Begin the Lenten journey at our Ash Wednesday service with the imposition of ashes in the Sanctuary at 6:30 pm. Mary Ann Barclay will deliver our sermon. Pastor John Elford will offer ashes to passers-by on Guadalupe Street outside of the church at Noon.

A New Direction | UUMC's 2014 Lenten Practices Calendar
Copies of UUMC's 2014 Lenten Practices Calendar -- "A New Direction" -- are available for you beginning today at our Ash Wednesday service as well as our regular worship services during Lent. Please join us in this journey as we focus on spiritual practices including reflection, connection, awareness, discernment, taking things on and giving things up. To view an online version of "A New Direction" and its resources, visit

Rev. John Elford, UUMC's senior pastor, preaches at our traditional worship service in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11 am on "Will This Be on the Test?" (Matthew 4:1-11). Rev. Bill Frisbie preaches at our contemporary worship service, "The Well," in Harris Chapel on "Jesus' Final Exam" (Matthew 4:1-11).

Daylight Saving Time 
Don't be late for worship this weekend -- remember that daylight saving time kicks in on Saturday night, Mar. 8. Be sure to set your clocks ahead by an hour before hitting the pillow.

Meet Us in the Courtyard |After our 11 am worship services  
Go to lunch with members of UUMC after our late worship services as we meet up in the Courtyard for an informal meal together. This is a great way to get to know others in our community of faith. Hosts are Michelle Couden and Barbara Mason.


LGBTQ Fellowship | 12:15 pm, Explorers Room    

Our LGBTQ Fellowship group gathers for lunch (suggested $5 donation) and conversation after worship this Sunday. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Mary Ann Barclay, our Justice Associate, at     


University UMC's Social Justice & Mission Ministries 
Praxis is our online venue for news and conversations of social justice and mission at University UMC and the surrounding Austin community. Please contact Mary Ann Barclay, our Justice Associate, at with mission or social justice updates, opportunities, pictures or event notices. Click here now to visit and bookmark Praxis as you learn more about:  
News + Events
The Last Week:
Join in a discussion of Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan's book, "The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus' Last Days in Jerusalem." Borg and Crossan reveal a radical and little-known Jesus -- a more dangerous Jesus than the one enshrined in the church's traditional teachings. Using the Gospel of Mark as their guide, they present a day-by-day account of Jesus' final week. The authors excavate profound insights into the political and spiritual dynamics of Jesus' true passion, the Kingdom of God. Facilitated by Rev. Richard Strait.
The Meaning of Mary Magdalene:
Explore Cynthia Bourgeault's book, "The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity" during this discussion-based class. Mary Magdalene is one of the most influential symbols in the history of Christianity. Yet, there are few verses in the Bible that speak of her. How did she become such a compelling saint? Bourgeault uses the Bible, contemplative tradition, art, legend and newly discovered texts to answer the question. What emerges is a view of Mary Magdalene as Jesus' most important disciple, the one he considered to understand his teachings best. Facilitated by Rev. Susan Sprague.
The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting:
This is a practical and hopeful program for raising children who know that they are worthy of love, belonging and joy. Dr. Brene Brown proposes that the greatest challenge of wholehearted parenting is being the adult that we want our children to grow up to be. Drawing on her research on vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame, Brown invites listeners on a journey to transform the lives of parents and children alike as we cultivate wholeheartedness in our families. This class is for everyone -- not just new parents with young children! Facilitated by UUMC member Roxanne Huckabee.

United in Prayer Day | Sat. Mar. 15
Make plans to be a part of this year's international United in Prayer Day event at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, 7127 Bee Caves Rd., 78746, from 9 am to 3 pm. There is a $25 suggested donation for the event, which includes lunch, Centering Prayer periods, Lectio Divina, teachings and more. For details, click here. 
Come join your friends at UUMC as we celebrate our congregation's winter and early-spring birthdays. Contact Rev. Bernie Sandberg at 478-9387 or for more information about our ministry programs and fellowship events for senior members.

University United Methodist Church invites you to register online now for a weekend of teaching and conversation with Dr. Marcus Borg, one of the most widely known and influential voices in progressive Christianity. The weekend event -- "What Does It Mean To Be Christian Today?" -- includes a Friday lecture on "Reclaiming Christian Language" at 7 pm, and two Saturday lectures on "Finding the Sacred Today: Open Hearts, Thin Places" and "Radical Discipleship in an Unjust World" at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. Borg will preach at UUMC's Sanctuary worship service at 11 am on Sun. April 6. Registration for the Friday and Saturday events is $40. Student registration is $20. There will be question-and-answer sessions and book signing opportunities during the weekend.

Join us for an informal overview about life at UUMC. This is a chance to meet the pastors and leaders within our community of faith, ask questions and learn more about membership. RSVP to Rev. Susan Sprague, our associate pastor, at

Adult Sunday School classes are a great way to grow in your faith and make connections at UUMC. If you've wanted to check out our classes for adults but you weren't sure where to start, this gathering is especially for you. We'll have an introduction and overview of our classes, coffee, pastries and opportunities for conversations to help us get to know more about each other. For more information, please contact Rev. Susan Sprague at  

Lector Training Opportunity
Basic Lay Speaking Classes | Sat. Mar. 22 & April 5 at Crestview UMC, 1300 Morrow, 78757
This two-day class is being offered by the Austin District Lay Speaking Servants. It is open to anyone
who is considering becoming a Lay Speaker. The cost is $40. To register, please click here.

Flowers Needed 
Members are welcome to place flowers in the Sanctuary for our Sunday services. Arrangements cost $75. UUMC volunteers later use the flowers to make and deliver arrangements for seniors on their birthdays as well as homebound and hospitalized parishioners. We have many Sundays open in 2014. Please email the Church Office at to reserve your preferred date.