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E-NEWS - a Community Service Newsletter for Natural, Holistic, Sustainable Living


Publishers Note: 
Fall 2012 Cover
Dear Insight Family,


Thank you for being part of the Insight Healthy Living Community.  We strive to keep you informed about the many wonderful offerings in our area that help you balance mind, body and spirit in order to live your best life.  We hope that you enjoy this newsletter and take advantage of  many workshops and offerings listed below.  Please be sure you tell them we sent you! 


The Spring/Summer Directory is nearly finished and will be available on the racks soon.  We'll let you know when we have them in hand.


 Rob & Stephanie

 Rob & Stephanie

This week's inspirational quote:


"The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it." 

Emile Zola   

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(530) 265-9255


Rare Opportunity! - Sound Healing CeremonyKathleenMcIntire 



Ancestral Sound Healing Ceremony 
with an introduction to the Andean Cosmovision- A fundraiser for the Tierre Nuna Ayni Center in Cusco, Peru


With Fred Clarke, Luz Marie Ampuero and Daniel Zevallos


This is a rare treat to have our Peruvian brothers and sister here in California for this fundraiser.  Come experience at a cellular level this profound Ancestral Sound Healing Ceremony and heart opening.  


Where:  MoonBear Sanctuary (10935 Scotts Flat Dam Road, Nevada City)

When:  Sunday May 19th 7:00pm- 9:00pm

Cost:  by donation: asking for $15-20 or as much as you feel inspired to share


RSVP or more information:  contact Cassidy at adeptflow@gmail.com  

Live your True SelfKaraAsilanis 


Your Heart Yearns for This.... Your Invitation to Move Out of Fear and Into Possibilities Once....  and....  for.... all...


Including the one vulnerability that aches the most - not bringing your gifts forward in the way they - and YOU - deserve!!!  


"This work led me to a freedom and joy I never lived before and I'm compelled to share. If you are ready, at last, to drop the crust of your history and live your true self, this gift is for you" says local artist Kara Asilanis, sponsoring this FREE Tele-class


On May 14th,  in this Experiential Teleclass, you'll savor this ancient art and science for the 21st century, guided by Transformation Acceleration Expert, Wendy Yellen. 


Cost:  FREE
When:  May 14th, 2013
For Details Register: www.eideticlifecoach.com/tc/

 or call Kara:  530-277-3319

Awakening to Inner BlissJanetRoseli


E-News Dates for 2013ENewsDates


To place an E-News or E-Flyer ad, please call 530-265-9255 

or email: publisher@insightdirectory.com, you can also find all of the details on our website at:  www.insightdirectory.com


Would you like to sponser a monthly E-News prize?  Call or email us and we will tell you more about why this is a great idea.




Important Disclaimer:  This E-Newsletter is intended to be for informational purposes only. We do not endorse, and nothing enclosed shall be deemed to be an endorsement, representation or warranty of any advertiser.  The information included with this eNewsletter is provided exclusively by participating advertisers and we do not verify, warranty, or claim that the professional's license, if applicable, is valid within the state in which he or she practices. You should always verify credentials of any practitioner to ensure that they are qualified to conduct a selected treatment or service as appropriate.