Salmon Bay Scool Banner
We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers.

Main Office Phone: 252-1720, Attendance: 252-1728, Fax: 252-1721Website:
Elementary Volunteer Coordinator: Sharon Feliciano 252-1730
Middle School Volunteer Coordinator: Caitlin Racey
In This Issue
Salmon Bay School Committee Links
Looking to get involved?  Need the most up to date information from one of our Committees?  Check out these links!  (This area is currently being developed and will get more links as the weeks go by!)
 Parent Information Exchange (PIE)
 Direct Giving

Quick Links
Calendar of Events
For a more complete calendar please visit click here.

All, Elementary or Middle School
Oct. 30
8:00 -
9:00  AM
FOSB Coffee Hour
Oct 30

2 Hour Early Dismissal

Oct. 31
1:30 - 2:00 PM
Costume Parade
Upper Field
Nov. 1
1:00 -2:35
Middle School Dance
Nov. 1
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Family Potluck
Nov. 6
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Auction Planning Kick-off party
Caitlin Racey's House
Nov. 7
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Kim Estes - Savvy Parents/Safe Kids PIE talk

Click here to save this calendar to your google calendar.  This will open the calendar in your browser click the small +Google Calendar button on the bottom right to save to your personal Google calendar.

Monday, October 28
Assistant Principal's Note
A Learning Community


Salmon Bay K-8 features many wonderful attributes that help highlight us as an alternative option school.  One trait that continually illuminates the spirit of Salmon Bay is community!  My Webster dictionary defines community as a: "group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common."  At Salmon Bay, I witness teachers, parents, and students working to build relationships that strengthen our community.  

Yesterday, as I was shopping for some early history books at a local toy store, I ran into a former Salmon Bay teacher.  It was delightful to see the teacher and to hear about her new adventures in teaching; the highlight of the conversation was to hear how she had met with her former Salmon Bay teaching team for dinner the night before.  Later in the day, my family and I joined nearly 100 Salmon Bay students and parents at the Sounders Game.  Social activities like these help set foundational stones for a larger community.  

Over this last week, I have seen many wonderful examples of how teachers, parents and students have coordinated special activities and events designed to strengthen our community and the world beyond.  

  • Parents Walker Lockhart and Karen Dugan have faithfully coordinated weekly walk/bike to school events to highlight the Walk-n-Wheel month.

  • 6th grade teacher Katie guided a group of 6th grade students as they united to help improve our school bus zone by painting the curb with a fresh coat of paint.

  • An exceptional group of parents are actively collaborating to produce the next Salmon Bay theatrical event...Peter Pan (Showing on December 12-15th.)

  • Parent Stephen McGehee has been hosting after school sessions to teach students audio and visual tech skills so they can help manage equipment in the school.

  • Social Studies teacher Sam Olson has reached out to Sister Schools ( to coordinate a school supply drive for children in Uganda.

  • The Ballard Food Bank is connecting with Salmon Bay families in need by delivering groceries to our school through their Backpack Program.     

  • Science teacher, Melanie Shelton, is actively working with students and community members to coordinate a Fare Trade Fair and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, November 23.

  • Community members Gloria Forsythe, Julia Kuskin, Maria Gutierrez, and David Verba have stepped into the school to help as club leaders for our Friday Club dates in the middle school.

  • Everyday I see parents volunteering in classrooms to help create active and engaged learning environments.

Our fabulous volunteer coordinators Sharon Feliciano and Caitlin Racey are connecting and coordinating volunteers on a weekly basis.  Please contact them if you are interested in getting more engaged at Salmon Bay K-8 School.  Your help, ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


In the next week we have two great events coming up to continue to improve our community.  FOSB and Principal Jen are having a  joint coffee hour with parents to talk about facilitating communication.  We also have a family potluck on Friday evening, yet another opportunity for you engage as part of our community. Thank you to each and every person who strives to make this school the best school it can be.  



Elementary Volunteer Coordinator's Note

Hi Families!

It's a busy week!



Wednesday is  our first FOSB Coffee hour (starts at 8 AM in the cafeteria).  FOSB leadership and Principal Jen will be there to answer your questions.


Wednesday is also a two-hour Early release day.


Thursday is Halloween. We will be continuing the Salmon Bay tradition of having an afternoon Costume Parade. A few reminders:

  • Costumes should be non-violent/gory/scary.   
  • Masks and weapons are not allowed.
  • Costumes must meet school dress-code guidelines.   
  • Costumes should be culturally sensitive and in good taste.
  • DO NOT send you child to school in costume; classrooms that are dressing up will have kids change before the parade. Send costumes in a bag, label all pieces.

Friday is our Family Potluck from 6-8 in the cafeteria. Bring a dish, dessert or drink to share. This is a purely social event!  Come hang out with other Salmon Bay families!


Direct Giving starts on Friday, November 1st. This is the easiest fundraiser of the year; all you have to do is write a check! Every bit raised helps us bridge the gap between what we need and what the school district provides. It would be great if every family at Salmon Bay donated, whether that looks like one dollar or one thousand dollars for your family. A letter will be mailed home soon with more details. 


Our Auction Kick-off party is scheduled from 7-9 on Wednesday, November 6th at the home of Cailtin Racey. If you are new to our auction, this is a great way to get know more about how you can get involved. The annual auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we have jobs of all sizes and commitment levels. You'll also have a chance to meet this year's auction chair, Stephanie Lynch!

Enrichment fees:  we are finalizing details with our online payment processing service, and should have it up and running by the end of this week (fingers crossed!).  The day that it goes live, I will send home a letter detailing enrichment amounts and payment options for each class.  Please be on the look out, and thank you for your patience. As a reminder Enrichment Fees are the money that pay for field trips, artists in residence, camp and other programs that supplement the curriculum.  Each family is required to pay this fee or apply for a scholarship.  Thanks!


Have a great week!
Middle School Volunteer Coordinator's Note

Hello middle school families,

Welcome to what is starting out to be a beautifully sunny and busy week of school

  • 2 hour early release day Wednesday 10/30.
  • Fall dance for the middle school Friday 11/1 at 1:00 in the school auditorium.
  • Salmon Bay family potluck Friday November 1st at 7PM in the cafeteria.  Come and socialize/meet other families and bring a dish to share.
  • Direct Giving campaign starts on Friday November 1st so keep an eye on your mail for your donation form and help us make our second biggest fundraiser of the year a huge success.
  • Auction kick-off party is November 6th at 3218 NW 59th ST.  RSVP to 371-1309 so we know how many snacks to have.  Please come and see how you can help make this our best auction ever!   The auction is scheduled for March 1st.  

Earlier today I sent an email with some guidelines for Halloween costumes at school.  Please note that the Salmon Bay dress code needs to be  followed  and no masks or weapons are permitted.


Have a great week,  Caitlin

Lunchroom Notes

Salmon Bay Lunchroom Salad Bar opens today, Monday the 28th! Come by and see us.

Please keep bringing your Halloween & Dia de los Muertos art in this week to help decorate the new Salad Bar, thanks!


On Friday Nov. 1st we are serving homemade nachos- don't miss it!


Happy Halloween!



All School Information
Donate your Halloween Candy to the Troops!

Donate Your Halloween Candy To The US Troops in Afghanistan


Please donate your left over Halloween candy to the US troops! There will be a bucket in the main hall way on Friday, Nov 1 and Monday Nov 4 for your collections. I will also have an envelope if kids would like to write a quick note.


Thank you!

Bridget Goglia  

Family   Potluck!  

Friday - November 1st - 6pm-8pm - Cafeteria - 

Bring food or drink to share.  

*please label your dishes and utensils*
Enjoy dinner and socializing with your community!
Hosted by your newly formed Hospitality Committee.  Join us! 

Auction Kick Off Party!

Come and be part of the force behind Salmon Bay's biggest and most exciting  fundraiser of the year!   We will provide snacks and libations and you can sign up to help with one of the many fulfilling tasks that make this night such a success. 

  • When- Tuesday Nov. 6th from 7-9PM
  • Where-  Caitlin's house- 3218 NW 59th Street
  • Please RSVP to 371-1309 so we can plan on how many are attending
Volunteer Opportunity in the Office and Playground

Karen and Danielle could use a little help in the Main Office in the mornings between 8-8:45am.  If you would like to give a hand, please go here  to sign up for a day.


If you'd like to be an extra set of eyes on the playground during lunch Recess, please sign up here 


Questions?  Email Sharon!
Book Fair to Support Salmon Bay Library!


Mark your calendars! The Annual All-School Book Fair at University Book Store is coming up on November 15-18. 25% of purchases made during the Book Fair will be credited directly to our school library for the purchase of new books! This year Linda, our librarian, hopes to purchase many new social studies and science books at all levels to enhance the amazing projects happening in Salmon Bay classrooms.

How about getting a jump on your holiday shopping? In addition to an incredible selection of adult and children's books, University Book Store sells calendars, sweatshirts, greeting cards, art and office supplies and much more (25% commission does not apply to textbooks, electronics, caf� purchases, or gift certificates).

Free gift-wrapping and free validated parking is available.

Book Fair hours will be:

          Friday, Nov 15, 9-8

          Saturday, Nov 16, 10-7

          Sunday, Nov 17, 12-5

          Monday, Nov 18, 9-8.  


If you can't make it to U Book Store, or for friends and family that don't live close by, purchases made online from Friday, Nov 15 through Monday, Nov 18 will support Salmon Bay. Shipping is free! Check out next week's bulletin for online order information and for a schedule of fun events during the Book Fair.

Thanks for your support. Questions? Want to Volunteer? Contact Julie Kosev at or (206) 491-3133

Walk-n-Wheel Month Wraps up on Thursday!

Final Week of Walk-n-Wheel Month


Walk-n-Wheel month wraps up this week on Thursday, Oct 31.  We hope to see lots of kids riding and walking to school in their Halloween Costumes!  


We will host our final welcome station by the bike racks.  We will also collect the punch cards that students have been using to keep track of the number of days they walked, biked or bused to school to see how many trips we logged this month.  Students with the most stars will earn a cool prize and possibly a pizza party.


If you want to participate, but driving is a must for your family, try parking 4-5 blocks away from the school and walk in with your student.


Be safe out there!

Elementary School  Information

Elementary Yearbook Needs You!

Capture lasting memories for our children and help tell the Salmon Bay story.   We are looking for an Editor (or two), writer,  and  photographers.  The elementary yearbook will not happen without your help.


 Meetings will occur on an as needed basis as most work is done primarily via email or phone.  There are no sales or solicitations required as the cost of the yearbook is covered in the enrichment fees. We welcome any level of help from a one time offer of taking photos at an event to being a (co)editor who is responsible for everything  from conception to delivery of books.  If interested, please contact  Stephanie Johnson at .

Middle School  Information

Middle School Yearbook Cover Contest starts now!

Deadline November 4. Open to all middle school students. Submit to Glyde in Room 306. Front AND back covers. Must include name of school and year. Black and white only. School appropriate please! Must be original art work, no copying or tracing. Good luck! Glyde & the Media Arts students.

Ingraham High School Tours 


Private School Open House
(For families who are outside the SSD system)
November 13th - 7:00 PM - Ingraham Library

Ingraham Open House 2014 for incoming students
February 5th - 7:00 PM - Ingraham Auditorium

Ingraham High School IB Information Night
February 12th - 7:00 PM - Ingraham Library

Ingraham High School IBx Information Night
February 13th - 7:00 PM - Ingraham Library

Ingraham High School Day Time Tours
February 12th - 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Tour begins in the school Auditorium

Ingraham High School Day Time Tours
February 26th 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Tour begins in the school Auditorium

Questions? Call the Main Office #206-252-3888
All tours are for parents and students
No need to RSVP for tours or the night open houses.

Soccer and Ultimate Shirt Orders 


Ultimate Frisbee and Girls Soccer Sweatshirt Orders-

The girls soccer team and the ultimate team have all gotten sweatshirt/pants order forms from their coaches.  If your student didn't get one and you want to place an order please have your student ask their coach.  

District Information
Planning for Growth

Seattle Public Schools: Planning for growth

October 2013 update


Seattle Public Schools is creating new attendance area boundaries to accommodate our increasing enrollment and construction of new school buildings.

The initial focus is on elementary and middle school boundaries. High school boundaries will be reviewed at a later date.

The latest list of proposed boundary changes can be found online at: If you need access to a computer, there are public computers with Internet in the lobby of the John Stanford Center, 2445 3rd Ave. South, Seattle Public Libraries or ask your school administration.


Next steps:

  • District seeks public input via a survey from Oct. 14-25. The survey is online at:
  • Revised recommendations will be sent to the Board for the Nov. 6 meeting
  • A School Board vote is scheduled for Nov. 20.
  • If approved by the School Board, implementation of some of the new elementary and middle school boundaries will begin for the 2014-15 school year, although many boundary changes cannot go into effect until Building Excellence IV (BEX IV) capital levy construction projects are completed.

Please note: Regardless of what is approved, boundary changes will be phased in over time. Many changes cannot be made until construction of new schools or additions are complete. Current elementary students will be able to remain at their school through the highest grade. 

LGBT Dinner 

Seattle Public Schools' Health Education Office, Office of School Family Partnerships, and Department of Equity and Race invite you to join lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families and friends for dinner and conversation at NOVA/SBOC-World School the evening of Thursday, November 7th, 2013.  Dinner and activities are complimentary.

WHO?  All SPS students, staff and families are welcome at this event!

WHEN AND WHERE?  Thursday, November 7th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at NOVA/SBOC- World School (the old Meany Middle School) in the Lunchroom (Directions below)

WHAT CAN I EXPECT?  Dinner will be provided.  Craft tables will be available for younger attendees.  Members of the School Board and other District staff will welcome you. 


This will be a well-attended event, so reserve a space for you and your family today!  Please reply by November 5th.  Questions and R.S.V.P. to Lisa Love at 252-0982 or (let us know how many people are in your party).    

NOVA/SBOC-World School
(formerly Meany MS)
301 - 21st Ave. E., Seattle 98112 ~ (206) 252-3500

Friends of Salmon Bay Information
Notes from your FOSB Co-chairs

Notes from your FOSB Chairs


FOSB Coffee Hour

We are hosting a coffee hour this Wednesday, October 30th at 8 am in the school cafeteria. Please plan to join us. Principal Jen and parent leadership will be available to answer your questions, hear any concerns or compliments, and take your feedback about Salmon Bay. We are also hosting a coffee hour November 14th at 6:00 pm in the library right before the November FOSB meeting. We hope to see you there!


Direct Giving Campaign

You will soon be receiving an appeal as part of the Direct Giving Campaign. As a parent community we support our school in a number of ways. One of those ways is through raising much needed funds to help "bridge the gap" in our school budget. You will be hearing more about the impact of these funds and what a difference they make to our community soon. Please take a few moments to review the direct giving information as well as the accompanying Annual Report from FOSB.


We also want to highlight the efforts of our Direct Giving Coordinator, Monica Porter-Bohanan, who has been hard at work behind the scenes preparing for the campaign kick-off. This is Monica's second year volunteering to coordinate this important campaign. Many thanks Monica, for your hard work and leadership!


Salmon Bay Panthers: Perfect Ultimate Season!

Congratulations to our middle school ultimate players and coach on their perfect season! According to coach Mike Vacirca, the Panthers completed their regular season undefeated, and with a goals for vs. goals against differential of 53-18 over 6 games. Impressive!


Fall Bookfair

First off, thank you to Julie Kosev for volunteering to coordinate our fall bookfair. The book fair will be held at the University Bookstore from Friday, Nov 15 - Monday, Nov 18.  Mark your calendars! This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance our school library. The UW Bookstore donates 25% of our purchases as a store credit which is then used to purchase books for our school library.  It is also a fun community-building event and an easy way for parents to do some holiday shopping while helping out our school at the same time.


Library News

Our school library is such an important part of Salmon Bay, although you may not always hear about library plans and accomplishments. This week we wanted to highlight our library as well as the efforts of our school librarian, Linda Illman, who has shared the following report with us. (Thanks Linda!)


First, a big thank you to Jen and Brett for minimizing MAP impact on the library. This fall we did not need to cancel any regularly scheduled library classes and as a result, we have been able to accomplish the following:

  • This fall we had over 3,000 circulations (compared to 1,809 circulations last fall).
  • In the space of three Wednesday visits, 6th grade classes have had library and technology orientation. They have also had lessons on, and have been able to practice, using our catalog database to find "just-right" books using both quantitative and qualitative information.
  • I was able to collaborate on all phases of the 5th grade biome research project. This was a 3-4 week project in which students learned about finding and using relevant and valid sources. Library visits have also been used to practice and reflect on research successes and challenges.
  • Fourth grade students recently took an assessment of library and research skills. The data from the assessment will help focus class learning activities. A lot of the focus will be on research...identifying, looking for and evaluating sources.
  • 3rd grade classes have been working on small steps into online research using age-appropriate subscription databases. Students and parents were given a handout on how to access the databases from home.
  • Primary classes have been able to visit weekly, and are getting more practiced at using the library. I've enjoyed getting to know the new kindergarten students.


Moving forward, collection development will be about 50% nonfiction this year. We have a robust nonfiction collection, but the Sciences need updating. And because we don't use textbooks in Social Studies or Science, the collection is always changing as new projects are added, and existing projects are refined.

If you have any questions...please feel free to email Linda Illman, our librarian at 

Playground Update

The donor tiles have been engraved (they look super!), but the playground committee has decided that it would be best to wait until spring to install the donor tiles around the plinth. With the rain, general humidity, and air temperature, the mortar may not cure correctly and we want to do everything we can to make sure they last as long as possible. There are also a few broken tiles on one of the square raised planters that will be replaced at the same time.
Several loose stones on the new planters were recently replaced. If anyone notices a maintenance issue with the playground, please email Lance at The school district is aware of the giant puddles that form at each of the catch basins every time it rains due to roots blocking the pipes. Unfortunately, they do not have the budget to correct the issue at this time.

Please Vote!

Please vote!

Remember that Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. 


And, if you would like to get more involved and work to encourage your elected representatives to support public education--especially alternative education--in Seattle and statewide, please join the Salmon Bay Legislative Committee. Contact Erica Jorgensen at or 206 898-8535. Thank you!

Bylaws committee re-convening. 

Are you interested in good governance, enjoy robust discussions, and have time for three evening meetings? Then join the bylaws committee! As a practical matter, our bylaws haven't changed since 2009, and every few years it's a good idea to review them, make sure that they represent good governance, reflect the ways in which FOSB operates or would like to operate, and more. On the surface it may sound like dry and dull work, but past experience shows that it's engaging, informative, and useful to the wider community. Contact Robin Lofstrom and we'll determine the best times to meet between now and December's FOSB meeting. 


Rock For FOSB - Are you a wanabee rockstar (or an actual rockstar)?


You may have caught this news item in the Onion (America's finest News Source):  After months of ceaseless debate, including last week's record 76-hour filibuster slap-bass solo from Senate Rubber Band Minority Leader Bootsy Collins (D-OH), the National Funk Congress is no closer to resolving its deadlock over the controversial "get up/get down" issue, insiders reported Monday. 


Salmon Bay School parents and staff will be doing their part to resolve this issue amicably at our semi-annual Rock for FOSB, a night out with live music by & for parents/staff, past & present.  Whether you boogie down or prefer to rock it up, this is your chance to connect with the musically inclined adults in our school community.  Who will be the surprise guests this year?  Maybe it's you!  Save the date:  Friday November 8, starting at 8 pm, at your nearby Ballard Eagles [5216 20th Ave NW (between N Leary Ave & N Russell Ave) 


Jon Olver

Salmon Bay 6th grade Math



Direct Giving

Direct Giving begins this week!


November 1st is the kick off for the Direct Giving campaign, and every dollar counts!


Look for a letter in your mailbox towards the end of this week.    

Campaign Drive Dates: November 1 - December 31, 2013

GOAL: $40,000


Online donations! The new website for donations will be available in the next few days. Check our blog spot for the link.


Read more on our blog spot at: 


Salmon Bay let's S.W.I.M. to our goal!


Any Questions? Contact Monica  : 

Mini Grants Deadline Extended


Mini Grants

FOSB has $5000 to award in mini grants this year.  The deadline for submitting an application is Thursday, October 30, 2013.  Applications can be found in the office, by clicking this link or by contacting Katherine Ropp or Stacy Kalthoff ( ).  The Mini Grants Selection Committee will meet on Tue, Nov 5p.  Please RSVP to a treasurer if you plan to attend.  The grant recipient slate will be announced and voted on at the Nov. 14th FOSB meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Building Beautification Mini Grants

This year FOSB has set aside $5500 for Building Beautification projects.  At last winter's FOSB retreat, parents expressed concern for the state of our hallways and the lack the visual beauty at our school.  In response to those concerns, we have set aside money and are setting up a mini grant style process to give out the money.  If you have an idea for our school and want to take the lead in making that project happen, please fill out an application.  Depending on the scope of your project, you may need to coordinate with the district's Self-Help Department. (For more information, here is their website:  Applications can be found in the office, by clicking this link by contacting Katherine Ropp or Stacy Kalthoff (  If you are not sure which  application to fill out or which committee to submit your idea to, please contact Katherine Ropp.  Applications are due by Nov. 15
th. A committee is forming to select grants for funding.  If you are interested in sitting on this committee, please contact Katherine Ropp or Stacy Kalthoff (  The Selection committee will meet on Tue Nov. 19th
.The grant recipient slate will be announced and voted on at the Dec 5th FOSB meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
Community Announcements
Space to Create

Space to Create



 - Halloween inspired Early Release Open Studio this Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 1 - 4:30 
space is limited, pre-registration required. We will walk a group over from school.

- PJ Pants Sewing Machine Workshop - Nov. 6 & 13


- Art Based Middle School Girls Friendship Group - Nov. 5 - Dec. 10


And more....

Illumination Learning Studio - After School Program

Are you in need of an after school program for your child? Illumination Learning Studio has two amazing fun programs for children ages k-6.  Our after school programs include Drama, Piano, Technology, and homework help!  Our program runs M-F 3:00 -6:00.  On early dismissal days your child will come early. Visit us online at or stop in for a tour!


Salmon Bay School | | |
1810 NW 65th St.
Seattle, WA 98117

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