METRONewsMarch 2015
Image calibration's role in diagnostics.
Metron Block for Equine
The question has been asked many times...."How do I do a measurement?"

Metron Imaging Software offers many different Guided Mark-Up techniques to aid in diagnostics for equine and companion animal veterinarians.

The goals of an X-Ray exposure include the presentation of an image that is properly exposed, contains sufficient diagnostic detail, and shows minimal distortion.  

Calibration should be performed on images to allow mark-up for measurements and scoring as well as overall image quality for viewing and reports. So, what is the best method? 

Equine: The distance between your equine patient and the generator often changes. It is critical to set the measurement calibration with each X-Ray image.

Though we have several measurement calibration options available in the Metron calibration panel, we recommend the Metron Block for ease of use and accuracy with both the Guided Mark-Up and Free Mark-Up measuring processes.

The Metron Block contains metal markers which will appear in the radiograph. Metron will use these markers to automatically set the scale for the image. It is important to place the hoof on the center line of the Metron Block.

You can also use the Metron Auto-Scaler for other detail shots by strapping the device to the horse's leg.

Metron Auto-Scaler
Companion Animal: The "benefits" for a companion animal veterinarian is that the X-Ray generator does not move nor does the examination room table. Distance remains a constant. 

Any object of known length can be used if placed in the same lateral point (in the same line) with the point of interest. Metron has developed the Metron Auto Scaler for this purpose. Again, it is important to place the Auto-Scaler near the patient area of interest which should also be nearest the center of the 

X-Ray energy field - perpendicular to the central beam of the X-Ray. 

Being a valued member of our Metron Support Services family, we want to make sure you are taking advantage of products available to you.


Have questions about Guided Mark-Up? Want additional information describing how these Metron products can benefit your practice? 

Contact us for details and pricing for each product.




Continuing with your Top 5 Questions...#2

We receive and answer many questions during the day. Do you wonder if your original Metron image is "saved" after you have completed image manipulations?


How can I edit/make alterations to an image without losing the original? 

A Well, there are two options worth mentioning. At any time you can return to the original image state by clicking the Metron default filter ...generally the #2 filter. By doing so, this will undo the image manipulations. However, if you have cropped the image, you will need to click the "Crop" button and click the "Un-Crop/Mask" button.

If you want to compare the original image, create a duplicate. To create a duplicate image, click on the image (so that it is highlighted with a red border), then click the "Copy" button. Then, press the "paste" button to create the duplicate image. Next, make any adjustments to the duplicate image as needed using the Metron tool(s) you prefer. Upon completion, return to the Metron Database Browser, click on both images, then click the "View" button to view them in a side-by-side comparison. 

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In This Issue
Image Calibration & Diagnostics
Another of Your Top 5 Questions
Metron 7.3 Release
Support Services Site
Your Metron Image Count
Spring is Coming!


Coming Soon
Metron Release 7.3

There's a number of behind the scenes edits that will improve your overall Metron experience plus enhancements you will notice! More information to come!

Also keep the ideas for Metron improvements coming! We have provided you an easy way to submit your ideas. 


We would love to hear your cool ideas for Metron!


Support Services Site
Metron Support Services logo
Be sure you and your staff visit 
the support site for
online training sessions located at The Learning Center.

'Like' our Facebook Page and 
join in the conversation!


Do you know... many Metron images you have produced? In Metron, click on the "Database" link on the top menu bar and then click "Database Tools". You will see the "Count Images" at the bottom of this window.  

Be sure you are backing up these valuable images too. We can help with "Back ME UP"! It is included with your Metron Support Services!


Waited all Winter
for this day

March 20, 2015 is the first day of Spring! For many of us, it won't seem like it, but it is still a day to celebrate the warmer weather to come.




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