UUCM Email Weekly!  
In This Issue
Sunday Worship Service
Contemplative Service
This Sunday: Balazs scholar speaker followed by potluck
Chip's Clips
SPARK - December - Religious Education Connection
UUA and Used Book Fair
UUCM Retreat, Walker Creek Ranch
Choir Director Search
Holiday Share 2012
Social Justice Items
Upcoming Dates
November 29

December 9
Deck the Halls

December 9, 16
UUA and Used Book Fair!

December 9
Pathway to Membership #2


 Monthly List of Church Meetings/Events   

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UUCM Connect  with "subscribe me" in the subject line.  A group for UUCM members who want to sell, give, buy or trade goods or services or make referrals.


Chip's Clips 


Religious Education Connection     

Pacific Central District UUA

PCD Currents

Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) 

UU Legislative Ministry, California (UULMCA)

Standing on the Side of Love - UUA Advocacy to Stop Oppression

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Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)   

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We cherish
diversity and
welcome among us
people of all races,
cultures, ages,
abilities, sexual
orientations, and
faith perspectives.

GUESTS are always welcome.
Sunday worship is a time for
inspiration, renewal, and connection.


CHILDREN AND YOUTH  Join adults during the first part of the service, and then attend Religious Education classes. Nursery and toddler care is provided during the 10:30 service. 


REFRESHMENT HOUR  in the Courtyard or
Fireside Room follows the services.


 There are 4 "Sunday First Time Visitor" parking spots at the top of the parking lot.  

Come, join us! 

Staff Links
Rev. Chip Wright


Administrator: Janette Morrow


Pianist: Milton Wong  milton.wong@goaaa.com  
Pastoral Care:  

Chair:  Carol Littrell 883-9676
 Partial Resource List 

Minister's Schedule
 Rev. Chip Wright

Office Hours:

Tues., Wed., Thurs.
10am to 3pm
phone: 415-479-4131
or email
Rev. Chip: minister@uumarin.org 
MRE's Schedule
 Director of Religious Education
Rev. Dara Olandt

Office Hours:

Intern's Schedule
 Ministerial Intern
Irene Stefanko

Office Hours:
Tues., Wed., Thurs


November 29, 2012

Issue #191

Sunday Worship Service chalice

Dec. 2, 10:30 am: Encountering the Other
Rev. Adel Nagy with Worship Associate Karen Auroy


You are on a trip out of state. You stop in a caf�; the place is busy; you stand there hoping for a seat at a table. The only empty spot is next to a person listening to Fox News on a large screen TV. You hesitate, then ask if you can sit down. You end up in conversation. What do you discover about this person, not the politics, but the person?

Rev. Adel Nagy is this year's Balazs Scholar at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley.


Past services  (this page contains audio of 8 past sermons) 


View future service information online        

Contemplative Service

Our Lay led Contemplative Service is from 9:00-10:00 am on Sundays in the Fireside Room.        

The  Contemplative Service is a small circle gathering that includes short readings and time for discussion and sharing of joys and concerns.  We meet in the Fireside Room. Leadership for the remainder of the year is as follows:
 Sunday 12/2/12 Jan Seagrave    
 Sunday 12/9/12 Katie John Blikensderfer   
 Sunday 12/16/12 Chip Wright    
 Sunday 12/23/12 Susan Pryor    
 Sunday 12/30/12 Carol Kerr  

All are welcome to join us.  

This Sunday, Dec. 2:  Balazs scholar speaker followed by potluck
snake dove After this Sunday's service we can greet and meet our speaker, Adel, at a potluck luncheon in Fellowship Hall.
If you are coming to the luncheon bring the following items according to your last name:

A--G  Main course
H--N  Salad/vegetable
O--Z  Dessert
Chip's Clips
Rev Chip Wright
Reverend Chip Wright 
December, 2012

Another winter season here
The days grow cooler and the night's cold.
A time of gathering and sharing the ancient stories
Tales majestic, hard to reconcile with truth, but so much fun in their own way;
Real stealth meanings carried like magic in their telling over and over.  
Stories called out melodic tone over tone
Like a loon song heard through the heart's ear
Maybe we like the loon's song
                  Like we do winter's
For the tales and the telling that is
At times the secret
               A pathway to the heart's hearth
Where our fires burn still
On cold winters nights
Where together warming our hands and feet we await
            The angels of a heavenly host to keep the fire wood coming
                  And the old woman of the lake to makes sure the pot is full of boiling rich soup
                                  With just the right amount of salt
And sweet cookies that shower down from the tree tops
As the forest nymphs set them free with each wing beat!
All this from a winter's story and a fire in the heart
Where the cup of life is forged again this winter, for another turn
Around the Sun!                             
Chip Wright 2012 
SPARK - December - Religious Education Connection
Rev. Dara OlndtReverend Dara Olandt 
December, 2012

As we enter into the Holiday Season please note the exciting upcoming events scheduled in Religious Education.


We are also pleased to announce the arrival of Heidi Eberle as our new Nursery Care Provider. Heidi brings years of experience providing professional care to young ones. Please stop by the Nursery Care Room to welcome her aboard!


And... mark your calendars for DECK THE HALLS - DECEMBER 9th at 12pm. Come play, create and decorate UUCM's Fellowship Hall! If you have a holiday craft idea you would like to see included in this year's Deck the Halls OR you wish to help or lead an activity at this fun for all ages event, please contact our Ministerial Intern, Irene Stefanko at intern@uumarin.org.


As the darkening days of winter approach, may you shine brightly, and may you find ways to share your unique light with the world.


With Blessings,

Rev. Dara Olandt, Minister of Religious Education


Read more (RE calendar) 

UUA and Used Book Fair: Dec. 9 and 16
Purchase great gifts and benefit UUCM!  NEW books from the UUA and gently USED books donated by UUCM members.
Two Sundays! 12 noon-1:30 p.m.

December 9: Fellowship Hall
December 16: Fireside Room
Buy books at the table or order any title from the UUA catalog on Dec. 9, then pick it up on Dec 16. Cash, check, and credit cards accepted. For more information, email jengennari@gmail.com
UUCM Retreat, Walker Creek Ranch,
May 3-5, 2013, Committee members needed
Help make this the best retreat ever! We are looking for 4-6 individuals who would like to contribute their creativity and unique perspectives to help plan the retreat program.  The core part of the retreat consists of a series of workshops targeted toward different age groups, including outdoor activities, indoor activities, art, crafts, and discussion groups.  The most important job of the Retreat Committee Members is to help brainstorm workshop ideas, design the overall program, and help recruit leaders for the various workshops.

This is a limited commitment.  We plan to have no more than 5 monthly one-hour meetings (potentially on second Tuesdays, at 6:30-7:30, if that works for new people).  Most of our work can be accomplished through email and on Sunday mornings. If you are relatively new to our congregation or have never been to our retreat -- don't let that stop you!  Participating on the Retreat Committee is an excellent way to get to know people and become more integrated in the congregation, and we would love your new and original ideas.

If you are interested, please send an email to Thomas Ervin, Retreat Chair, thomas.ervin@comcast.net, or just let him know on Sunday mornings.
Choir Director Search
The UUCM Choir Director Search Committee is looking for an outstanding choir director.  If you know of anyone interested in the position, please refer them to the job listing under the About Us section of the uumarin.org web site.
Holiday Share 2012
The Novato Human Needs Program in partnership with the Marin Food Bank invites you to join us for our 40th Anniversary Holiday Share Annual Toy and Gift program


Donations of food and toys accepted at Novato Fair, November 24-December 14, 2 pm to 6 p.m.

Read more 
Social Justice Education/Action Activities
Wellness Dinner Thank you
Tuesday, November 20th was our last opportunity this year to participate in the Wellness Dinners through the Street Chaplaincy of Paul Gaffney.

We had a good turnout with enough food for all including those of us who contributed  the food!
Let's give a shout out for those people who made it such a success!  They are: Roddie Pistilli, Karen Auroy, Irene Stefanko, Judy Finn, Mary Bicknell, The Dan Millers, Carolyn Planakis, Sher Sheldon, Don Beck, Joan Nelson, Sally Schroeder, Mary Jo Beery, Anne & John Kouns, Jim Gronvold, Dione Christensen, Walt & Carol Littrell.  Many Blessings to all of you!  If you wish to be involved in the future, call or email Carol Littrell, 415-883-9676 or cjwlittrell@aol.com
Homeless Outreach
All year long, UUCM's Social Justice Committee enlists volunteers to provide meals for the Marin Street Chaplaincy dinners, also for the permanent Mill Street Shelter.
Each year, with the approach of the holiday season, we dig a little deeper into our congregational heart to find extra volunteers to provide Sunday dinners for the Women's Winter Shelter. This year's sign-up board, with a full set of instructions, is in the foyer. Confirm with Joan Nelson 453-6221. 
UU Disaster Relief 
The Central East Regional UU Disaster Relief Fund is accepting donations to help UU congregations and members recover from storm damage. Contributions go to: CERG-UUA - 100 W. 10th St., Ste. 1008,Wilmington, DE, 19801 
The UUCM Social Justice Committee has reinstalled a Food Donation Barrel where you can just drop in a food item on your way into the building. Please bring non-perishable packaged items.
Mill Street shelter, a branch of New Beginnings, provides housing for about 60 people per night.
UUCM provides dinner on the first Sunday of each month. If you would like to be a once a month cook, please contact Junemfesler@gmail.com. Food should be brought to church - it will be taken to Mill Street.
If you care about an issue or cause that you want UUCM members to know about, please bring it to our attention at the Social Justice information table at refreshment time.  To reserve a date: figleafjoan@comcast.net

UUCM encourages anyone and everyone to reach out and advocate for social justice (economic, environmental, civil) in the wider community. Please invite others to join you, and send photos of your action to the Social Justice Committee.

I appreciate any feedback on this weekly.   groupemail@uumarin.org

eWeekly Deadlines:
Mon by 8 pm - activities and announcements
15th of each month - Sunday services
20th of each month - all staff columns and committee reports
Submit your news by email

 Complete guidelines

Production Editor: Lisa Cohen  

Proofreader: Lorayne Hansen