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Intro to Shared Housing & Aging in Place

Sat, Mar 21, 2 - 4:00pm

2330 Durant Ave, Berkeley.


This free event focuses on issues about shared housing and  "aging in place", and on community resources to support these housing options - including Ashby Village, North Oakland Village and TTN's Caring Collaborative. Co-sponsored by TTN-Home & Ashby Village. 


Sunday, March 15, 2-4pm

Member's N.Berkeley home

San Mateo Rd

(near Indian Rock)

Contact Ann Smith

To RSP call (510) 204-9200



Living Room Chats are smaller events where we give those who might be interested in joining Ashby Village a chance to hear what it means to be part of our Village. Click here for more information.  



Wed, April 1, 1:15 - 2:45pm

El Cerrito Senior Center

6500 Stockton Ave,  El Cerrito

Learn how we enhance the quality of life of our members today, while also helping them develop peace of mind about the future. Click here for information.


 to Remember


* 50th anniversary of Medicare, Medicaid, and

the Older Americans Act.


* 80th anniversary of

Social Security.


Learn about the 

2015 White House

The White House has held a Conference on Aging each decade since the 1960s to identify and advance actions to improve the quality of life of older Americans.   
MARCH 2015

In This Issue
Tell us what you think
 Enjoy reading other people's mail?

Many Villagers, especially those with vision issues, need some help with different forms of written documents. Spend time reading aloud a book or magazine article, or help members read their email messages or mail. Its more fun for both of you reading a book together and chuckling over the funny parts... Contact Pat Carvalho or call 510 204-9200 to make a request or volunteer.


Community Building Late Afternoon Pot-Luckpotluck

           Friday, March 20, 4:00 - 6:00pm 

For Village Volunteers & Members       
Ashby Village Office, 2330 Durant Ave    


Great opportunity to meet up with Villagers from all over Ashby Village neighborhoods. See familiar faces you haven't seen in awhile, and make new friends! Bring a dish and a bottled beverage to share. Make your favorite dish, and be sure to bring the recipe for our upcoming Ashby Village Recipe booklet. Click here for information.


 Strong Collaborative Relationships:

"Scalability and Sustainability" collaboration 


In the January Newsletter we introduced the 2015 Ashby Village Board and shared that one of the new Board subcommittees is External Affairs, which takes initiative on behalf of Ashby Village to build strong collaborative relationships between our village and other organizations. Such "external" relationships further Ashby Village's own long-term sustainability, and contribute toward building a Village movement that changes the face of aging on the regional, state and national levels.

Ashby Village is finding a great partner in San Francisco Village, as together we explore opportunity for "scalability and sustainability through diversification of revenue sources and collaboration." These efforts include:

Nationwide: Ashby Village and San Francisco Village are in discussion with the Village to Village Network to better understand what ways they might contribute to the national village movement.

Statewide: Ashby Village and San Francisco Village are partnering to establish a California Village Coalition to support California villages.

Regional: Ashby Village and San Francisco Village are the core of the newly formed Bay Bridge Group (see adjacent article).


Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) who provide home and community based services to older persons. Last December, Ashby Village's External Affairs met with executives from Episcopal Senior Communities, Eskaton, and American Baptist Homes of the West. (Click on the name of the organization to find out more.)

Advocates for quality nonprofit senior living and care in the state of California such as LeadingAge. This public-interest association represents more than 640 nonprofit providers of aging services - including affordable housing, continuing care retirement communities, assisted living, skilled nursing, and home and community-based care - that collectively serve more than 100,000 seniors. Ashby Village will be presenting at the Leading Edge Convention this Spring.

Government representatives such as Congressperson Barbara Lee, the City of Berkeley and Alameda County Planning.

Educational institutions: Ashby Village continues to build on its longstanding ties with the University of California, Berkeley, especially the UCB Retirement Center and its new Executive Director Carey Sweeney, and the Haas School of Business highly competitive project Social Sector Solutions (S3), which has selected Ashby Village as a recipient to work with MBA students and McKinsey and Company.

   Stewardship in Actionnewpresident

Ashby Village Board Member

When asked about what drew him to Ashby Village in 2011 and becoming a new Board member in 2014, Steve Lustig explains:

Photo: Yasmin Anwar "I knew others who were already involved and Ashby Village's goal of supporting us to remain in our communities as we age was a purpose I could really get behind. "

Steve co-chaired our Strategic and Business Planning Processes before joining our Board. " I am especially excited about new developments as we actively reach out to other organizations in the Bay Area, in order to leverage what each of us do, and to build a strong collaborative network to achieve common aims. This allows Ashby Village to avoid duplicating what others do better, while focusing on doing what Ashby Village is uniquely positioned to do."

As Chair of the External Affairs Committee of the Board, Steve is looking forward to the many opportunities evolving for our Village. He looks forward to reporting back on what comes out of these efforts.


 Thank you!

Challenge Campaign a Great Successchallengecampaign
"Thank you! The support from Ashby Village members and other friends is just overwhelming," said Andra Lichtenstein, new chair of the board of Ashby Village. "Your generosity made it happen!"
"We have received $65,080 from 114 donors, far surpassing our goal of $50,000," noted Andy Gaines, executive director. "This terrific success means that we can continue to keep our dues as low as possible, to about two-thirds of our annual costs, while also working to deepen the benefits and impact of our Village." Added Pat Sussman, former chair of the board, "When our Ashby Village community of members, volunteers and friends comes together, we can work wonders."
"In the Year of Stewardship," Andra noted, we are especially grateful for charitable giving, which carries on the tradition of our founders. Their giving helped make Ashby Village a reality, and every gift means so much to us all. Thank you."
For a list of those who made this incredible achievement possible, scroll down to the end of this Newsletter.
STAFF NEWSstaffnews

Volunteer Manager 
Pat Carvalho (and 
Chief Morale Officer, Lola)

We're seeking to raise awareness about several of our "speciality" services (e.g., reading aloud, see sidebar) for which we have many volunteers standing ready to help with tasks our members may not realize they can get help with. Email me at

to learn more about specialty services.  
Executive Director
Andy Gaines


Speaking of 2015 anniversaries,  Ashby Village will be celebrating its 5th Anniversary by holding a June Town Hall where all of us get together to share with each other what's going on in our corner of the Ashby Village universe. Be there!
Andrea Mok

Program Manager
Andrea Mok

Although most of our members continue to prefer to live in their own home, some members are starting to look at alternative ways to live in community, such as co-housing or independent living centers. Ashby Village is ready to help you plan for whatever choice you make in the coming years.

MARCH CALENDARjanuarycalendar
(click on date below for information)

Steam Train Trails

Outdoor Nature Walk

Sunday March 1,

10:30am - 12:30pm

Redwood Regional Park in Oakland



Audre and Roger Newman (shown with Irene Marcos) will lead a wheelchair accessible walk along the Stream Trail in Redwood Regional Park, 7867 Redwood Rd, Oakland, CA.


Meet at the north end of the parking lot which is about a quarter of a mile beyond the kiosk within the "Redwood Gate". This entry is located off the north side of Redwood Road about 2.25 miles east of Skyline Blvd.


The trail is paved for the first mile first passing thorough meadows and picnic areas on the floor of the valley, then entering a magnificent forest with towering redwoods, arching bay trees, and lush ferns. Thereafter the trail is packed dirt, but still wide and with little elevation gain, following tiny Redwood Creek. There are several steeper and more challenging trails which branch off from the Stream Trail which provide alternatives for those who have more energy to burn. We will have lunch in Montclair afterwards. For more information or to register, click here or call (510) 204-9200.





Two Different Ways to Wear Out your walking shoes...


Claremont-Elmwood Neighborhood Group invites you to Tour/Lunch at New Safeway

Thursday March 12, 11am - 1pm

6310 College Ave, Oakland


If walking outdoors is not your thing, consider joining the Claremont-Elmwood Neighborhood Group walking tour of the brand new Safeway (its been called a "monstrosity") that just opened at the intersection of College Ave and Broadway Ave. The new store is 45,000 square feet, cost about $35 million to build, and employs about 160 people. The plan is for everyone to meet in front of the organic asparagus, then head for the delicatessan. Lunch will be in the courtyard.


For more information, click here or call (510) 204-9200.



Ongoing Monthly Activities  

(10am Thursdays)



March 6

 Ashby Village  HAPPY HOUR

 (4pm first Friday) 


Painting Workshop 

(2pm Thurs & Fridays)

Danute's House

Call (510) 843-1783


March 10 Lunch at Danute's

(noon second Tuesdays)


March 10 Bridge Group

(2 - 4pm second Tuesdays)


March16 Handcraft, Knitting 

(2pm third Mondays)






Neighborhood Groups 

Thousand Oaks Hamlet

March 3 & 17 Mac Users

(2pm first & third Tues) 




Coffee and Conversation

March 4 Beanery Cafe

2:00 - 3:30pm Wednesday


Thousand Oaks Hamlet

March 9 Puzzles & Games

(2pm second Mondays)

 Emery Bunch (Watergate)

March 10 Coffee & Conversation

(11am second Tuesdays)


Thousand Oaks Hamlet

March 11 King Tsin Restaurant

(12:30pm second Weds)


Mid-Landish (N.Berkeley)

March 12 Happy Hour

(7-9pm, second Thursdays) 



Mar 12 Tour New Safeway

11am - 1pm, Thursday


Kensington Kaleidoscope March 18 Lunch Bunch (location varies)

(11:30am, Third Wednesdays)

Contact Beth Burnside



Thousand Oaks Hamlet

 March 18 Kensington Circus Club

(5:30pm third Thursdays,

every other month)  


Emery Bunch (Watergate)

March 19 Trader Vic's

Happy Hour

(4:30pm third Thursdays)


Outlandish (formerly known as South of Campus)

March 20 Potluck

(6pm, third Fridays, alternating dinner/lunch) 


Support Groups

March 3 & 17 Macular Degeneration/Low Vision 

(2pm first & third Tuesdays) 


Challenge Campaign
Nancy Adams
Marlene and Ben Bagdikian
Marilyn Barkin
Kathy Barrows
Anne Barrows and Mason Drukman
Robin Beebe/Divine Home Care
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Z. Apte
Janis Brewer
Mollyanne Brewer
Patricia Brucker
Ada Burko
Beth Burnside
June Cheit
Ronald Codron
Joan Cole
Connemara Fund
Jan and Luciano Corazza
Linda A Cozzarelli
Christina Crowley
Barbara and Howell Daly
Philip & Beverly Davis
Merle and Bob Davis
Robert Deutsch-Jewell Foundation
Sue Diehl
Leah Emdy
Alice Erb
Lisa Esherick
Karin Evans
Susan Fischer
Katharine and Donald Foley
Sam Foushee and La Rae Schneider
Lisba Fowler
Marcia Freedman
Rachael Friedman
Dagmar Friedman
Veronika Fukson
Nan Gefen and Jonathan Omer-Man
Jean Goldman
Anne Good
Mary Graham
Judy and Sheldon Greene
Pamela and Elmer Grossman
Margot Harrison
Peggy and Philip Havey
Charlotte Herzfeld
Carole Hickman
Edith Hillinger
Vivian and Sandy Hirshen
Kristina Holland
Nancie and Tom Hughes
Paula Hughmanick & Steven Berger
Phyllis Isaacson
Ellen & Darryl Jacobs
Carole Joffe and Fred Block
Kathleen Kahn
Nicole Kaplan
Marjorie and Theodore Keeler
Carole Kennerly
Pat Kirkpatrick and Sidney Wolinsky
Patricia Klahn
Chris and Liza Klein
Arkay Foundation/Dr. Cecelia Hurwich
Mona B Kreaden
Deborah Levy
Frank and Ildy Lewis
Andra Lichtenstein and Bill Glover
Wendy Lichtman
Linda and Steve Lustig
Michela Maiden
Andree McGiffin
Floramay Moser
Albert Nahman Plumbing
Kris Owens
Martin Paley
Frieda Pardo
Laura Peck
Margie Pezzaglia
Phyllis Plate
Enid Pollack
Mary Jo Powell
Roberta Pressman
Liz Raymer and Ronnie Boynton
Marie Rhein
Brad Ricards
Anne Rosenthal
Betty Roszak
Pat Sakai and Richard Shapiro
Tobey and Sheila Schwartzburg
Alison Seevak
Jane and Joe Selby
Nina and Nathan Shoehalter
Jane Simon
Sonia Spindt
Barbi Jo Stim
Mick Sullivan
Pat & Peter Sussman
Sheba Sweet
Carol Takaki
Pat Ungern
Brenda Webster and Ira Lapidus
Betty and Bill Webster
Gene Weinstein
Eva Yarmo and David Rosenthal
Thank You to
Our Donors!donors
General Fund
Ackerman's Volvo
Jimmy Baker, Jr and Experian
Kathy Barrows
Carol Bernstein
Joyce Bird
Barbara Blomer and Seymour Chatman
Linda Bryant
Frederica Bunge
Beth Burnside
June Cheit
Carolyn Corbelli
Shirley Culver
Eleanor Dahl
Maryl Gearhart

Nan Gefen and

     Jonathan Omer-Man

Kristina Holland
Frank and Ildy Lewis
Veronica Martin
Danute Nitecki
Jean Radford
Liz Raymer and Ronnie Boynton
Julie Shearer and Russ Ellis
Thilakavathy Soundararajan
Carol Takaki
Brenda Webster and Ira Lupidus


 It Takes a Village Membership Fund


Alice Abarbanel & Alan Bern
Barbara Blomer and Seymour Chatman
Carolyn Corbelli
Maryl Gearhart
Donna Mickleson and Tim Gordon
John & Diane Gossard
Kristina Holland
Kathleen Kahn
Rachel Kahn-Hut
Naneen Karraker
Steve and Linda Lustig
Clare Marcus
Randy Milden
Audre and Roger Newman
Betty Pigford
Liz Raymer and Ronnie Boynton
Rachel and Carl Resnikoff
Irene Rosenthal
Sara Shumer
Bess and Steve Sternberg
Tess Tait
Sharon Caplow Todd
Jing Wang and Evie Zhang
Betty and Bill Webster



 Member Memorial Fund


Suzanne Baldwin
Eileen Cafferty
Audrey Franklin
Susan Helmrich & Richard Levine
Drs. Risa Kagan and Richard Stern
Carol Nguyen
D Rosen and R Klein and family
Randy & Bessie Rosenberg
Phyllis and Jerry Rosenberg
Grace Rosenberg
The Schissel Family
Lynn M Senecal
Russell, Felice & Richard Shatz and Bob & Cindy Thomas
Bob and Betty Spiegelman



 Volunteer Appreciation Fund


Beth Burnside
Dottie and Dana Kemp
Irene Rosenthal









  (510) 204 9200   *  

Newsletter Editor: Sarah Hawthorne

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