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Survey: MDs Feel Responsible For Avoiding Unnecessary Procedures

Minnesota physicians say they have a "great deal of responsibility" to work with their patients to avoid unnecessary tests and procedures, according to a recent survey conducted by the MMA as part of its Choosing Wisely� project.

Bipartisan Proposal to Repeal SGR Gaining Momentum

A bipartisan proposal to repeal Medicare's Sustainable Growth Rate formula has been released by key committees in Congress. While this is a huge step forward, there is not yet enough detail for the MMA to know how it could affect smaller practices.

Minnesota's PMP Adds Multi-State Query Functionality 

On Nov. 1, the Minnesota Prescription Monitoring Program joined an interstate network that allows Minnesota authorized prescribers, pharmacists and their delegates to search for patient profiles in multiple states.

2014 Membership Campaign Begins

Current MMA members, or their clinics, are receiving dues renewal notices as part of the 2014 MMA membership campaign - so watch your mailboxes. Thank you for your past support and we look forward to your continued membership. Your ongoing commitment helps MMA tackle the tough issues facing physicians and makes Minnesota a better place to practice. Nonmembers will receive membership invitations in January.

Two Physicians Sought for Board of Medical Practice

The state Board of Medical Practice has two openings available for physicians. The MMA has statutory authority to submit endorsement recommendations to the governor for consideration when making physician appointments to the BMP.

Health Department Offering Loans for EHR Expansion

The Minnesota Department of Health is offering several loans between $100,000 and $500,000 for health care groups that want to expand use of interoperable EHR systems and electronic health information exchange. Applications are due Dec. 19.

Comment Sought on Health Lifestyles and Risk Reduction Measures

Minnesota Community Measurement is seeking public comment by Nov. 15 on a set of new measures that will impact primary care. This set of measures is focused on health lifestyles and risk reduction. It is a 12-month measurement period that has composite data elements to create the measures. You can provide feedback directly to Collette Pitzen.

Minnesota Medicine wants to know...

If you weren't a physician, what would you be? An actor? A teacher? A pilot? A chef? What career would you choose? Please click here and let us know. Your response may appear in the January 2014 issue of the magazine.

Advance Care Planning Documentaries to Air This Thanksgiving

Honoring Choices Minnesota, North America's largest community-focused advanced care planning public initiative, has teamed up with Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) to sponsor the Second Annual "Have the Conversation" campaign this Thanksgiving. TPT and public television stations throughout Minnesota will air documentaries on Nov. 28 that show families how to begin the advanced care conversation step-by-step. To find upcoming airings, visit Honoring Choices Minnesota is coordinated by the Twin Cities Medical Society.

AHRQ Seeking Input on Readmissions Report

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is looking for physician input by Nov. 26 on a new report: "Transitional care interventions to prevent readmissions for people with heart failure." It covers studies evaluating home-visits, structured telephone support, and multidisciplinary clinic interventions. The evidence supports the efficacy for reducing readmissions by the structured telephone support and multidisciplinary clinic interventions.

ACA Tip of the Week - Challenging Patients
Editor's note: On Jan 1, the Affordable Care Act will become fully implemented. In preparation, the MMA News Now is providing a weekly tip on aspects that will affect physicians directly. MMA members will also receive a special publication on Health Care Reform with their December issue of Minnesota Medicine. To receive these and other special benefits, become a member of the MMA today. For more information call 612-362-3747 or visit
How does MMA affect your practice?

MMA ValueBy restoring medical education funding

MMA affects your practice through its strong legislative lobbying efforts that gives physicians a voice at the state Capitol. Last session, MMA played a key role in restoring Medical Education and Research Cost (MERC) funding to support Minnesota's training facilities prepare the next generation of physicians, including rural primary care physicians. This effort will ensure access to care for patients, reduce the stress on our primary care colleagues and ensure our specialty colleagues continue to see the "right" patients. See more.


Being an MMA member is part of being a physician.


Check out a one-minute video message on the importance of membership.   

Digital Rounds

Digital Rounds MMA's Blog

The influx of new patients on Jan. 1, 2014, will place demands on primary care that have not been seen before. How are we going to solve the primary care physician workforce shortage? Read more in our latest blog post.


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