Salmon Bay Scool Banner
We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers

Main Office: 252-1720 - Attendance: 252-1728
Elementary Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1731
Middle School Volunteer Coordinator: Kristina Cerise 252-1730
September 18, 2015
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar
21: Picture Day
21, 23, 24:
K-8 Play Auditions
Middle School Camp Forms Due
23: 2-hour early dismissal
Welcome Potluck / FOSB Mtg (6-8:30pm)
24: Middle School Camp Chaperone Mtg (7pm)
28: Curriculum Night
2: Principal Chat (after Friday Morning Sing)
Fall Musical Revue Class Begins
Volunteer Training (9am)
Welcome to PIE Coffee Hour (8:40am)
Volunteer Training (6pm)

Early Release Day Activity
Need after school childcare for next week's early dismissal day? Our After School Program Committee partnered with Space to Create, a local favorite for art classes, to bring their program to Salmon Bay on early release days! Next week's session runs from 1:15-4:30 on Wednesday, September 23rd in the 2nd floor art room and is open to K-8 students. $30 per child (make check payable to "FOSB" and drop it off in the Volunteer Coordinator office). Space is limited. Sign up here to reserve a spot.
Drama Committee Offerings
The After School Drama Committee invites you and your children to participate in our exciting fall opportunities. Hurry to sign up, because we are already getting started! If you have questions, please contact Tara Kaine, After School Drama Coordinator.  
The K-8 Play Experience
Come join us for The White Witch: Parts 1 & 2 (based on some of the Chronicles of Narnia). Perform, run lights and sound, help with costumes, or assistant direct this epic adventure! Auditions are September 21, 23, and 24.  All interested actors, crew, and student assistant directors should sign up today on our sign-up genius page. The sign up deadline is 9am on September 21st. For details, including how/what to prepare for the audition, click here.

Musical Revue Class with Duncan Frost
In this class students will act, sing and dance their way through some of the best scenes and musical numbers from American musical theatre! This class for grades 4-8 focuses on learning core acting skills, vocal technique and commonly used dance combinations while students rehearse a short musical revue to be shared at the end of the course. No previous experience required, but students must be comfortable singing, dancing and acting on their own in a classroom setting. Class begins October 2nd. For details, click here
Before/After School Programs
Check back next week for a full listing of before and after school activities coordinated by FOSB. We expect to offer: Spanish, Coding, Unicycle, Chess, Science, and more as part of our fall program lineup!
Glyde needs a drill for her theatre tech and puppet making workshops. If you can donate a good drill with rechargeable battery to a good cause, please email Glyde.

Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to our weekly Bulletin.
Email submissions to Jodi or Kristina by
noon on Thursdays.
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! What better way to wind down after a great first week than to peruse your first Friday bulletin of the year?

We email a weekly bulletin each Friday afternoon. Bulletins are where we distribute information about school happenings, upcoming events, student opportunities, and more. Many of our fall events and activities are already starting or are just around the corner. Read on for details.
Monday is Picture Day
Bring your smile to school on Monday, September 21st because it's picture day! Individual pictures only; class pictures will occur later in the year. To order online, click here and use the code 02151G. If you are interested in volunteering to help please email Jodi.
First Day Packets
Your student brought home a packet of forms yesterday. Those of you who have been at Salmon Bay for a few years likely noticed that the packets have far fewer forms this year. Packets include only those forms that apply to all students. Forms with limited applicability and information-only documents are available on the school website and hard copies are available in the front office.

Please return your student's envelope, cover sheet, and all forms to the front office or your student's (homeroom) teacher by Monday, September 21st. 
Middle School Camp
We have an extremely tight timeline for getting the paperwork and logistics organized for middle school camps this year. Please help by promptly returning all forms and payments on or before Tuesday, September 22nd. Refer to your first day of school email for details regarding students who will take medication at camp, required volunteer paperwork, and the chaperone meetings on Thursday, September 24th.
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
Morning Supervision 
Students may not be on campus without an adult before 8:15am. After 8:15, students must be in one of three locations until the bell rings: playground/upper field, cafeteria, or library.  
Drop Off and Pick Up Locations
For student and family safety, do not drop off or pick up students on NW 65th Street or next to the bus zone on 19th Avenue.
Please drop off and pick up in the loading zone on the east side of the building (18th
Avenue). We ask that drivers do not drive north on 18th Avenue. Limiting the street to southbound traffic helps our crossing guard manage congestion and ensures all students are leaving and entering cars from the curb side of the street. Do not park in the loading zone or idle while waiting for your student. If you must enter the building for any reason, you must park elsewhere.

Seattle Municipal Code prohibits parking a vehicle within five feet of a driveway or alley. Help us be a good neighbor by respecting driveways, bus zones, and other no-parking area around the school.
Events and Gatherings
Welcome Potluck and FOSB Meeting
Join Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB) Thursday, September 24th from 6-7pm for a community potluck. All are welcome! Please bring a dish to share. FOSB will provide plates, napkins, utensils and water.

Following the potluck, FOSB will hold a brief meeting (7-8:30pm) with information and introductions to help you get connected and navigate the year ahead. Free childcare is available through Coho Kids Time during the meeting for potty-trained children. Email Danielle Steele by 9/23 to reserve a spot for your child(ren).

Welcome to PIE Coffee Hour
Stop by the cafeteria on Tuesday, October 13th from 8:40-9:40am for coffee and treats from PIE (Parent Information Exchange). This FOSB committee hosts speakers to talk with our  community about topics such as parenting, education, technology, social justice, and similar topics of interest. Come review our list of possible speakers for winter and spring and give us your input. 

Clothing Swap and Film Screening 
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 3rd! PIE is hosting a clothing swap at 6pm followed by the documentary film "The True Cost" at 7pm. Bring gently used child and adult clothing and/or come score something new. This 90-minute film is about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the fashion industry has on our world. Watch the trailer HERE.  Child care is being provided by Coho Kids Time.

Rock for FOSB 
Mark your calendars for a night of live music at the Sunset Tavern on Friday, November 20th. Join us for this benefit show featuring Acme Band, The Tripwires and Stereo Embers. Buy your tickets online now to make sure you don't miss out!
Salmon Bay School ||
1810 NW 65th St.
Seattle, WA 98117
(206) 252-1720