Salmon Bay Scool Banner
We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers.

Main Office Phone: 252-1720, Attendance: 252-1728, Fax: 252-1721
Elementary Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1731
Middle School Volunteer Coordinator: Kristina Cerise 252-1730
OCTOBER 3, 2014
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar

7 -   Curriculum Night (6pm Elem/7pm MS)

10 - No School 

11 - Painting Party (9am - 3pm)

13 - Potluck and Cynthia Lair Class (6-8:30p)

16 - FOSB Meeting

Faces of Salmon Bay
We'd like to introduce the following staff members to you...

Linda Illman is beginning her 10th year as a librarian at Salmon Bay. For her first two years, she shared the position with current Thornton Creek librarian Ginny Allemann. Linda still remembers the first book she read all by herself: The Whales Go By, by Fred Phleger. She's been fascinated by whales and other marine creatures ever since! Being able to talk to so many wonderful students, staff members, and parents about all of the fascinating books they're reading is one of the things Linda enjoys the most about being the librarian here at Salmon Bay.


Jaxie Binder is in her third year as the Reading Specialist at Salmon Bay.  Jaxie received her Master's in Education from Teacher's College and taught at PS 183 and The Dalton School in NYC.  When Jaxie taught at PS 183, it was one of the model schools for Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project.  When not teaching, Jaxie can be found playing guitar, violin, and singing.  You may also find her chauffeuring her 8th grader around town or texting with her older child who is a Freshman in college.   

Barbara Leuty is beginning her 8th year teaching Art at Salmon Bay, and her 2nd year teaching middle school as well as k-5. Barb is enjoying seeing students she taught in K and 1st grade progress and change as they become Middle Schoolers.

Barb is Canadian. She grew up in Toronto, lived way up north and taught in a First Nations School in northern Saskatchewan and then lived in Vancouver before moving to Seattle. She met her American husband backcountry skiing near Golden B.C. They have a big fuzzy dog which Barb walks in the Arboretum every day. Outside of school Barb enjoys kayaking, canoeing, camping, hiking, and skiing.


After School Program
Our Crazy Cakes and Lego classes started this week.  Chess Club, Debate Club and Made Sewing Class all begin next week. 
There is still room in all programs except Chess.  To sign your student up for an after school offering, pick up a registration form in the Volunteer Coordinator office.
Meeting Days/Locations


In The

Art Room: 

Made Sewing Class
Crazy Cakes

In The


Chess Club
Debate Club

Bricks 4 Kidz


After School Drama

Do you know how to sew?  The drama committee needs help making costumes for Willy Wonka.  If you are willing to help, please contact Lori or Edith.

Little Lending Library

Have you seen the adorable Little Lending Library in our front lobby? This library was donated to Salmon Bay by the Rue family and we are delighted to be able to share it with our community. Please feel free to donate a children's book to the library or borrow a new book.

Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to our weekly Bulletin.
Email submissions to Jodi or Kristina by
noon on Thursdays.
A Note From Your Volunteer Coordinators
Advertise in the School Directory
We love to feature businesses connected with Salmon Bay families in the school directory.  The money raised from advertising helps us provide every teacher and student in our school with a free directory.  If you own a business (or know of a business) that would like to advertise in the directory, please contact Kristina Cerise by October 10th. Ads are available in various sizes: 
  • $100 for a full page ad (8� x 11)      
  • $50 for a half page ad                            
  • $25 for a quarter page ad                    
  • $20 for a business card ad                  

District Training for Hiring Team Participants

When we hire staff at Salmon Bay, we include a parent on the hiring team. In order to participate in that process, you need to complete a district training. When we need a parent participant, we draw from the pool of individuals who have completed their district training. While there is no guarantee you will be called on to participate, we would like to expand our pool of approved volunteers. If you are interested in this process, you can get more information here.


Costume Racks Needed

To support our growing drama program(s) we could use at least two more costume racks on wheels. If you have one you aren't using, please contact Glyde



Weekend Food

Salmon Bay and the Ballard Food Bank are working together to provide weekend meals for students who are in need throughout the school year.  We provide 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 3 dinners, and snacks to students in need.  Food is distributed discreetly to students on Fridays for the weekend and can accommodate vegetarian and other dietary requests. To sign up, please contact

Kristina or Markos.



If you are willing to support this program by picking up food from the Ballard Food Bank each Friday morning, please contact Kristina.  




A hearty thank you to the more than 90 volunteers who helped with middle school camps this week.  Thank you for sharing your time and talents.  Your support makes great experiences possible for our students.  


Kelly Speight has been working with elementary teachers to level the books in their classroom libraries. It's a big job that makes a big difference for both our students and teachers. Thank you!


Thank you to Kelly Norton, Sharon Feliciano, Suesan Henderson, and  Holly Nochimson for their assistance on Picture Day. Your help handing logistics and supporting our students made the day flow smoothly and efficiently.






A Note From The Front Office


K-5 Lunch

Since we're wrapping up the first month of school, I wanted to recap the happenings in the lunchroom. In years' past, the noise and chaos level in the lunch room has been a problem. When I started as AP, a student gave me some sound but impossible advice, "Do yourself a favor and stay out of the cafeteria. It's just plain crazy!" In my opinion, chaos isn't good for digestion or for the learning that needs to occur after the fact. The truth is that our lunch room was in need of a cultural makeover.


To address lunchroom concerns, we made several changes. First, we increased the number of lunches so that there are fewer students per session. We assigned groups to sit at certain tables based on their homerooms. The idea was to have something to return to if need be. I strongly believe in the gradual release of responsibility model, but I deem it important to pay particular attention and intention to the "gradual" part of the model. Gradual release without gradual is just release. I believe in empowering kids AND I think it is imperative that kids are at a place where they can handle the power well.


After an initial brief culture shock, our students have really settled into some new lunchroom expectations and routines which we explicitly taught, modeled, practiced, and positively reinforced one at a time. In total, we've worked on:

  • ONE SEAT (choosing a seat and staying there),

  • RAISE HAND (if you need to get up to do something, raise your hand, a caring adult acknowledges, and then you take care of business),

  • QUIET CONVERSATION (using a 8" voice that is appropriate for a pleasant dining experience),

  • TAKE CARE (keeping food off the table and floor, cleaning up after yourself).

Please feel free to reinforce these expectations at home. Indeed, it takes a village!


Once a group practices and displays the expected respectful behaviors, they are then able to mix up their seating arrangement. For example, the third and fifth graders have already committed to the cafeteria expectations. They have enjoyed the power of choice for the last two weeks. The other groups are wavering a bit in their commitment but I am hopeful that they will be empowered soon. Once we've all found this rhythm, perhaps we could then shift to ambience: table clothes, flowers, place settings, mood lighting and music, etc.


If you would like, please come dine with us!


In partnership,




Curriculum Night
We are looking forward to seeing you at Curriculum Night.  Elementary parents, please come at 6pm and go straight to your child's classroom.  Middle School parents, please arrive at 7pm and go to the auditorium. 
There are still a few spots available at Coho fr childcare during the elementary portion of the evening. $5 per child; children must be potty trained. To reserve a spot, contact Kristina.
Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB)
Next Meeting

FOSB will have a meeting on Thursday, October 16th at 6:30 pm. 


Website Feedback

FOSB is beta testing a new website and wants your feedback.  Check it out and send your comments to Robin.

Fundraising News

Chinook Books 

Jodi already made back the price of her Chinook Book with a free Seattle Shakespeare Company ticket.  Kristina plans to buy one cupcake and get one free at Cupcake Royale then head down the street for a 20% off her purchase at Secret Garden.  How will you make back your purchase price?  Chinook Books are available for purchase until November 1st in the Volunteer Coordinator office.   FOSB keeps 50% of each sale.

Chinook Books: $20

Mobile App: $15

Combo Pack: $30


Ballard Market Receipts/Box Tops 

Keep those receipts and box tops coming!  We have already received hundreds of dollars through this program this year.  You fill your grocery cart and we fill our bank account.  Drop your Ballard Market receipts and box tops in the envelope on the fundraising bulletin board in the front hallway.   

EventsGatheringsSchool Events and Gatherings
Join us For a Painting Party
Come paint with us October 11th from 9am to 3pm.  Come for an hour or stay the whole time.   
Please RSVP to Mindy so we can plan an appropriate amount of work for the number of volunteers available.  We would also welcome donations of snacks and lunch items to feed our painters.  
Raising Healthy Eaters with Cynthia Lair
What should you feed those you love?  How can you get them to eat it?  Come find out Monday, October 12th.
Join Parent Information Exchange (PIE) for a potluck from 6-7pm in the cafeteria.  Bring your favorite healthy dish with copies of the recipe to share.  RSVP to Darcy for planning purposes.
Following the potluck (7-8:30pm), join Cynthia Lair in the auditorium for an uplifting and practical class about how to raise healthy eaters.  Cynthia Lair is the author of the popular cookbook Feeding the Whole Family and a member of the nutrition faculty at Bastyr University.


October is Walk-n-Wheel Month

Salmon Bay is excited to participate in Walk-n-Wheel month.  Each Friday during October, there will be a welcome station for kids who walk, bike, scooter, or ride the bus to school.  There will be punch cards for students to keep track of their progress. 


To volunteer with the Friday welcome stations or lead a Walking School Bus or Bike train, please contact Karen or Walker.

Community Announcements

Innovation Day

This Saturday (tomorrow) from 10am - 3pm, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is hosting a free family event around the theme of innovation. Come explore creative ideas, products, and organizations that help improve lives around the world. There will be many hands-on activities. 


Letters About Literature Contest

Each year, the Library of Congress and WA State Library sponsor a Letters About Literature contest for 4th-12th grade students.  This year's theme is: How did an author's work change your view of the world or yourself?  Students are not limited to writing about novels; they can also write about a life or world changing nonfiction book, poem, or play.   For more information, check out the contest website or pick up a handout in the school library.

Salmon Bay School ||
1810 NW 65th St.
Seattle, WA 98117
(206) 252-1720