UUCM Email Weekly!
In This Issue
Sunday Worship Service
Contemplative Service
Ingathering potluck
Ingathering September 7
Chip's summer schedule
Congregational Retreat
Wellness Dinner
Remarkable People
Basket Share 9/21
Your Spiritual Path and UU
Social Justice Luncheon Sept. 21
Touch of Beauty
Rev. Chip's Sabbatical
SJMassIncarceration Rally
Pachamama symposium
PCD Leadership Day
Social Justice Education/Action
Upcoming Dates
Quick Links
UUCM Web Site

Archive of UUCM newsletters

UUCM Facility Calendar

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Members can send an email to  
UUCM Connect  with "subscribe me" in the subject line.  A group for UUCM members who want to sell, give, buy or trade goods or services or make referrals.
Visitor's Box
Visitors subscribe to this eWeekly

We cherish
diversity and
welcome among us
people of all races,
cultures, ages,
abilities, sexual
orientations, and
faith perspectives.

GUESTS are always welcome.
Sunday worship is a time for
inspiration, renewal, and connection.

join adults during the first part of the service, and then attend Religious Education classes. Nursery and toddler care is provided during the 10:30 service.  


REFRESHMENT HOUR in the Courtyard or
Fireside Room follows the services.
 There are 4 "Sunday First Time Visitor" parking spots at the top of the parking lot.  
Come, join us! 
Staff Links
Rev. Chip Wright
 ext. 102 
Jeffrey Melcher

Janette Morrow
Choir director
Amanda Morando
Milton Wong 
Membership Coordinator:
Carolyn Bopp
Pastoral Care:  
Minister's Schedule
(starting September 9)

 Rev. Chip Wright

 Office Hours:

Tues., Wed., Thurs.

10am to 3pm




phone: 415-479-4131

 ext. 102 

or email Rev. Chip:  minister@uumarin.org  

DRE's Schedule
Director of Religious Education:
Jeffrey Melcher

Office Hours: 

Sunday 12:30 - 1:30 

Tuesday 12:30-3:30

Thursday 12:30-3:30

September 4, 2014
Issue #274
Welcome Back
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 amchalice
September 7, 2014: "Water and Stones"
Rev. Chip Wright, with Sue Fleckles, Worship Associate
and Congregational Sharing

Come gather and celebrate the beginning of the new church year! Don't forget to bring water and objects from your summer adventures! Intergenerational Service.

Contemplative Service 9 am  chalice

Will begin September 14.


9/14   Carol Kerr

9/21   Jim Gronvold 


UUCM's early Sunday morning 9 am Contemplative Service in the Fireside Room is a lay led service.  Readings introduce a silent period to reflect on a topic or idea, followed by an opportunity to share individual thoughts.  


Come and widen our circle. All are welcome!  

Questions, email Carol Kerr at drckerr@pacbell.net.


jef melcher
Welcome back


Ah, the end of summer holiday and the rush of the new Congregational year. For families and the whole community a shift happens as schooling starts back up. We have great things planned.


Sunday Sept. 14th our regular programming for children and youth starts back up. A flurry of organizing will be taking place from my office. Many of you will receive emails and calls to lend a hand with teaching or snack preparation. Thank you in advance for your contribution.


Please note: There is an all RE parent meeting on 9/21

after service for an hour--registration and program overview for 2014-2015.


Best REgards, 

Jeffrey Melcher, M.Div.
Ingathering potluck 
-  Help Needed!
It's time to pull out those recipes for our ingathering potluck on September 7 (after Sunday service in the courtyard). 
Food assignments: 
A-G  salad
H-M fruit or dessert
N-W main dish

About 4 volunteers each are needed for setup and cleanup of food and beverage (custodial service sets up and breaks down tables and chairs), and 1 point person that day.  If you can help or have questions, please contact office@uumarin.org.
Ingathering September 7
water and stones
Don't forget to bring stones and water from your vacation or home for our Annual Ingathering Ritual September 7.
Chip's summer schedule
I will be returning to regular office hours on Sept 9th. - ending on Sept. 25. Then on sabbatical and I will be returning to office hours Dec. 16th through the end of the church year. 
Rev. Chip
Congregational Retreat, Oct. 24-26, 2014 

IT IS TIME TO REGISTER!!  We need to deliver a good count to Walker Creek by the 24th of September, so we need your registration forms now!  Thomas and Dianne will be in the lobby after the ingathering on September 7 handing out forms and information for you.  We can help you fill out your form and answer your questions.  Alternatively, you may follow the link below and print out a copy in advance, and fill it out at home and bring it in next Sunday.  We need to get everybody registered within the next 3 weeks, so please don't delay!


Payment can be handled online or by writing a check and attaching it to your registration form.  Make the check out to UUCM with Retreat on the memo line. Please consider an additional contribution of $50 for the Retreat Scholarship Fund.  This money will be used strictly for the Retreat, to enable people to attend who may have trouble handling the full cost.


Let's make this the best Retreat yet!



Watch this space for more information and updates.
Your Retreat Leaders (Thomas Ervin and Dianne Estrada)
Wellness Dinner
IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE in the Wellness Dinner our next opportunity to provide salads is Tuesday September
9th!   Carol Littrell (415)883-9676, cjwlittrell@aol.com
Remarkable People returns

Evenings with Remarkable People . . is back! The next one is Thursday, September 18, 7:30-9:30 PM in the Fireside Room. We are delighted to have Milton Wong and Jan Seagrave as our guest speakers at this opening program. Save the date - come and join us. Light refreshments served.

---The Adult Education Committee.

Basket Share 9/21
basket share
Please remember that on Sunday, September 21, the collection will be used for our Partner Church in Sovata, Transylvania. They need money for children's books, garage repairs, and kitchen supplies. Bring your checkbooks. 

The Offering Basket will be part of the Social Justice Committee's Basket Share Program.

Your Spiritual Path and UU


If you have questions about Unitarian Universalism or liberal religion in general, we have a class for you! These classes are informal, in a relaxed setting, and last about 2 hours.


We warmly encourage you to get to know our community here at UUCM and share your journey. A few members of our congregation and our minister are prepared to share stories and guide you in our faith traditions. Please RSVP membershipcoordinator@UUmarin.org if you are interested in attending the following sessions. Child care during the class can be arranged by emailing Thomas Ervin (thomas.ervin@comcast.net) at least two weeks in advance of the class date.


Part A, September 28, 12:30, Fireside Room.

Part B, October 20, 7 pm, Carolyn Bopp's home. (RSVP for address)


Social Justice Luncheon Sept. 21
Social Justice Luncheon - Sep. 21 - 12:30 Fellowship Hall

Suggested donation $8.00 (Nobody turned away.)

UUCM's own Religious Education program graduate, Jelani Bertoni, has put his UU values to work by creating a literal "hub" for his mission of community, creativity and education. 

The Bicycle Works provides tools and instruction for bike repair. This center of Marin's cycling culture sells new and used bikes, parts, and accessories. All are welcome to visit the Bicycle Works' work space, "share ideas, relax and get stuff done."  Be sure to check out the selection of electric-assist systems and cargo bikes!! Try one out through the Rent-to-Own program.

Please help, if you can, by providing food and/or assisting with set up or clean up. Please contact figleafjoan@comcast.net.

Touch of Beauty

Welcome back to another year at UUCM! As everyone gets busy, I hope that many of you will volunteer to bring a "touch of beauty" for our services. Usually people bring flowers, but an inanimate object is fine as well. It should be something you consider beautiful, that you would like to share during our time together on a Sunday morning. All dates through October 5 are filled. Please email me with a date from October 12 through December 14 that you would like to reserve for your Touch of Beauty!


Thank you

Sally Schroeder

Rev. Chip's Sabbatical
Rev. Chip will be taking 10 weeks of his 20 weeks of accrued Sabbatical time this fall, starting Oct. 1st and running through Dec 15th.  

If you have any questions please contact us: The Board, the Committee on Ministry or Rev. Chip Wright.

SJMassIncarceration Rally

An event to help you be part of changing history! For details, go to StopMassIncarceration.net


To carpool from UUCM, Contact Joan Nelson - figleafjoan@comcast.net 


RALLY Oct. 22

    Oscar Grant Plaza 14th/Broadway, Oakland

Pachamama symposium

Save the date:

Oct. 18 - 1-5 pm. at UUCM


If you remember Rev. Chip's groundbreaking Pachamama Sermon, you will

want to mark your calendar, right now, for the Pachamama Symposium sponsored by the UUCM Social Justice Committee.


Contrary to the skepticism currently afoot in the world, it IS possible to build a just, sustainable, and thriving world.


Sign up for the symposium. socialjustice@uumarin.org

Or contact figleafjoan@comcast.net 


Suggested donation $10.


For more background on the Pachamama Alliance, go to http://www.pachamama.org/

PCD Leadership Day

Fostering Dynamic Leadership in a Challenging Time
with UUA Moderator Jim Key
PCD-UUA Leadership Day
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kensington, CA 

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm


Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley


Registration is Now Open!
Social Justice Education/Action 
Got a social issue/agency/organization or program that you would like to promote? 
You have a bully pulpit at the UUCM Sunday Social Justice table.


Contact socialjustice@uumarin.org for approval to schedule your table.

Ever feel frustrated that you're not doing enough to make a difference in the world? Bring your concerns to the UUCM Social Justice Committee.
Continue your commitment to environmental and economic justice by shopping at  http://shop.uusc.org/ 
I appreciate any feedback about this weekly newsletter.   groupemail@uumarin.org

eWeekly Deadlines:
Mon. by 10 pm - activities and announcements, Staff columns, committee reports
20th of each month - Sunday services

Weekly articles can contain:
  • Notices of UUCM-sponsored events, meetings, or other activities which involve the entire congregation.
  • Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) or Pacific Central District (PCD) announcements of interest to the entire congregation.
(Staff article length 250 words)

Production, UUCM Connect and Special Announcements Editor: Lisa Cohen 
Backup Production Editor: Joel Gluck    
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
240 Channing Way
San Rafael, CA 94903