Learning from the Past and Planning the Future

Annual Ashby Village Leadership Retreat

As described in the January "Newsletter", Ashby Village's organizational leadership continues to mature, with the Board transitioning to serving as a governing body, the Program Leadership Team (PLT) assuming full oversight of programs and services, as well as the Staff clarifying how they can support the whole.  On Wednesday afternoon March 11, the Board, Staff and PLT came together for a Planning Retreat in the home graciously provided by member/volunteers Liz Raymer and Ronnie Boynton

Click here to read more 

In This Issue
Ongoing Monthly Activities
(10am Thursdays)

April 3 

Ashby Village


(4:00pm first Friday)


April 14 

Lunch at Danute's

(noon second Tuesdays)

RSVP one week ahead


April 14

Bridge Group

(2-4pm second Tuesdays)


April 20 

Handcraft, Knitting

(1:30pm third Mondays)


April 7 & 21

(2pm, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays)
(click on event for information)

East Berkeley Hills

April 10, 5:30 pm  

Potluck dinner 

For more info, contact  resek@sfsu.edu 



April 1, 7 pm 

Evening of Celtic Guitar 


April 16, 2 pm

Coffee at Beanery Cafe


April 22, 7 pm 

Dazzling Divas, Opera 


For more info,

contact Kit Vanbuskirk

510 610-0061 or



Emery Bunch (Emeryville)

April 14

(11am 2nd Tuesdays)


April 15

Trader Vic's Happy Hour 

(4:30pm third Thursdays)


Kaleidoscope (Kensington/

El Cerrito)

April 15, 11:30 am

Lunch Bunch  

(RSVP by Monday before)


(North Berkeley)

April 9

Happy Hour 

(7pm second Thursdays) 


April 19

Cafe Expresso Roma 

(10am Third Sundays) 



(South of Campus)

April 17 at 6pm

Neighborhood Potluck 

(third Fridays,alternating 

lunch & dinner)


Thousand Oaks Hamlet  

April 7 & 21
Mac Users Group

April 8
Solano Lunch Bunch

April 13
(2pm second Mondays)

April 20
Handwork Group

April 26
Photo Exhibition 
Now at  UC Berkeley

photo exhibit winner The April Art Exhibit at the UC Berkeley Faculty Club will feature  a collection of photographs taken by four Berkeley emeriti faculty: Beth Burnside, Russ Ellis, Ira Lapidus, and Steve Lustig.  These photographs were first shown at The LightRoom Gallery in Berkeley in October, and had been selected by a jury of prominent Bay Area photographers for an exhibit sponsored by Ashby Village.  That exhibit featured 36 photographs selected from photographs submitted by members of Ashby Village. Many members of Ashby Village are former or current employees of UC Berkeley.


Berkeley Broadway Singers

The Spring Public Concerts of The Berkeley Broadway Singers will be held on Saturday, April 25, at 7:00pm and Sunday, April 26, at 4:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, One Lawson Road, Kensington, CA 94707. Come hear a growing bounty of Ashby Village stars!

Friday, April 17,
5 - 7pm
Wine & Cheese (click here)
Ashby Village Office
If you are a volunteer, give us the opportunity to say thank you in person (see you there!) Please RSVP by April 10th 


Saturday, April 11, 9am - 1pm

Ashby Village Office, 2330 Durant Ave

Click here for more information.

RSVP at volunteer@ashbyvillage.org or (510) 204-9200.



De-Cluttering & Organizing Workshop 

Friday, April 10, 10am - 12pm
Ashby Village Office
2330 Durant Ave, Berkeley
Five steps to de-clutter and organize your home or office, an interactive workshop. Participants will come away knowing what they need to do to get started reducing the "stuff" that's accumulated and begin organizing their home, office, garage anywhere else that needs to becomes spacious and open. Click here for more information.

RSVP info@ashbyvillage.org or call (510) 204-9200. Space limited. 

Ashby Village & TTN-HOME
Shared Housing & Aging in Place 

Ashby Village and TTN-HOME are putting together a series of programs to talk about issues around shared housing and aging in place.


The next 3-part series is Aging in Place, Saturday afternoons 1:30 - 4:00pm: April 25, May 23, & June 27 ($45 for 3 events ).


"Aging in Place" refers to those of us who prefer to stay in our homes (whether we rent or own them) for as long as possible. The question is how to do this safely and successfully while being surrounded by a vibrant community.


One way to age in place is through shared housing, when two or more unrelated people share a house or an apartment. Shared housing allows elders, wishing to remain independent, a way to reduce economic, physical and social loss challenges that may accompany aging.


We strongly encourage those with extra room in their homes to join us for this 

discussion. Do you have thoughts, ideas, concerns about sharing your home with renters, co-owners, live/work providers, etc.? Please contact Andrea to join the discussion: mok@ashbyvillage.org or 510-204-9200.


(also MedPal Volunteer Training)

Many members find that their family and friends are too busy to go to medical appointments with them. That's where MedPals come in. They are specially trained volunteers, some of whom are retired medical professionals who assist members in navigating the complexities of the health care system. They can:  

  • Stay with a Member for a short time after an outpatient surgery.
  • Provide transportation to and from medical appointments, door to door in most cases.
  • Help formulate questions for the provider.
  • Assist with filling out forms.
  • Take notes during a visit to the doctor.
  • Assist with scheduling follow-up appointments.

All information is kept strictly confidential to protect the privacy of the member and all notes taken belong to the member. MedPal volunteers do not give medical advice.

NOTE: Medpal volunteers are required to give "door to door" service after any type of medical procedure.



If you would like to be a Medpal volunteer, please contact us at 510-204-2400 or click here.

Our next MedPal Training is:

Thursday, April 23, 2-4pm

Ashby Village Office
2330 Durant Ave, Berkeley


Our Ashby Village publications are settling into a format and rhythm that is working. At the start of every month you'll be getting an interesting and informative publication like this one from Ashby Village.
Tell us what you think (about anything!)
Pat Sussman Tapped for National Village Board

Ashby Village co-founder and former board chair Pat Sussman has joined the board of the national Village to Village Network. Today, over 200 Villages are part of this national Network, with about 100 more in development.  The Network board members all have strong grassroots ties to their local Villages and help all Villages tap into this reservoir of energy and experience.


"Other Villages were very generous with their advice and experience when we were starting up Ashby Village five years ago," recalled Pat recently.  "This is an opportunity to assist the many new Villages now in formation around the country and to help the Village movement grow."

National Village Gathering in Seattle this Fall

The 7th Annual National Village Gathering will take in Seattle October 5-7 of this year. See the announcement below and please share.  Click here to download the save the date. Stay tuned for more details coming soon.

Living Room Chat: EL CERRITO

Sun, April 19, 2-4 pm

El Cerrito Home
Living Room Chats are smaller events where we give those who might be interested in joining our Village an opportunity to hear from our members, Board Members or staffabout what it means to be part of the Village. Light refreshments.


Entrance has two steps (not wheelchair accessible). Parking. For more information, click here. RSVP to info@ashbyvillage.org or (510) 204-9200


Seeking Members

and Volunteers!



Open House:
Sun, May 3, 2-4pm

The Clipper Club

Watergate Apts

5 Captain Drive, Emeryville


Ashby Village is an East Bay community of 50+ East Bay citizens, united as we age by a desire to remain socially active in the vibrant, culturally rich, multi-generational neighborhoods that we know and love.


For more information, click here. RSVP to info@ashbyvillage.org
or (510) 204-9200



Design for All:
Inclusivity by Design 

Wed, April 8, 5pm
Banatao Auditorium

Sutardja Dai Hall

UC Berkeley campus

5 - 6:15 pm Lecture
6:15 - 7 pm Reception & Student Project Demos
By focusing our talents on the needs of each individual as equal, designers have given birth to a new order: "Inclusivity By Design." Designer and gerontologist Patricia Moore will examine the potential for this new order by design and explore opportunities for our lifespan autonomy. Questions? Email dangillette@citris-uc.org  

Did You Know? Medicare Factoids


The book "Medicare Meltdown", by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh, provides these facts, including:

  • If Medicare were a country, it would be the twentieth-largest economy in the world.
  • The amount of waste in the Medicare program is equivalent to the entire economy of New Zealand.
  • Ten thousand Boomers sign-up for Medicare every day.
  • The average person pays $60,000 for Medicare during a lifetime of work.
  • A new retiree can expect to receive about $180,000 in Medicare benefits.
  • Between now and 2030, Medicare will be adding the equivalent of the populations of Austria, Hong Kong, Israel and Switzerland to its rolls.
The above excerpt is from just one of the many useful articles available in the monthly bulletin Just for Seniors by Phil Doughterty covering news about Medicare Supplemental Insurance.

Riding BART - Tips for Seniors 

Ashby Village has been building a robust friendship with the Center for Independent Living Center, which recently partnered with the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) to bring us a two hour tour for seniors and persons with disabilities. The tour was 10 - noon, Wednesday, April 1, 2015, (upper platform), 19th Street Oakland BART station.

The tour of the BART train and tracks gave participants a chance to go under the platform, sign up for senior discount Clipper Cards, install tether straps on wheelchairs or scooters to make using the bus and paratransit safer and easier. Finally, participants received an Access Alameda Guide sharing how to maximize your transit options.To learn more about items featured on this recent tour, contact David Vásquez, CIL BART Accessibility Consultant, dvasquez@cilberkeley.org or call 510 287-4707.


Ashby Village | 510-204-9200 | info@ashbyvillage.org | http://www.ashbyvillage.org
2330 Durant Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94704
Publications Editor
Sarah Hawthorne