January 2016
In This Issue
Board of Directors


Ed Byers

Vice President
Thom Fladung

Amy McGahan

Carol Kovach


Rita Andolsen

John Betchkal

Mary Lou Brink

Toni Garbo

Jennifer Keirn
Russ Mitchell
Russ Mitchell

Lee Moran

Kathleen Osborne

Mary Patton

Denise Polverine

Joe Pulizzi

Todd Schneider

Past President

Michael Bennett

Lynn Bracic
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:: 440.899-1222
From the President - Ed Byers
For yours truly, it's déjà vu all over again - at least for 2016. I am looking forward to serving as your President once again.

We all need to thank Michael Bennett for his service as President for the past three years and I am happy to report that Michael will remain as a trustee on the Board.

I want to thank Thom Fladung of Hennes Communications for coming aboard as Vice President for the next two years and we welcome two new board members, Rita Andolsen of MetroHealth and Plain Dealer Business Editor Mary Lou Brink.

We kick off the New Year with some exciting programs. We invite you to come and meet Plain Dealer Editor George Rodrigue as he talks about his first year covering the CLE. "A Conversation with George Rodrigue" is on tap January 20th with a Noon luncheon at North Point Tower.

On February 15 we will examine the threat of terrorism right here at home with a panel discussion featuring noted experts:SACS Security analyst Tim Dimoff, John Carroll University Professor Emeritus Dr. Thomas Evans and nationally renowned school security expert Ken Trump.

There is another interesting discussion on the drawing board for March with Press Club Board member Joe Pulizzi discussing Content Marketing and its impact on journalists. Then, on April 8th we make our annual pilgrimage to Progressive Field's Terrace Club for a media coverage preview of the Republican National Convention.

I will wrap this up by saying I have no idea where this Club would be if it weren't for the dedication of Lynn Bracic and Debi Weslek who faithfully serve the Club administratively. They are always ready to answer any questions you may have at 440-899-1222 or email:  

Here's to a great 2016.

Save the Date - June 3, 2016 
The Press Club of Cleveland's 2016 Excellence in Journalism Awards
Do you have your best work of 2015 ready to enter?

Watch your inbox! Entry forms and information will be coming your way very soon.

The 2016 Press Club of Cleveland Excellence in Journalism Awards will be held Friday June 3 at the House of Blues, 308 Euclid Avenue in downtown Cleveland. Reception at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:30. 
Corporate Sponsors Help The Press Club of Cleveland Provide Sponsorships to Kent State Journalism Students

CLEVELAND (Dec. 18, 2015) - The Press Club of Cleveland, continuing its tradition of supporting the next generation of communications professionals, has donated more than $2,000 to The Press Club of Cleveland scholarship endowment at Kent State University's School of Journalism and Mass Communications in the past two years.

The fund had not received any new contributions since it was established in 1987 in memory of former Press Club President Dick Kostic.
The donations were made possible through the support of The Press Club of Cleveland's corporate partners, First Energy and Medical Mutual of Ohio. A percentage of their annual donations to sustain club activities are earmarked for the fund. In addition, a percentage of donations from Press Club event sponsors also fuel the fund. Those sponsors since 2014 have included Business Wire, Coca-Cola, Content Marketing Institute, Hathaway Brown School, Hospice of the Western Reserve, and Lincoln Electric.
The endowment fund provides scholarships each year to outstanding newspaper, online, magazine, broadcast news, photojournalism or information design students who otherwise may not have been able to attend KSU. They sometimes are also the first generation in their family to attend college. The added donations will help KSU increase the value and number of awards each year.
"Receiving a monetary award not only reminds us that we're on the right track, but also gives us financial stability, making a huge difference in students' lives," wrote one Press Club scholarship recipient. "I am extremely grateful for your efforts in giving back to students."
"We are grateful for the work Kent State does to educate and train the next generation of communications professionals," said Michael E. Bennett, President of The Press Club of Cleveland. "We look forward to seeing them take their place in the work world after graduation and make incredible contributions to the ever-changing fields of news media and communications."
Covering 2015 events through photos
Who's on 3, 5, 8 and 19?
Meet Cleveland's New TV Newsroom Leader Line-up  (4/17/15)

Press Club of Cleveland's All Ohio Excellence in Journalism

"The Race for Dominance 
Among Cleveland's "Big Three" Hospitals 

The Press Club of Cleveland's
Journalism Hall of Fame


Holiday Party (12/10/15) 

To view more photos from 
The Press Club of Cleveland events 
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