Albion College


A Will and a Way: Mikal McKoy Is Active in Causes on Campus

NCAA Champion - October 13, 2014 by Rachel Stark

Mikal McKoy was assigned two jobs when he moved in with his father in 2009: Get an education, and don�t get caught in the streets. McKoy listened, pulling in a 3.7 GPA, earning admission to Albion College and, it seemed, already sounding like a success story.

But by the second semester of his freshman year, the first-generation college student was back home in Muskegon, Michigan, living with his father and working at a metal factory that made automotive parts. Amid the uncertainty, McKoy was hit with a blow bigger than the prospect of not going back to Albion: His best friend and former high school football teammate, Quinton Miller, was shot and killed in Muskegon.

McKoy became determined to return to college, for both himself and his friend.


Albion College Receives Grant from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Creating hands-on learning experiences in the arts and humanities will be the centerpiece of a new program at Albion College, funded by a $100,000 grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation announced in September.

�This important grant recognizes the exciting potential within our arts and humanities departments here at Albion College, and it acknowledges the fine work that the faculty are already doing,� said President Mauri Ditzler.

The Mellon grant will support the introduction of humanities labs at Albion.


Lauren Daniels, '16, Designs New Art for President's Home

A brand-new piece of student art has become an instant historic detail of the Albion College President's Home. Designed by art major Lauren Daniels, '16, and created by Kalamazoo-based stained glass artist Lee Klade, two transom windows have been mounted in an interior archway on the second-floor landing.

"Seeing my sketches turned into big, stained glass windows was unbelievable," said Daniels, who returned to Albion before the start of classes in August to see the installation of the pieces.

Daniels was asked that her design reflect both Albion College and the President's Home, 501 East Michigan Avenue, with an aesthetic to match the house's Georgian architecture.


Classes of 1959, 1964 Win Race
for the Shield

Thank you to all those classes that participated in the Race for the Shield competition. Collectively the reunion years raised a total of $709,615.71 for the College from July 1, 2013, to October 3, 2014! Your dedication and support has made a large impact on Albion College.

The Class of 1959 won the Highest Total Giving competition with $210,851.92, and the Class of 1964 (pictured) won the Highest Giving Participation competition with 43.1%.

To learn more, and to see how much your class raised, visit our Reunion Giving webpage.

Rock-Solid Gold: Albion Geology Celebrates 50 Years

In 1964, Albion College officially launched its Geological Sciences program.

The faculty was a one-man expedition: Larry Taylor.

"It was a good time to establish a geology department because enrollment was expanding and a Ford Foundation grant was obtained to aid in expanding College facilities," says Taylor, a professor emeritus since 1998 who credits former Biology Department Chair Bill Gilbert for his oversight of the new program's earliest days. "In addition, a National Science Foundation grant was later obtained to support the geology program."



Nominations Needed for Young
Alumni Awards

The deadline for nominations for the 2015 Young Alumni Awards has been extended until November 7, 2014!

The Young Alumni Awards recognize noteworthy and distinctive achievements made by alumni who have graduated from Albion College within the past ten years.

Access the online nomination form and submit your nomination by November 7.


Britons Continue Community
Service Work

The 18 student-athletes on the Albion College women's basketball team took a break from the opening week of practice Oct. 16 to continue its community service projects when they helped at the Albion Community School's book fair.

Women's basketball players also volunteered at Healthy Babies Day in September.



Highlights from the 'Albion Tomorrow' Inauguration Panel

Albion College's 300-seat Towsley Lecture Hall was nearly full with students, faculty, and members of the Albion community September 11 as they listened to a panel of experts talk about "Albion Tomorrow: The Liberal Arts College as Partner in Community Revitalization."



campus events
Alumni Events
Athletic Schedules

Karen Kline, '83

Albion's referral program is a great way for me to share Albion College with some wonderful high school students in a way that is natural and comfortable.”


Read Karen's Profile

In The News

Restored President's Home Renews Historic Link to Community

Paul Dixon, ’83, Says Nuclear Needs to Be A Viable Part of Our Energy Mix

Bohm Theatre Shines Again During Reopening Ceremony

Derek Burkholder, '04: Protecting Sharks Off Florida’s Eastern Coast

Prof. Tim Lincoln: Hubris Biggest Roadblock In Climate Argument

Restored Movie Palace Sharpens Albion's Downtown Hopes

Biology Prof. Dan Skean Offers In-Depth Look At Albion's Trees

Sara Jongeward, '14, On Fashion Inspired By Art

200 wins, 30 seasons for Ed Greenman, ’81

MLive Slideshow: President's House at Albion College

fun fact

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