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Check out the above "tabs", e.g., website, membership, volunteers, calendar, each tab takes you to helpful information on the Ashby Village website.  


Saturday Sept 19, 1:00 -4:00 pm
Padre Campsite in Tilden Park


In This Issue

please complete the corrected Annual Survey

FocusOnFive"We may have come to Ashby Village for 
the services, but we stay for the community
Rochelle Lefkowitz
Communications Team Leader
Ashby Village newest Board member

The Focus on Five column will be appearing during the upcoming year in celebration of Ashby Village's Fifth Anniversary. Look for the Focus oFive logo!


Describe Ashby Village in six words. See our favorite six word description, and what key three features mark Ashby Village after its first five years.  READ MORE

BeingMortalAshby Village is honored to have been selected to partner with these Bay Area organizations to bring you this event: LifeLong Medical Care, the Center for Independent Living and The City of Berkeley. 
Atul Gawande

Being Mortal 
Friday Sept 18 at 2pm - Ed Roberts Campus

Based on the book, the film features bestselling author Atul Gawande as he tackles the hardest challenge of his profession. Why medical experts may be unprepared to have the difficult conversations that patients and their families most need (and want) to hear when death is inevitable.  READ MORE
Village Hearts N' Hands
 Be part of a team that gives an Ashby Village member's house a one-time "booster shot". Make a real difference & have fun! 

Thursday September 24
10am - 2pm
Wednesday October 7, 2015
10am - 2pm


Volunteer Appreciation 
Saturday October 10
10:30am - 12:30pm

On Saturday October 17th we are joining other East Bay Villages to walk in support of Alzheimer's research.
Please join us!

B' Cause

StoryTeamBrought to you by the Story Team...
Our Story Team (one photographer and one writer) regularly feature a member-volunteer partnership that began with service and developed into a valued relationship.

Bet you can't guess what these two share in common. READ MORE
Ashby Village Member DON FOLEY & 
Member/Volunteer MARION ANDERSON

Photographer Nancy Rubin 
Love this picture? See Nancy's Faces of Fatherhood photo exhibit  (with Andy Gaines & kids) showing until September 20 at YWCA, 2600 Bancroft Way, downtown Berkeley.

Missing the Listing for Neighborhood Groups? 
Scroll to the top and click on the Calendar Tab (its all there). 

Kit van Buskirk
Claremont/Elmwood Neighborhood Group

Ever wonder how neighborhood groups get started? Talk to Kit, who doesn't see herself as anyone out of the ordinary (Have you noticed how Ashby Village is full of people doing amazing things that they describe as nothing special?)  

VtVConferenceKit Vanbuskirk is on her way to Seattle this October to join thousands of Villagers from across the nation to hear what's new and exciting in the village movement. You can join her...
On the other hand, in case you can't go, Kit will be sharing what she learns, so you can find out what's happening around the country just by staying tuned. 

Newcomers Welcome 
Bring a Friend

Sunday, Sept 13, 2-4 pm
Westbrae Neighborhood  

Mondays 2pm
(six week program)
Starts Sept 21

Walking with Poles for Balance & Mobility 
Part I with Jayah Faye Paley

Part I Friday Sept 4, 1:30 - 3:30
Meet at Ashby Village Office

For those who attend Part I, you are eligible to attend Part II at Berkeley Marina
Tuesday Sept 15, 1:30

  (510) 204 9200   *  

Newsletter Editor: Sarah Hawthorne

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