CONTACT US: 604-726-2555
Yossilinks & the JCC Present:
Purim Party March 19
Online tickets will be available soon on




N'shei Chabad of Vancouver presents: Women's Unity Event (February 22)
Evening will feature gourmet dinner, musical entertainment & guest speaker, Mrs. Freidy...


Spaces filling up quickly for Preschool 3, Junior Kindergarten (age 4) and Senior Kindergarten (age 5) for the 2016-17 school year...


Power of Resilience (February 28)
An evening with Dr. Sam Goldstein,
author of "Raising Resilient Children"
at the JCC...


Western Canada Jewish Book Awards
The Western Canada Jewish Book Awards is a new initiative of the Cherie Smith JCC Jewish Book Festival, designed to celebrate...


Shalhevet invites you to our Annual Gala 2016 (March 1)
Crowning Our Inner Beauty...


Save the Date - Don't Miss Out! 2016 JNF Negev Dinner (April 10)


Passover in Mexico
With Lety & Beny


Historic Day at the Kotel
Today history was made. The Israeli government has agreed to give unprecedented recognition to Reform and Conservative Judaism at one of Judaism's holiest places, the Western Wall...


MUV wearable tech: Dream, Touch, Play!


Mazal Tov Baby Girl Julia Rose
Mazal Tov to Anna and Arthur Wolak on the birth of their baby girl, Julia Rose, on February 5, 2016, younger sister to Jacob and Joshua. Proud grandparents are Elizabeth...


A lovely, bright 1 bedroom flat located in the heart of Swiss Cottage / South Hampstead.
Minimum 3 nights stay. A Walking distance...


Check our Tip of The Week



Ronald Gross z'l
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of our long time member and past president, Ronald Gross z'l.  Our heartfelt condolences to his wife of 53 years Grecia... 


Temple Sholom is exploring the option of selling the inventory, website, mail list and fixtures for the Judaica shop. There is no requirement to maintain the store at it's current location ...

A student at the Pacific Torah Institute is trying to start a school gym. They are looking for old sport equipment. If you have any, please email [email protected]...

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