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Supreme Court Ruling is Victory for Physician Autonomy
On Sept. 17, the Minnesota Supreme Court reaffirmed a Court of Appeals decision that when interested parties and medical professionals agree that termination of life support is appropriate, a guardian has the statutory power to authorize termination without further involvement from the court. Read more here.
Annual Conference Gets Fine Tuned, Begins Friday
With the Annual Conference beginning Friday, organizers have made some last-minute changes to the get-together taking place at Madden's on Gull Lake near Brainerd. Read more here.
Revised Measurement Website for Patients Launched
MN Community Measurement has launched a revised version of its consumer-facing website called Read more here.

Special Issue on Opioids Now Online

A special publication focusing on the issue of prescription opioid abuse, addiction and misuse is now available online on the MMA Website.

Learn How to Communicate Better with Patients

The MMA is teaming up with the world-renowned Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis to offer members two free half-day workshops on communicating with patients. The workshops will be held at the theater on Oct. 11 from 8:30 a.m. to noon and Oct. 30 from 2:30 to 6 p.m. Read more here.

MAPS Extends Awards Deadline

The Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety (MAPS) has extended the deadline for nominating people for the 2014 MAPS Awards until Sept. 29. The awards, which recognize individuals and systemwide safety leaders, will be given at the MAPS 2014 Conference taking place Oct. 22-24 at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in Brooklyn Park. Details of the application process can be found online. (Please note that the deadline dates found on this application are not accurate.)

Losing Sleep Over a Patient

Minnesota Medicine is interested in knowing about the last time you lost sleep over a patient. What was going on? Why were you concerned? Were you able to resolve the situation? Send us your story and we'll enter your name in a drawing for Minnesota Opera tickets. Click here to submit.

Choosing Wisely Minnesota Launches Facebook Page

The MMA, the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement and the Minnesota Health Action Group have launched a Choosing Wisely Minnesota page on Facebook. The site will include links to stories and information promoting discussions about medical tests and procedures that may be unnecessary and, in some instances, can cause harm.
Minnesota Medicine


The politics of the plow
A conversation with a medical historian about what we can learn from general practice physicians who took up a cause in the 1960s.


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Digital Rounds, the MMA Blog
Digital Rounds MMA's Blog
Most Minnesota physicians have a financial plan, and some even claim they have a great deal of confidence in their plan's strategies for investments, insurance, and ultimately, retirement. Are they really ready financially? Read more here
The MMA Podcast
The MMA Podcast
Concerns over getting sued keeping you up at night? MMA's Policy Counsel Teresa Knoedler discusses the upcoming medical malpractice event taking place at the U of M on Oct. 2. Listen to it here.
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