UUCM Email Weekly!  
In This Issue
Sunday Worship Service
Contemplative Service
Minister's Musings
Help UUCM Today!
Summer Staff Schedules
View General Assembly Online
UUCM Summer Changes
Summer outreach
Sly Park camping trip
Hospitality Committee Needs You
Saying Goodbye
Social Justice Items
Upcoming Dates

July 11 -14
Sly Park Campout 

 Monthly List of Church Meetings/Events   

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We cherish
diversity and
welcome among us
people of all races,
cultures, ages,
abilities, sexual
orientations, and
faith perspectives.

GUESTS are always welcome.
Sunday worship is a time for
inspiration, renewal, and connection.



There is no Religious Education or nursery care in the summer. Some activities will be provided. 


REFRESHMENT HOUR  in the Courtyard or
Fireside Room follows the services.


 There are 4 "Sunday First Time Visitor" parking spots at the top of the parking lot.  

Come, join us! 

Staff Links
Rev. Chip Wright
 ext. 102 
Jeffrey Melcher

Irene Stefanko



Janette Morrow

Choir director

Amanda Morando




Milton Wong 
Pastoral Care:  


  Carol Littrell 883-9676
 Partial Resource List 

Minister's Schedule
 Rev. Chip Wright

Summer schedule

phone: 415-479-4131

DRE's Schedule
Director of Religious Education:
Jeffrey Melcher

Office Hours:
Sunday 12:30-1:30pm
Wednesday 3:00-5:00pm
Friday Noon - 4:00pm
Intern's Schedule
 Ministerial Intern:
Irene Stefanko

off for summer

 June 20, 2013

Issue #220

Sunday Worship Service chalice

June 23, 2013: 'It's in Everything We Do'
Jeffrey Melcher, Director of Religious Education, and Dianne Estrada, Worship Associate

Our values guide our decisions. We can decide to impart certain life-long skills, building an intergenerational culture of care together. What could it be like, our dream program in RE for families, elders, youth, children and even babies? Come hear a few musings, thoughts and dreams from our DRE Jeffrey Melcher.

Contemplative Service

Our Lay led Contemplative Service is from 9:00-10:00 am on Sundays in the Fireside Room.  


The  Contemplative Service is a small circle gathering that includes short readings and time for discussion and sharing of joys and concerns.

All are welcome to join us.   


The last Contemplative Service for this year is June 30, it will resume in the fall. 

Minister's Musings
Rev. Chip Wright
June, 2013

As the summer months approach I wanted to share my plan for a theme for my Sunday services next church year.  As the new millennium is on us in earnest now I have been amazed at all of the varied and different spiritual approaches, many of which are new ways of addressing some of our deepest human needs.  Read More:
Help UUCM Today!
Remember that small acts can make a big difference. Help decrease our projected 2013-14 budget deficit: Learn how to increase your pledge. It's easy!

If every person increases their:

Total ANNUAL pledge by only $150, we'll meet our goal of $25,000!

Total ANNUAL pledge by $100, we'll offset our deficit by $16,000!

MONTHLY pledge by $5 (about the price of just one latte), we'll offset our deficit by $10,000!
Summer Staff Schedules
Rev. Chip Wright: out of office starting June 11th. Can be contacted through June 30th by leaving a message on his office phone or with Janette. For an emergency after June 30 please contact Janette in the office or if needed call his cell phone 415-827-8456.  Return to office on September 10th.  
Jeffrey Melcher, DRE: leaving July 1, back August 19th.

Irene Stefanko, Intern: leaving June 16, back in September.
View and listen to General Assembly Online June 19 - 23, 2013
chalice blue GA is here.

If you are not attending GA there are many opportunities for viewing online.

I have always enjoyed viewing the Banner Parade, the Service of the Living Tradition, the Ware Lecture, and the Closing Ceremony. GA schedule.
UUCM Summer Changes
LogoThings are slightly different in July and August. Chip, Jef and Irene and the nursery provider are on vacation. There will be activities for children, and parents may use the nursery.

Services are given by Starr King Students. Light refreshments will be provided after the services. Questions- call 479-4131 or email the office.

Newsletter Publication dates:

July 4, 18, Aug 1, 15, 29

Summer Outreach
UUCM's commitment to outreach doesn't end just because it's summer.

There is a real need for diapers and wipes for families with children at Homeward Bound's shelter.
There are more than 6,000 children in the Bay Area who need foster care. Not a single county (including Marin) has enough foster parents to serve their children in need.

Becoming a foster parent can offer rich rewards, and often transforms foster parents as well as the foster children in their care. Here are some great reasons to become a Marin County foster parent:

Live With Purpose.
Become A Success.
Build Your Family.
Share Your Values.
Watch A Child Bloom & Grow.
Be Part of A Miracle!
Family Camping Trip Sly Park: July 11 - 14
(reservations still available)
Thursday, July 11th through Sunday, July 14th
. Sly Park - Hazel Creek camp on Jenkinson Lake just outside Pollock Pines on Highway 50, can accommodate tents or RVs.  (more information about Sly Park)

Cost-about $25-30 per vehicle per night (pets are $5/night extra).

RSVP Mikey (mikey@biosearchtech.com) (415.320.5054) or for questions.
Hospitality Committee Needs You
cookies The Hospitality Committee is very much in need of folks to tend to this vital part of our congregational life.  The Committee's mission is to supervise and assist with planning and executing events such as potlucks, Christmas Eve service, and also keeping the kitchen in good order and stocked with supplies.

Monique is ending her two year stint on the committee and Dani can't do all this alone. Can you help, maybe even for just a year?  Please contact Monique Webster or Dani Lundbaek. webster-dejong@verizon.net, dani.lundbaek@yahoo.com

So far we have not heard back from anyone.
Saying Goodbye
roses We are saying goodbye to our Nursery Care Provider, Heidi Eberle, at the end of this month. She will not be coming back in the Fall. Even though she loves all the kids so much, she needs to spend more time with her family on Sundays.

So, thank you Heidi for your time and attention. We wish you the best and hope you will come visit us.

Heidi's last day with us is June 30th. Your child may want to have the opportunity to say goodbye.

Jeffrey Melcher
Dir. of Religious Education
Social Justice Education/Action Activities
Because the Winter shelter is closed until mid-November, there will be an even more pressing need (if that's possible) at the Mill St. Shelter and for the Street Chaplain's Tuesday night dinners.
Please keep an eye out here for details as needs arise.
Homeward Bound of Marin is the primary provider of shelter and services for homeless families and individuals. They seek volunteers to represent the program at Marin Farmers Markets. 459-5843 
Members and guests are invited to take advantage of the Sunday Social Justice "Table" to promote a favorite cause or project. Perhaps you want to circulate a handout or a written petition (or refer people to electronic online petitions.) Arrangements must be submitted for committee approval in advance. figleafjoan@comcast.net 453-6221
I appreciate any feedback on this weekly newsletter.   groupemail@uumarin.org

eWeekly Deadlines:
Mon. by 8 pm - activities and announcements, staff columns, committee reports
20th of each month - Sunday services

Summer Newsletter Publication dates: deadline Monday 8 pm before publication date

July 4, 18, Aug 1, 15, 29

Submit your news by email

Complete email submission guidelines

Production Editor: Lisa Cohen  

Proofreader: Lorayne Hansen  


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin

240 Channing Way

San Rafael, CA 94903