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MMA Visits DC to Discuss Health Care with Minnesota Lawmakers
Two MMA members and two staffers met with members of Minnesota's Congressional delegation Feb. 22-24 in Washington, D.C., to discuss the new MACRA regulations, among other health care topics. Read more here
Opioid Crisis Gains National Attention
In recent months, the issue of prescription opioid abuse has become a topic of discussion among presidential candidates and a priority for governors across the country. Last week, the AMA's president urged physicians to get more involved in the fight and several MMA board members called for a renewed emphasis on preventing opioid abuse. Read more here
MMA Signs ZDoggMD for Annual Conference
The 2016 Annual Conference may still be seven months away but planning is in full swing with the recent signing of Zubin Damania, MD, (aka ZDoggMD) as a keynote speaker. Read more here.  
Board Addresses Hospital Bylaws, Sick Leave, ATV Use by Children Under Age 16
At its Feb. 20 meeting, the MMA Board of Trustees approved policy recommendations on hospital bylaws, paid sick leave and use of all-terrain vehicles by those younger than 16 years of age. Read more here
Registration Open for Day at the Capitol on March 23
Physicians, residents and medical students can now register for the MMA's Day at the Capitol on March 23. During the upcoming legislative session, which begins March 8, the MMA will continue its quest to fix medication prior authorization and to maintain the repeal of the provider tax. In addition, the MMA will advocate for stronger childhood immunization laws, recommending removal of the conscientiously held belief exemption that allows parents to opt-out of immunizing their children. To register, visit the MMA website. When registering, be sure to use the email for which you normally receive communications from the MMA. 
Minnesota Medicine
Minnesota's Right to Try Law
Physicians may be better off following the FDA's compassionate use process than turning to the state's new law to help the terminally ill access investigational therapies. 
On the go? Get the latest edition of Minnesota Medicine in one place. Read our Digital Edition.
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