METRONewsJuly 2014
Really good questions!

Just the other day, I helped an equine practice go live with their new X-Ray system.  My part - train the doctor and tech how to use the Metron software for Acquisition, Diagnostic Viewing, and Communications.  We split the training into two sessions with a couple of hours between.  In the first session, I showed them how to add and edit client/patient records and then taught them how to acquire images.  Before I hung up with them on the first call, I showed them our Learning Center on our Metron Support Services website.  


When we began our next call, I started where we left off. Soon I was interrupted with questions about a variety of Metron features - really good questions.  Turns out the technician (doctor's husband) spent the 2 hours with our training videos and tried out what he was learning.  He was ahead of me.  


Questions he asked - When would I want to use the Invert button?   

Do I darken images using Window & Leveling or LUT ?

Should I always crop image?

Is the patient birthday important ?


We encourage all of you to try out our 3-6 minute learning videos for the basics.  

Visit our new "User Q&A" for more detailed answers to your many questions.  Or just give us a call if you would rather discuss with our support services team.



User Q & A

Questions from your Peers 



I want to darken an image - how should I do that?

If you are intending to make the whole image a little darker, click on the Look Up Table (LUT) button.  This tool shifts the grey scale of the entire image, making all elements a bit darker or a bit lighter.  To do this, click and drag the middle dot on the diagonal line toward the lower right corner.  The more you move that dot, the darker you make the image.   You can undo the change by clicking on the Undo button on the same tool, click on the Undo button and the Metron tool bar, or click on one of the Filter buttons (1,2,3,4).


Can I use the Window Leveling button to darken an image?

You can use this button tool to darken an image but that is best done with the Look Up Table button.  The Window Leveling tool originates from human medicine with Radiologists using this dynamic tool to help them increase the visibility of specific anatomy of interest.  If you click and hold down the left mouse button while then moving the mouse around in all directions, you will change the visibility of image elements - accentuating some diminishing others. It is more of a selective darkening and lightening method.  


Is the patient birthday important? 

Though not required, it is a good habit to add the patient birthday to the Metron patient record.  The birthday does affect image acquisition or image processing. Metron's equine podiatry measurement analysis has the option to present score details based in part on equine patient age. For those practices that may send X-Ray studies to others by DICOM for review, the accompanying DICOM data will include the patient birthday.  Any veterinary radiologist will want to know the patient birthday as part of their overall patient/case study.  


Click here to browse additional questions you may have but have yet to ask us! We will continue to add to this Q & A area so stop back if you have a question. If we have not answered it, be sure to ask us! We can then add your question and our answers to the forum to assist other practices.



Metron Support Services Team

Meet our new members!



If you have contacted Metron Support Services lately, you have talked to Jenna!  


Customer Service is Jenna's specialty.  She combines all her experiences to support our clients every day.  Jenna has a strong commitment to all customers in every conversation and works to make each client happy with her direct assistance and reason for the client call.


Jenna Miller

Customer Assistant




Heidi Thompson has worked in the human dental and veterinary industry her whole career.  Her experience with veterinary practice information management systems (PIMS) helps her to provide excellent "integration" support to our Metron clients, maximizing their X-Ray software experience. 


Heidi Thompson

Support Services Technician




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Click here to put a face to the name plus meet members you may or may not know. It all adds up to the service expertise you deserve and we love to provide.


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 © 2009 - 2014 DVMCONNEXX.     All rights reserved.  
In This Issue
Really Good Questions!
User Q & A
Meet the Support Team
Celebrate Canada Today!
4th of July Support Hours
Support Services Site
Arranging Thumbnail Images


Canada Day
July 1
Canada Day observances take place TODAY, July 1 throughout Canada as well as among Canadians internationally.
Not sure when and where the fireworks displays will be? Just click here...we have you covered. 


4th of July Holiday
Support Hours

Metron Support Services will be closed Friday, July 4 in observance of the Independence Day holiday. Regular business hours of 8am - 6pm CST (M-F) will resume Monday, July 7. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

Thinking ahead to your celebration? Perhaps cupcakes are on your menu. Click here for red, white and blue decorating ideas.


Support Services Site

Be sure you and your staff visit 
the support site for
online training sessions located at The Learning Center.


Support Services
Support Services Tips

Want to change the order of the image thumbnails with a study? 

Click Thumbnail Options...

Adjust Thumbnail Options
...then click "Reset All"... each image in the order you want them to appear in the study. Click "Accept Order" followed by 
"Closeto complete. 

Other options include organizing By Acquire Time for DICOM tags and Image Brightness.
