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In This Issue/Dans Cette Edition
Green Design & Retrofits
Natural Ways to Stay Healthy
Country Fun Nature Camp
Coin Communautaire
Green Gift Ideas
NCEN Monthly Gatherings

To view the Full Tidbits articles, visit:
Calendar of Events


November 27: Rockland Parade of Lights

January 19: Green Renovations: A Tucker House Tour *

March 6: Saving Seeds Workshop *


Calendrier d'�v�nements


27 Novembre: La Parade de lumi�res de Rockland

19 Janvier: �co-r�nos: tourn�e de la Maison Tucker * 


6 Mars: Un atelier sur la conservation de semences *


* RSVP with / aupr�s de

Green Design & Retrofits
After a series of green retrofits, Tucker House is on its way to becoming a model of model of sustainability. Our facility now showcases energy efficient measures and green retrofits in a historic setting and offers Sustainability Tours to groups interested in learning more about green retrofits. To book a tour, call 613-446-2117 x 4. 

Why is the website out of date?


Tucker House's website editing capacity is currently not functioning. As such, we encourage you to visit our Facebook page 'Maison Tucker House' for the latest updates on our activities. 


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you for your patience. 

Tips for a Green and Healthy Winter
Winter is approaching, and with the winter season comes germ season. There are many natural options that can help in avoiding that first wave of germs. Eating right, getting enough sleep and having fun are the best natural immune boosters. Try adding some super immune boosting foods like garlic, onions, mushrooms and spices like rosemary, sage and basil to your diet. Having fun is proven to keep a healthy body and mind. Some tea's that are great to help reduce stress and increase vitality are valerian, chamomile, and mugwort. Keep it natural this December, and enjoy a sick-free winter season.

PEN blue logo

The latest electronic version of the Peace and Environment News, the E-PEN, is available online at

Thank you to our sponsors: 

Cascades Recovery Logo

Caisse Populaire Desjardins logo2

cira logo

Tucker House E-Tidbits! 
P'tits Brins de la Maison Tucker!


Season's greetings! 


We've had an incredible year  at Tucker House; from making the house more energy efficient and green, to  holding over 60 events reaching as far as Hawkesbury and Arnprior. We had a wonderful launch of our sustainability tour this summer and our  camps were awesome  this year. We are  looking forward to winter to put our new high-efficiency furnace to the test! For more information on green retrofits, see:  (include link to pdf print version)



We're looking forward to reaching out to more  people to teach and inspire them towards greater sustainability, and hope to see you at one of our events. 


Yours truly, 

Monique Lefebvre 

Executive Director 


Country Fun Nature Camp


This summer Tucker House was alive with sounds of laughter and songs shared by Leaders, LITs, and children delighting in an array of activities. Bible studies and theme days taught love for God, self, and others, while eco-activities and guests reminded us how we can be stewards of God's world. We wish to thank our supporters for helping provide two weeks of faith and fun to deserving children from across the city. We're looking for volunteers to be part of the Camp Committee to help organize the next season of this long-standing program. Please email to get involved!

Coin Communautaire

 Des nouvelles de la communaut� de Rockland. 


La Maison Tucker s'est fait une beaut�! Le 18 d�cembre en soir�e venez d�couvrir la Maison Tucker revitalis�e et comment faire des r�novations �cologiques. 


Le 6 mars nous aurons la chance de recevoir Madame Greta Kryger (Greta's Organic Gardens) qui viendra nous montrer comment conserver les semences d'une ann�e � l'autre. 


Ne manquez pas la chance de voir le char all�gorique de la Maison Tucker � la parade des lumi�res de Rockland le dimanche 27 novembre. Notre th�me �tant l'ann�e de la for�t. Le groupe local de b�n�voles de la Maison Tucker y travaille depuis d�j� un bon moment. 


La Maison Tucker a aussi lanc� le r�seau sur l'environnement de l'est ontarien qui regroupe les organismes de la r�gion qui travaillent sur l'environnement. 

Looking for a gift for that special someone?


Then maybe supporting community grass-roots eco initiatives could be a thoughtful gift this season.


Here are some Green Gift Ideas:

* $165: Send a Child to Camp

* $150: Sponsor an Eco-Workshop for a Classroom

* $100: Adopt a Solar Cell & Give the Gift of Renewable Energy 

* $50: Sponsor a House Tour for a Community Group 

* $25: Conserve Biodiversity with Heritage Seeds for our Garden


Adopt a solar cell picture

With each donation, you receive a certificate in your name or the name of someone you choose. When you Adopt-a-Solar-Cell, you also get this name engraved on a plaque at Tucker House. 

Donations can be made by cheque or online with CanadaHelps


Happy Holidays!


NCEN Monthly Gatherings


On Tuesday October 25th the NCEN (National Capital Environmental Network) held its first monthly networking gathering since the end of summer. We had the pleasure of having Roger Peters and Keith Shakleton give us a wonderful presentation on forming a cooperative, and information on the Ottawa Renewable Energy CooperativeWe held our November meeting on the 22. The host of this meeting was Ecology Ottawa along with the CEN (Community Energy Network) where they shared good news stories, to help make Eastern Ontario a leader in the emerging clean energy economy.


The NCEN is open to all local environmental groups in the national capital region. We host monthly networking gatherings on the fourth Tuesday of every month for environmental non-profit staff, board members, and volunteers. We also hold special capacity-building sessions twice a year. 

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact me at 613-446-2117 x 4 or at

Si vous avez des suggestions ou des commentairesveuillez me contacter au 613-446-2117 poste 4 ou �




Monique Lefebvre
Maison Tucker House 
Free Workshop with every rental !
This coupon entitles any school or group who rents the house to a FREE workshop from Tucker House Renewal Centre.  Contact Diana Brushey 
613-446-2117 x 6 or to redeem
this offer!


Offer Expires: December 31st, 2011