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Save the Date: First Policy Council Forum Set
The MMA will hold its first Policy Council forum on April 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The specific topics on which broad physician input will be needed will be defined by the members of the MMA Policy Council in late February or early March. The forum will be held in the Twin Cities area.

Cold Weather Freezes State's Public Health Lab Work

The Minnesota Department of Health was forced to suspend all testing at its Public Health Laboratory earlier this week after the heating system failed early in the morning of Jan. 6 due to the extreme cold.

Former Park Nicollet, Medtronic Exec Presented Shotwell Award

Glen D. Nelson, M.D., a former medical device company and hospital executive, is the recipient of the 2013 Shotwell Award.

MCC Announces Upgrades and Changes

The Minnesota Credentialing Collaborative has entered the new year with important changes - one dealing with purchasing annual subscriptions and another on keeping accounts current.

MDH Updates Adult Immunization Program

As of Jan. 1, the Minnesota Department of Health no longer supplies adult vaccine for Minnesota Health Care Plan recipients (including Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare).

Time to Renew Your 2014 MMA Membership

Join your colleagues from all corners of Minnesota who have already renewed their 2014 MMA memberships. Physicians representing dozens of specialties, including oncology, anesthesia, pediatrics, emergency medicine, family medicine, cardiology and many others are finding value in the work of MMA and are continuing their support. Watch your mail for a second invoice reminder next week. You can renew by returning your invoice with payment or calling us at 612-362-3747. For more information, go to Renew Now.

Choosing Wisely Webinar Available Online

A free 60-minute webinar on the Choosing Wisely campaign is now available on the MMA website. The program, with CME available, provides background on the initiative and includes videos that help educate Minnesota physicians on how they can decrease harm and improve outcomes by reducing unnecessary tests and procedures.
How does the MMA offer value to physicians?

MMA Value By expanding health coverage to more Minnesotans

An estimated 275,000 more Minnesotans will be eligible to receive health coverage thanks to legislation supported by the MMA. In addition to improving the health of thousands of Minnesotans, it also means that physicians should see less uncompensated care and have fewer bad debt and collection concerns.

Being an MMA member is part of being a physician
Check out this one-minute video message on the importance of being a member.
The MMA Podcast
The MMA Podcast If you prescribe opioids, you will want to attend a free seminar on Feb. 8 at the University of Minnesota. Jaime Olson, MMA's manager of continuing education, details what will be learned at the half-day event, where CME credit is available.
Listen to the podcast here.
Minnesota Medicine

Minnesota Medicine December 2013   

Back to the Future: Minnesota's Rural Health Workforce Shortages



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