on the Internet to create the guidelines for the picture the club created. After finishing the design as suggested, the club adjusted it to better represent the Eagle mascot. They also added words to the finished product by their own design.


The finished mosaic was on display during Homecoming Week in front of the MHS office. Additionally, the mosaic will also be on display during the Maize High Showcase Night on November 6th. Community members are welcome to stop by to see the finished product.


Another student, Reid Abbott, MHS senior, used his woodworking skills to help the club by building a wooden form to hold the finished mosaic. The club plans to keep the form to use for future mosaic projects.           

A Christmas Carol

MHS/MSHS Production

Reading Seminar

News from the Reading Eagle


Encourage More Frequent Reading


As with anything, practice makes perfect. Help your student find out what he or she likes to read - whether it's sports coverage articles, fantasy novels, or biographies - and have him or her read on a regular basis. When a student reads material that is on par with their reading level, they can fully understand the majority of the words and learn a few new ones. If he or she tries to read material that is too difficult, they won't understand a lot of it and it will be a lost cause. Reading material that introduces a few new words here and there is the best way to build up to a higher level and improve your vocabulary. 

Friday Football Highlights


Check out all of the activities at Maize High by clicking here

Good News from the
MHS Eagle's Nest

Did you know that Maize High School has a team of 30 "mathletes" who compete weekly against schools from all over the United States? In the past three weeks, competitions have been held against schools in Michigan, California, and Rhode Island. Called Math Madness, the competition is hosted on a web application called "Interstellar".


If the two schools that are scheduled to compete in a given week sign up to compete at the same time (making allowances for time zones), then the competition is actually LIVE. In this type of round, students on the team are paired with a student from the competing school by the computer software. Students can then track how well their opponent is doing as compared to their own progress. In weeks when the competition is not live, students are encouraged to attempt to beat their own previous best scores.


Students in grades 9-12 have been invited to compete during EnCor. "At this time, the competition is very new and no specific criteria must be met for a student to be on the team" according to team sponsor Leigh Johnson, MHS Expanded Learning teacher. Johnson notes that some students are surprised by the high level of math, but she hopes that they find the difficulty challenging rather than frustrating. "All students benefit from learning to deal with difficult problems, in mathematics and in the real world," says Johnson.

Round robin play recently ended in Math Madness, and the Maize Eagles are currently ranked 87th out of nearly 400 teams in the nation. Bracket play will now begin, and the team will compete until a loss. Individually, two MHS students, Scott Hershberger and Sam Bayliff, are ranked in the top 530 of the 14,000+ competitors.


Chloe Cloud, MHS senior, recently received terrific news that her 2014 Scholastic Award-winning artwork, Nature Burn Nature, will be featured in the upcoming 2015 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Calendar.




The Maize High Eco-Meet team, sponsored by Jay Super, recently competed at their regional competition. The event results include:

  • Wetlands: 2nd place - Ben Emerson ($50 scholarship)

  • Mammals: 1st place - Ben Emerson ($75 scholarship)

  • Mammals: 2nd place - Josh Brown ($50 scholarship)

  • Overall Team: 1st place - Jon Kohl, Ben Emerson, Sam Emerson ($100 scholarship each)


The State Eco-Meet will be held November 6th at Rock Springs 4-H Camp.


Good luck, Eagles!

 Fall Sports Report

The Maize High boys' soccer team finished the regular season with a 10-6 record leading into the playoffs this week.  Team accomplishments this season include finishing 3rd in the Titan Classic and 2nd in the AVCTL.  Good luck to the Eagles in regional play which began this week against Wichita South. 


The varsity volleyball team finished the regular season with a record of 32-7.  They are the AVCTL Division 1 League Champions, as well as the Sub-State Champions. The Lady Eagles will be competing at the State Tournament on October 31st and November 1st.  The JV and freshmen teams both won their league tournaments on Saturday the 18th.  Great job, Eagles!


Congratulations to the MHS cross country team on a very successful season! Recently, all four teams (boys' and girls' varsity, boys' and girls' JV) won their league competitions, and three runners were individual champions. Tania Allen was the league JV girls' champion, Si Luc won the JV boys' race, and Deidra Walker was the AVCTL girls' champion and set both league and course records! Other top varsity finishers include: Kate Utech, Victoria DeLeon, Aaren Morrell, Cole Bosley, and Max Berg. The girls won their 4th league title in a row and the boys earned their 5th consecutive title.


On Saturday, October 25th, the XC team also competed at regionals. The girls' team was the overall winner for the 3rd time in four years. Deidra Walker finished 1st, Kate Utech was 2nd, and Victoria DeLeon took 9th place. Max Berg finished 5th for the boys and qualified for the state competition.

Good luck to the MHS Eagles as they compete at the 6A state cross country meet on Friday, October 31st!



The MHS Girls' Tennis Team completed the 2014 season by qualifying all six varsity players for state competition, by capturing the Regional Runner-Up crown, and by placing 4th in league competition. This year's team consisted of six seniors, nine juniors, nine sophomores, and thirteen freshmen.

The varsity Lady Eagles were led by singles players: Tiffani Holman and Sarah Slack. Holman placed 3rd in regionals and 5th in AVCTL play, while Slack finished 4th in regionals and 6th in the AVCTL. Slack closed out her high school career with 70 wins. Senior doubles teams of Amanda Rippel and Kristin Russell, and Jenny Miller and Savannah Bender, also contributed to the team's success. Rippel & Russell placed 4th in regionals and 11th in AVCTL, while Miller & Bender placed 5th in regionals and 10th in AVCTL competition. Hannah Edwards completed her high school career with 53 wins.


The JV squad nabbed 2nd place in the AVCTL. Mandi Copp and Madison Loudermilk placed 5th and 9th, respectively, in league play at the singles positions. Doubles combinations of Cassidy Darrah and Carson Pierce placed 3rd in AVCTL competition, while Ana Vo and Madi Arnold came in at 5th place. Zailey Chaffin, Kalysta Dohlman, Mia Magby, and Victoria Bloodworth also contributed to the team's statistical success.



Shop at Target for Maize High!

With every Target RedCard debit and credit card that we use at Target, our school gets 1% of that total! This past August, we received a check for over $1,000, but we can grow this easily. Here's how to get signed up and have your card linked to our school so we can get the proceeds:

  1. Stop into the Target on 21st and Maize and ask any cashier about signing up for a RedCard. There is a debit option that links with your current checking account, so be sure to bring a blank check and driver's license. There is also a credit option if that is your preference! (You can also sign up online at

  2. Once you receive your card and activate it, go to  and at the bottom of the page it will read "Manage my RedCard." You will make an account login and then follow the prompts to link the card to our school.

  3. Shop!! Remember that 1% of all we spend at Target comes right back to the school! The $1,000 we received was all part to 50 individuals' shopping totals. Imagine what we could earn with 500 patrons!

  4. If you have problems linking your RedCard to our school, Patrick Wolz is our contact at Target. He is the Assistant Store Manager, and can help if needed. His email is

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Bulletin Board
Please visit to access the Maize USD 266 Online Bulletin Board for complete and timely information about upcoming events and activities sponsored by Maize Schools and partner agencies.
Thank you!

Maize High School, 11600 W. 45th Street North, Maize, KS 67101

Phone: (316) 722-0441 Fax: (316) 722-6214