In This Issue / Dans Cette Edition:
Bike City, Great Show!
Wild Turkeys can't stop gardiners
Have you kissed a worm today?
Country Fun Nature Camp Sizzling!
Your Turn!

Activity Calendar 2013   



August 10th

Tucker House Wild Summer BBQ! 

2pm- 8:30 pm 1731 Tucker Road, Rockland


August 14th - Workshop Jardin Centraide in Hawkesbury

contact Bonnie or 613-446-2117 x 5


September 14th - Tucker House 5th annual


 7pm- 10pm 1731 Tucker Road, Rockland


September 21st - Food and Wine Show  6pm - 9pm River Rock Inn, Rockland



October 6th - Seed savings basics at Tucker House with Greta from Greta's Organic Seeds!  


October 20th - Seed Cleaning

12pm - 5pm at Greta's Organic Seeds

399 River Road Gloucester, Ontario, K1V 1C9

contact Nathalie to sign up!
613-446-2117 x 8 


Aug 10th 2pm- 8pm!

 The whole community of friends of Tucker House are invited to our end of camp community BBQ on August 10th from 2pm to 8pm at Tucker House in Rockland (map) with face painting, tractor rides, soap stone carving, marshmallow roast and storytellers from Ottawa Storytellers!


� la Maison Tucker, nous vous invitons � un barbecue d'�t� pour c�l�brer une autre ann�e fantastique de la classe nature � Country Fun � et aussi de nombreux amis, programmes et b�n�voles de la Maison Tucker dans la communaut�!

Pour vous remercier de votre soutien au cours de l'ann�e pass�e, il nous plaira beaucoup si vous pouvez participer avec nous dans une journ�e de fun � la campagne. 


samedi, 10 ao�t, 2013



350 Ottawans attend Bike City, Great City World Premier!
The Mayfair was a packed house for the world premiere of David Chernusenko's Bike City, Great City documentary July 9th and 10th! Tucker House is co-producing this film as part of our Films for Change program. There were some great discussions and questions and answers.  Where can we report unsafe biking conditions in Ottawa? 

Read the full article on our website


September 21 -  

Food and Wine Show    

By Kara Stonehouse

Tucker House is thrilled to be chosen as the recipient charity for this year's 5th Anniversary of the Prescott-Russell Wine and Food Show; where fabulous wines & beers and creative local flavors come to life! Book your calendars Saturday, September 21st, at the River Rock Inn, in Rockland.

Cette ann�e la Maison Tucker est ravie d'�tre choisie comme organisme b�n�ficiaire pour le 5�me anniversaire du Salon des vins et de la gastronomie Prescott-Russell, o� on peut savourer des vins et des bi�res sensationnels et gouter des plats locaux cr�atifs!  Marquez vos calendriers- samedi,  21 septembre � l'Auberge River Rock � Rockland.  

  Please note that the Show will be held from 6 to 9 PM this year!  


Veuillez  prendre note que le Saloncommencera d�s 18h et se terminera � 21h cette ann�e!


Our Executive Director, Kara Stonehouse, staff and board will be on site to meet you.


Notre directrice g�n�rale, Kara Stonehouse,  avec le personnel et le conseil de la Maison Tucker seront sur place pour vous rencontrer.    


Tickets are now on sale. Wine Lover Getaway Packages are available today. Check out the official website for all the details.  


Les billets sont en vente maintenant. Aussi, si vous d�sirez, il y a des Forfaits P�tillants disponibles d�s ce moment. Consultez le site officiel pour tous les dtails. 


Would you like to get in for free? Tucker House needs 5 volunteers to help with the evening, it could be you! Contact Bonnie at  

Voulez-vous aller gratuitement? La Maison Tucker a besoin de 5 b�n�voles pour aider � la soir�e; c'est vous peut-�tre!

 Food and Farming Camp Update:
We spoke too soon! Grant funding did not come through for Food and Farming Camp for 2013. We were a little over excited and hopeful but we can still make it happen!  Please help us make this awesome program a reality for 2015! Donate $150 to $300 today to make this program a reality and send a child to camp!

Wild turkeys can't stop the Bunching Onions gardeners!  


By Lindsay Vyvey, Tucker House CSA coordinator

The Bunching Onions CSA has begun delivering boxes to our expectant shareholders!  You can still get in on this healthy, great food experience with a pick up location in Rockland and Ottawa!  Read more and become a member!


At Bunching Onions vegetable patch at Tucker House, we planted some really neat seeds a couple of weeks ago, and I was rather impressed by their silver metallic colour! Can you identify these seeds? Tune in to the Bunching Onions Blog  to find the answer!    





PEN blue logo

The latest electronic version of the Peace and Environment News, the E-PEN, is available online at

Tucker House E-Tidbits! 
P'tits Brins de la Maison Tucker!
Heart warming moments at Biodiversity day celebrations!

par Bonnie Jean-Louis

Alix Oulahen, 3 years old - " I kissed a worm"

Cette ann�e, dans la r�gion des CUPR, le R�seau d'�ducation-sensibilisation � la biodiversit�, la Maison Tucker et Bois�s-Est collaborent et contribuent � la promotion de l'utilisation harmonieuse du territoire, la conservation des milieux naturels existants et le d�velopement durables, afin d'assurer notre biodiversit�.  Pour d�couvrir, r�fl�chir et agir ensemble, de nombreuses activit�s tel ques des ateliers, conf�rences, randonn�es et une vari�t� d'autres �v�nements sont organis� pour toute la famille sur l'ensemble du territoire. 


Ainsi, nous remercions tous les participants � notre randonn� �ducative sur le terrain de la Maison Tucker avec le biologiste Pascal Samson, le 19 mai dernier. 

Nous avons appri � identifier des plantes dangereuses tel que l'herbe � puces, des arbres 
centenaires tel que le c�dre et le pin
 blanc, et m�me la plante pr�f�r� des Schtroumphes; La Salsepareille! 

Nous avons m�me vue de quelle plantes la couronne de J�sus avait �t� fait; l'�pine du Hawthorn. Nous
 avons clos la journ�e en plantant des arbres fruitiers afin de contribuer � la biodiversit� de la for�t Tucker en augmentant la richesse naturelle par la cr�ation d'une for�t comestible, pouvant agir comme barri�re naturelle, pour les g�n�rations � venir... 

5th Annual Green Gala 

gets spicy this year with a Masquerade Ball!   




Come for an evening of fine hor d'oeuvres, live music and a Masquerade Ball! All the friends and family and supporters of Tucker House are cordially invited to this extravagant evening of intrigue at the Historic Tucker House Manor.  Your ticket includes local beers and wines including our sponsor, Beau's Beer!  Mark September 14th in your calendar!

Tickets are now available, read more and order your tickets here.

Camp is sizzling this summer! 
Everyone is invited for a community post-camp BBQ,
family games and 
and fireside storytelling evening on August 10th!

 By Emily Underwood, Camp Director   


Country Fun Nature Camp is in full swing!  Check out our updates on  facebook! 


Country Fun is Tucker House's most longstanding and beloved programs, focusing on nurturing children's love for God, self, others, and all of Creation - including 6 foot Black Rat snakes!  


This year, Tucker House and Country Fun are very excited about our new partnership with Andrew Fleck Child Care Services. Last month, Andrew Fleck hosted several of our fantastic camp leaders at his camp training program, which included information sessions on working with campers with special needs, and anaphylaxis training. Country Fun is looking forward to welcoming new campers from Andrew Fleck this summer.

As a non-profit organization, Country Fun relies heavily on donations to continue our ministry of faith, fellowship, and fun. We believe that camp is a fantastic and meaningful experience for children from all backgrounds, and with the help of our donors, we hope to offer children from all walks of life the opportunity to come to camp. Our registration fee of $175 represents roughly half of the cost of running the camp per child, and, as always, there are many families who require subsidies.  There is no limit to how many campers you can sponsor, and donations of $20 or more are tax-deductible.  You may opt for a partial sponsorship, a full sponsorship of $340 to cover all costs for one child, or a donation of any amount towards expenses.  Follow this link to donate today!



The whole community of friends of Tucker House are invited to our end of camp community BBQ on August 10th from 2pm to 8pm at Tucker House in Rockland (map) with face painting, tractor rides, soap stone carving, marshmallow roast and storytellers from Ottawa Storytellers! The Country Fun Camp closing ceremony is at about 6pm.  



RSVP to with your number of attendees and preference for vegetarian or meat BBQ!  

Bring all your friends and neighbours!  Join up to the event on facebook or check it out on our website: 

For more information on Country Fun Nature Camp: 

613-446-2117 x 6

Renewal Moment 
with Tucker House ED Kara Stonehouse
 It's finally hot out and like most Canadians you are probably taking this opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors!  But have you ever taken a moment to truly 'connect' with nature?

You may be surprised how easy it is to calm your mind and renew your soul when you put aside a moment for this purpose. There are many studies and books about the importance of spending time in nature for humans to develop and thrive, mentally, emotionally and physically.  There is even a term called Nature Deficit Disorder to describe the consequences of living sedentary, digital lives.  See a Canadian Living article about it here.  If you feel low energy with a foggy mind or a little lost in who you are,  instead of thinking "I need coffee!"  try thinking "I need nature!"



Here is a simple activity you can try.

Go out into any natural landscape, it can be as small as a backyard garden. Find a comfy spot to sit or stand and just gaze at the living things until something draws your attention.  It may be the shape of a twig, a bud, a crawling ant.  Just observe with wonder and appreciation. Let yourself be surprised by this simple pleasure.  You might like to say a prayer to god or just breathe deeply the feeling this moment brings to your day.  This five  minutes break, practiced regularly brings great joy to your whole life.  This is much better use of your time than waiting in line for an expensive drink.  

At Tucker House, we help everyone take a moment to remember where we come from and offer programs to enjoy nature with Country Fun Nature Camp and Simple Living Workshops at your work or community group, and Retreat Centre programs.   Please read on to see how we are working in the community!


Kara Stonehouse

Executive Director, Maison Tucker House

Your Turn! 

   Please support our Tucker House by donating $100 today and join our family tree of supporters who nurture a culture of sustainability were we live!


Donate Now Through! 



Visit our website at



If you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact me at 613-446-2117 x 3
or at

Si vous avez des suggestions ou des commentairesveuillez me contacter au 613-446-2117 poste 3 ou �


Thank you, 


Kara Stonehouse,

Executive Director

Maison Tucker House