Monthly Video
 | ShelterBox: Disaster Relief |
ShelterBox International is a UK-based non-profit that provides disaster relief kits. The concept is not new. FEMA developed kits for use in Hurricane Iniki and Typhoon Owen (one of the case studies in my book) but these were ad hoc efforts developed in response to specific situations. Shelterbox has standardized their kits and delivered them in incredible quantities to some of the worst disaster sites in the past 14 years, including last year's tornadoes in Oklahoma. Not bad for an organization dependent on donations and volunteer labor.
Blog Highlights
The following are excerpts from my blog
Canton on Emergency Management. Please visit my blog to see the rest of my articles.
Leadership Coaching
Want to improve your leadership skills? I now offer the renowned Leadership Challenge� program on an individual basis designed exclusively for emergency managers
Gain a better understanding of your leadership strengths and weaknesses.
Clarify your fundamental values and beliefs
Identify areas for immediate and long term improvement
Create a Personal Development Plan with measurable and achievable goals
What You Get
- A personal assessment of your leadership practices using the Leadership Practices Inventory�
- An individual 1-hour telephone counseling session with me to review your LPI� results
- A copy of Kouzes and Posner's The Leadership Challenge
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Welcome to the June issue of Emergency Management Solutions.
If you've heard me speak or read my book you'll know that simplifying planning concepts has been a goal of mine for sometime. Lately I've been wrestling with some new ideas that formed part of my presentation at last year's IAEM Conference. This month's featured article is my first attempt to get it down in writing. It still has a ways to go, so please feel free to send me your comments and suggestions.
Featured Article
Two Concepts to Improve Your Emergency Planning
Plans should fit a conceptual framework
One of the most common problems I find with emergency plans is a confusion as to who the user is. This is apparent when you find some sections of a plan that provide broad conceptual information and policy while other areas of the same plan contain detailed procedures.
Part of the problem is that we have been conditioned to think that there should be only one all hazards plan, that we should use in emergency management. The simple fact is that an emergency management program consists of many plans and it is essential to have a framework that shows the interrelationship among those plans.
The development of a conceptual framework for emergency planning is not that difficult if one keeps in mind two basic concepts: the needs created by disasters and the various operational levels that come into play.
If you are having trouble viewing my featured article, try clicking on the link at the top of the page. You can always find my articles in the white paper section of my blog site, Canton on Emergency Management.
Professional Development
Farewell to the EMForumOne of the resources I have always recommended for professional development is EMForum. For close to 17 years, EMForum has offered a free monthly presentation on current emergency management issues, featuring top-notch experts in our profession. However, all good things must come to an end and EMForum has announced that this past month's program was their last. The staff are currently searching for a host for the program archive and hope to have that in place shortly. The ladies behind the scene, Amy Sebring and Avagene Moore, have made a significant contribution to our profession and EMForum will be greatly missed. New Public Assistance Program GuideFEMA has just issued a new publication, FEMA P-1011 Public Assistance Program Field Operations Pocket Guide, which is intended to provide direction on a consistent approach to delivering the PA Program. The Pocket Guide is intended to supplement existing program documents, so it's bit lean on content and the checklists aren't particularly useful. Still, it does present an overview of the program from the Applicants Briefing to the Exit Briefing and could be useful in briefing senior officials unfamiliar with the program, |
My old First Sargent used to have a saying, "It only costs a little more to go first class." He wasn't talking about airfares. His point was that sometimes a little extra effort could help you exceed expectations. It's a rule that's served me well over the years, encouraging me to put a little polish on projects and make my customers not just satisfied but excited about the results.
However, with age comes wisdom and I have come to realize that there are limits. One of the rules I learned from master consultant Alan Weiss is. "When you're 80% ready, MOVE!" His point is that life is about success, not perfection, and the extra effort involved in accomplishing the remaining 20% can delay success. In other words, the incremental effort needed to get that remaining 20% may require more effort than the previous 80%.
So how do I reconcile these two competing ideas? The trick is determining when the extra effort is really in line with the expected outcomes. Too often, we lose our focus on what's important and attempt to do things because we can, not because we must. If we stay focused on the expected outcomes of our efforts, there are opportunities to add a bit of sizzle without going overboard. You can make your 80% better than another's 100%.
From the Bookshelf
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
by Robert B. Cialdini, PhD
Ever wonder why some people seem more persuasive than others? Ever bought something from a salesperson and wonder why? Psychologist Robert Cialdini shows you why in the very readable study on the psychology of influence.
Using data from numerous classic studies on influence, Cialdini identifies seven principles of influence and shows how the are used in daily life to influence our decisions. He shows you how to identify when they are being used and how to counter them.
However, what is particularly useful is that these same principles can be used ethically to influence decision makers. They can be incorporated, for example, in a budget presentation to a city council or used to gain commitment from an agency head to be part of an emergency planning team. In short, this is an important book that could considerably improve your interactions with others.
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 | Three Reasons Why I'm the Right Speaker for Your Conference |
Speaking Engagements
September 30 The Future of Campus Safety and Security, Emergency Management Magazine, Newark DE
October 15 The Future of Campus Safety and Security, Emergency Management Magazine, College Station, TX