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Ebola Program Details Firmed Up for Nov. 18
Minnesota health care workers will gather Nov. 18 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Convention Center in St. Paul to discuss issues related to the Ebola crisis. CME credit is available. Read more here.
Foundation Raises $75,000 at New Event
More than 30 members and their guests gathered for the first annual Care Where It Counts fundraiser for the MMA Foundation at the University of Minnesota's McNamara Alumni Center on Oct. 9. Read more here.
Member Receives Award from West Metro Medical Foundation
Michael B. Belzer, M.D., received the Charles Bolles Bolles-Rogers Award at a meeting of the Hennepin County Medical Center staff on Oct. 16. Read more here.
Legislative Previews Scheduled for Rochester on Nov. 12
The MMA and the Zumbro Valley Medical Society will co-sponsor two legislative session previews for physicians, residents, fellows and medical students on Nov. 12 in Rochester. Read more here.

Clinic Leadership Luncheon to Discuss MNsure on Oct. 28

Clinic administrators and physicians are invited to attend a free luncheon called "Inside MNsure: Minnesota's Health Insurance Exchange" on Oct. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the MMA/Twin Cities Medical Society offices, 1300 Godward St. NE, Minneapolis. For more information, go online.

Free Contract Negotiations Forum for Residents and Fellows

Residents and fellows are encouraged to attend a free Transition to Practice session on "Contract Negotiations" Nov. 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. in room 5-125 Moos Tower on the University of Minnesota campus. Legal experts will discuss: finding a suitable employment attorney; defining typical contract terms; how contracts differ in various practice types; and negotiable items such as salary, hours and responsibilities. A light dinner will be served. RSVP here. For more information, contact Kathleen Baumbach.

Member Honored By College for Distinguished Service

MMA member Marilyn Peitso, M.D., a pediatrician with CentraCare Health in St. Cloud, recently received a Distinguished Service Award from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. Peitso graduated from Luther in 1974 with a biology degree. She went on to earn her M.D. at the University of Minnesota. She is a current member of the MMA board of trustees and a past president of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Save the Date: Day at the Capitol is March 11

The MMA'a annual Day at the Capitol event, at which physicians meet face to face with their state senator and representative to advocate for pro-medicine legislation, has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 11. Because of the extensive renovations underway at the Capitol, the 2015 event will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel St Paul Downtown. Watch future editions of MMA News Now for more details.
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