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Thank You, Members

With 2012 now behind us, I wanted to take the time to thank you for being a part of the MMA. We are only as strong as our members. Without you, we would not be able to effectively champion the medical profession in Minnesota.


It's been a hectic, but satisfying, year. We've accomplished a lot - effectively lobbying to protect physicians at the State Capitol, hosting an engaging panel discussion that examined the Supreme Court's ruling on the ACA attended by nearly 200 physicians and great work by a task force to better understand the needs of physicians in independent practice.


2013 looks to be an interesting one as well. Our legislative team anticipates a challenging session, specifically concerning potential budget cuts to health care programs. We will also be busy working to influence the creation of a Minnesota-based exchange, the expansion of Medicaid, championing a team approach to health care, investing in medical education and the physician workforce and ensuring the phase-out of the provider tax. In addition, we plan to conduct several policy forums and listening sessions with physicians and clinics across the state. On top of that, a newly formed task force will tackle the growing issue of opioid addiction, abuse and diversion.


As you can see, we will be busy. We look forward to the challenges of 2013 confident of your support.



Robert Meiches, M.D.


Congress Applies Temporary Fix to Medicare Physician Payments

Physicians who work with Medicare avoided a 26.5 percent pay cut on Jan. 1, when Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act. Though temporary, the action should come as some relief to physicians in Minnesota as well as the rest of the country.

On Dec. 21, the MMA sent a letter of support to the Department of Health recognizing its efforts to develop and implement statewide systems to optimize care for time critical cardiovascular conditions.

2013 Session Begins Jan. 8

At noon, next Tuesday, the House and Senate will begin the 2013 session. For the first time since 1990, the DFL controls not only the governor's office but both the House and Senate. The DFL claimed 39 of the state's 67 state senate seats and 72 of the 134 state house seats. The new group of legislators includes 46 new lawmakers and 12 legislators returning following a defeat in a previous election. They will be dealing with a $1.1 billion deficit, and will likely quickly consider key health care measures, including the possible Medicaid expansion and a state-based insurance exchange. For a look at the MMA's top priorities for the session, visit the MMA News Now archives.

Have you renewed your MMA membership yet?

Just a reminder: It's membership renewal time and dues invoices have been sent. Please take a moment to renew your membership now so you don't miss any of your valuable MMA benefits - see the variety of programs that MMA offers to you and your clinic. Be sure to check out our two new individual and group discount programs. For more information, go to our membership website.

December 2012 Minnesota Medicine    
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