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Notice Anything Different?

How do you like our new look? We're lighter, leaner, and more active to create more space for you to participate. Our new newsletter format reflects this intention.  This first of the month publication will be devoted exclusively to Ashby Village news. 


Tell us what you think! 

You're part of a movement!

Brown Bag Forum
Mon Jan 12, 12:30pm
Albany Library 
Across the country, people are exploring new ways to stay in their own homes into old age. Executive Director Andy Gaines, discusses the Berkeley-area community and how the growing village movement is changing the culture of aging in America.

See Calendar Event 

Newcomers Welcome!  
Bring a Friend
Sunday, Jan 25, 2-4 pm
Highlands Country Club 

Learn how we enhance the quality of life of our members today, while also helping them develop peace of mind about the future.

2015 is the Year of StewardshipStewardship
Wikipedia defines stewardship as an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. The concepts of stewardship can be applied to the environment, economics, health, property, information , theology, and more. Stewardship is now generally recognized as the acceptance or assignment of responsibility to shepherd and safeguard the valuables of others.

We have all come to recognize what a valuable force of support and joy neighbors can be as we age. In just five years Ashby Village has proven this by building a strong organization that facilitates an extensive array of programs and services for our village neighbors. Our Village, like all Villages across the country, is designed to be powered by the active participation of its members and volunteers - with staff creating the structure that sparks interest, encourages involvement and help identify where each of our efforts can best be put to use. In keeping with the ethic of stewardship, we have a "responsibility to shepherd and safeguard" our Village in any way we can.  We invite each of you to become a steward this year and further experience the value of being a member, volunteer or community advocate of Ashby Village. The Village belongs to each of us.

Andra Lichtensteinnewpresident

New Board President

As 2015 opens, we welcome the new Board President, Andra Lichtenstein. Founder and principal of Capital Incubator, Andra works with nonprofit community health centers and senior organizations to develop and finance their capital projects. She has 40 years of experience in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors as an Executive Director, Planning and Development Director, small business owner, banker, financial advisor and board member. She serves on two Ashby Village committees: Development and the newly formed External Relations committees. "I feel honored and challenged to serve as Ashby Village's new Board president," Andra said while reflecting on how far Ashby Village has come and how fast it is growing.  "We wouldn't be here without the spirit and persistence of Pat Sussman and Shirley Haberfeld, and I look forward to continuing to work with them as Ashby Village transitions to this next phase.  


Board Transitionsboardtransitions 

Ashby Village is maturing into a more professional organization whose members and volunteers, led by the staff, are assuming greater responsibility for day-to-day operations.  Under the auspices of the LifeLong Medical Care Board, the Ashby Village board has acted more as a founding board and an advisory group.  In 2015 Ashby Village expects to obtain its own nonprofit 501c3 status, and the Board is simultaneously transitioning to more traditional Board roles whose focus will be on policy, financial oversight, fund development and external relations. The new Board structure will be simplified to three primary committees: External Affairs (Chair, Steve Lustig), Internal Affairs (Chair, Pat Sussman), and Governance (Chair, Laura Peck).  Pat Sakai and Jan Corazza chair the Development Committee, a sub-committee of the External Relations Committee.  Read more about the Board...


Development Committee members Andra Lichtenstein, Pat Sakai, Pat Sussman and Jan Corazza at the signing party (Martin Paley missing from photo)


Success Story 
Challenge Campaign Hits Goal

"You made it happen - and thank you so much!  We have not only hit our $50,000 goal, but exceeded it, and gifts are still coming in," noted Pat Sussman, chair of the board.  "To have received over $59,000 from 100 donors is heartening.  This support is characteristic of our Ashby Village community of members, volunteers and friends. We come together and make things happen, and it means so much."


In this Year of Stewardship, as we work towards the long-term sustainability of Ashby Village, charitable giving continues to make a critical difference to our future. This is especially true as we aim to keep our dues as low as possible, to about two-thirds of our annual costs.

"Our first Challenge Campaign was a big step for the Ashby Village community, and every contribution counts," added Andra Lichtenstein, who becomes chair on January 1, 2015.  "Gifts from our founders helped turn Ashby Village from an idea into reality, and it is so heartwarming to know that this tradition is continuing to grow."

Our generous financial stewards will be recognized in the February issue.

2015 Ashby Village Board Membersboardmembers


At the helm as Ashby Village makes important changes, new Board President Andra Lichtenstein will be leading an amazing group of 2015 Board members: Laura Peck (Vice President), Betty Webster (Secretary), Bob Davis, Marcia Freedman, Steve Lustig, Laura Peck, Roberta Pressman, Pat Sakai, and Pat Sussman (thanks Pat for all your past wonderful years of service as Chair!). Joining the Board for one year are two Board fellows from Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley: Debbie Mayer and Ari Ben Vared.

STAFF NEWSstaffnews

Volunteer Coordinator 
Pat Carvalho (and 
Chief Morale Officer, Lola)
Saturday Feb 28th is our 
next Volunteer Orientation. Everyone has a talent or 
skill that is just what someone else is looking for. Are you able to read aloud, string beads or drive someone to an appointment? We want and need you!

Executive Director
Andy Gaines

This July will be the Fifth Anniversary of Ashby Village. We're planning to gather our community this Spring for reflection, celebration, and visioning what's ahead. The Village movement is making an important difference in 

the way people embrace their aging.  Thank you for joining us on this journey.


Andrea Mok

Program Manager
Andrea Mok

Whenever an event or program has served the needs or interests of Villagers (members and volunteers), you've seen stewardship in action. The desire and ability of our Teams and individual Villagers to serve are profound examples of our community coming together to build and sustain something we value and believe in. Join us!

JANUARY CALENDARjanuarycalendar
(click on date below for information)

Let's Go Together

(and eat afterwards)


Saint John's Passion

Jan 10 Sat at 4:30pm 

Berkeley Community Theater
Come see 20 of your Ashby Village friends perform in this chorus!



Jan 12 Monday 12:30pm 

Albany Library 

Brown Bag Lunch

Executive Director Andy Gaines featured speaker

Special Events


Jan 25 Sunday 2:00pm 

Ashby Village 

Open House

Highlands Country Club (Oakland) 

Feb 7 Saturday 8:00pm

Ashby Village member 

Herb Bielawa 

85th Birthday Concert

Ongoing Monthly Activities


 Jan 2 Ashby Village 


(4pm first Friday) 


Painting Workshop 

(2pm Thurs & Fridays)

Danute's House

Call (510) 843-1783


Jan 13 Lunch at Danute's

(noon second Tuesdays)


Jan 13 Bridge Group

(2:30pm second Tuesdays)


Jan 21 Financial Workshop w/Lan 

(1:30pm third Wednesdays)



Jan 19 Handcraft, Knitting 

(2pm third Mondays)



Jan 22 & 29 Yoga for Seniors 
(10am Thursdays) 

Neighborhood Groups 

Thousand Oaks Hamlet

Jan12 Puzzles & Games

(2pm second Mondays)


Thousand Oaks Hamlet

Jan 6 & 20 Mac Users

(2pm first & third Tues)



(North Berkeley)

Jan 8 Happy Hour

(7pm second Thursday)


Emery Bunch (Watergate)

Jan 13 Coffee & Conversation

(11am second Tuesdays)


Thousand Oaks Hamlet

Jan 14 Restaurant Lunch  

(12:30pm second Weds)  


Emery Bunch (Watergate)

Jan 15 Trader Vic's 

Happy Hour 

(4:30pm third Thursdays) 



(North Berkeley)

Jan 18 Café Expresso Roma

(10am third Sundays)


Kensington Kaleidescope

(Kensington/El Cerrito)

Jan 19 Restaurant Lunch  

(11:30am third Weds)


Thousand Oaks Hamlet

Jan 22 Kensington Circus Club

(5:30pm third Thursdays, every other month)


Thousand Oaks Hamlet

Jan 25 Sun 2pm 

Afternoon Tea


Support Groups


Jan 6 & 20 Macular Degeneration/Low Vision 

(2pm first & third Tuesdays)


  (510) 204 9200   *  

Newsletter Editor: Sarah Hawthorne

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